Funland Adult

Added by :
Milly Money
Created :
1 years ago
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Remember the E ticket at Disneyland?

It was the best rides, the most fun. The E tickets came in a coupon book and they were the most coveted, years ago when Dizzyland used tickets and didn't cost your year's salary to get in!

The E Ticket is a creation of Cuteulala and is absolutely amazing!! Come check it out, have some fun, relax, unwind, and as always turn off AO's before rides!

Each ride has a control box or panel located on it, be patient and look for it, and have fun!

Funland awaits you, like most places in Opensim not too crowded unlike Amusement Parks we go to in RL!

A giant Park with places to relax, eat, and then ride ride ride!

A little work is sometimes called for to find where the ride is activated, be sure to sit and secure!

If you enjoy please leave us a like for the Region, we'd appreciate it! :)

The E Ticket Amusement Park.

Good eats and better rides, come stay and play, in this wonderful playland!! Great for the whole family, just opened!

All thanks to Cuteulala :)

Mistressdalgato: After paying a lot of money for this it was a shame that it was all the suddened released for free. if everyone has the same oar then there is nothing unique to set grids apart. im in no way begin dis... 1 years ago

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Reviews (2)
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thedeeferry Yup, what Abbi said. (❁ ^ワ^)That place was fun!
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