BestFakeSIM Group Access Only Adult


Is your life so miserable that you have to write something like this?

2 years ago - mark as helpful (8) - report

Who do you think you are Pagane?
This page is for showing Sims and stuff or Events.
Not for this shit.
You are not a number here and youre jealous?
Stop posting such a big bullshit.
Noone must fake something here. Some have more people as visitors, some less.
Thats the damn life.
Live and let live okay?
And btw NO I am not listed with a region here at top 10, but
I think it is not okay what you try to do with such a posting

2 years ago - mark as helpful (6) - report

Me gusta cuando la gente hace este tipo de cosas... xq me doy cuenta que estamos haciendo las cosas bien. Nuestro grid, no es NUEVO, nuestro grid apenas se esta REORGANIZANDO, y recibiendo nuevos usuarios, quizas fuiste en un horario en el que nuestros residentes estaban x ahi... BOTS? claro! quien no tiene bots? los bots en nuestro grid no estan para trafico... simplemente con ellos mostramos lo nuevo que fue añadido al mall . Banearte? no querido/a sigue visitandonos asi verás el progreso de nuestro grid gratuito! ( no me interesa si entiendes español o no, asi como te tomas el trabajo de ir x el hyper grid sacando conclusiones dañiñas sobre el laburo de otros... usa traductor) BY NICE :D

2 years ago - mark as helpful (4) - report

Silver Mare
Es ist eine Bodenlose Frechheit so etwas zu behaupten.
Ich kenne einige dieser Regionen und da wird NICHTS Gefaked....
So eine üble nachrede kann nur jemand schreiben, der selber nichts auf die Reihe bekommt.
Echt traurig das soetwas hier überhaupt geduldet wird.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (4) - report

Lets get one thing straight Pagane - on your grid you have a screen shot from I Love You with 4 avatars ringed - these are NOT alts - they are the people (a) who own the grid, (b) are working on the grid, (c) are in different countries and (d) were sitting in the welcome area discussing plans. We have your visit logged, like all visits to our grid. I suggest you get your facts right and do not tar everyone with the same brush. And if you dont understand this then use Google translate - its FREE the same as OpenSim. We are like Google, we make the rules. There are laws about making false statements ....

2 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Karen Mansour
Hate to tell you I Love You Grid isnt in the top 10 now and when we were it was genuine visitors - the New I Love Grid has no need or wish to be associated with this - its fake news - we dont have hacked OSW beacons - its our home and home to many loyal visitors. Also we are in the process of building and testing ready for our move from zeta ... so get your facts straight.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Antonia Ling
The biggest fake in Opensim? Pagane!!!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

from @KrisPatrick 29 minutes ago
We never forget.

And "Kris", about naked - yes i walk naked and with very big BOOBS, and ride mans not dildo!
P.S. Can you use your real name? Hmmmm ......

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

CyberGlo CyberStar
well land sakes hunny... i ne'er did know folks done is here kindly stuff till yunz all branged it too my atentchun. Lord-a-mercy pagane, I shore 'nuff was distraughtalized and suffered a great big ole dang sub tantial mount of mennal illniss over 'is here kindly thang. i tell ye what. some fellers just plum dang askeered of thur own shadduh. not me, o no sir eeee. i reckin i can handel 'is sorta mess. up yonder, where i come from, all us folk, just throw on anuther mess uh turnip greens an puts more sets aroun the table. do yunz try to git along an play nice an what an all...

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

is your life so empty that you feel bashing hard working people is all you have to do.. If any grid or region is abusing stats you are.. Im sure you never had 53 people on your region.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Bobbi Fox
I think we all know enough about you now Pagane to discount anything you say and know you for what you are a thoroughly nasty little troll spreading fake news with your constant snarky comments and your child sex avis. Our new Iloveyou grid (still in beta testing stage) has good rankings becaue it is a residential sim with -yes- actual residents, large home parcels and regular events. Incidentally all our beacons are genuine OSW. You have a nice day hun!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report