Dismayland Adult


Added by :
Spax Orion
Created :
1 years ago
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Greedy Creek (Swamp Diminishment) District PRESENTS: Dismayland!
A thought experiment run AMOK: What if theme parks were truly honest with their customers?

This isn't a typical 'fun fair'. After your initial passage through security, you'll get dumped in the middle of a bog infested with deadly reptiles and other forms of hostile creatures. The CEO is corrupt, the games are rigged, the staff are disgruntled and the attractions are nefarious! These attributes alone can cause one to wonder whether they will get a hysterical or odious excursion. For these reasons, children will not be permitted at Dismayland. ADULT AVATARS ONLY.

Is this ART or RUBBISH? Why can't it be BOTH? Dismayland has been in development for over 3 years and we are finally able to deliver a virtual holiday which contains original content that cannot be found anywhere on hypergrid. Many of our attractions were made in-house. We also improved upon existing works to bring an unforgettable experience to our visitors.

The park is appropriately named: Equity is enforced at Dismayland and all attendees will be required to comply with the following guidelines:

Before someone complains, be aware that this is all PART OF THE USER EXPERIENCE we envisioned when this theme park was being developed.

1. No Children, no flying and NO CAMPING. Use your viewer's AO.
2. Classic avatars only, leave mesh and prim attachments at home.
3. Anyone who is easily offended or sensitive to scenes of death should avoid this place.
4. Read the Ozone Miniverse rules at the entrance, compliance with our edicts are mandatory.
5. Don't be a JERK! Be nice or BE GONE!

It takes REAL SKILL to create a decent looking avatar using only system hair and wearables... ARE YOU UP TO THE CHALLENGE? Anyone caught cheating the system will be awarded a permanent ban from Ozone Miniverse.

Do you need a system avatar but do not want to make it yourself? Visit our Content Embassy on OSgrid: hg.osgrid.org:80:xoaox

Thanks to: Opensimworld, Satyr Aeon, Greybox Darkward, Joe Builder, Chopsy Bode, Jimmy Olsen, Prince Amor, Ves Lecker & Frank Funfair who's contributions made this project possible.

If you are still reading this, be prepared to immerse yourself in a binaural experience like no other. Wear headphones, sounds will change as you move about the park. Make certain you allow all scene elements to load before wandering around. Posters in the landing area illustrate the best settings to enjoy this simulation. There is peril throughout the park. Can you find all of the instant death scenarios? It is possible to explore the sim without getting hurt, just watch your step and do not go near things that look dangerous; but WHERE'S THE FUN IN THAT?

Note: Any grids or entities banned from Ozone Miniverse will not be able to enter this sim. If you are unable to enter from one grid, use your ALT from another grid and try again.

Reviews and comments are disabled to discourage 'kill joys' from spoiling the surprises we have in store for visitors. If you are a glutton for punishment, you DO NOT want to miss Dismayland!

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