Tropicana Haven Adult

Tropicana Haven
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Created :
2 years ago
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Beautiful hang out Real traffic no fake alts . all bots been added to beacon so not fake traffic here . Mall and Roleplay sim for everyone come Meet new people every Day all welcome . please be sure to take a look both sides of the sim, Perfect all FREEBIES to copy location to eat, work, meet friends and go You Drop-stop of at the café or bite to eat in Mc Donald's lovely all-night cinema or walk in the park keep Your bags filled up and have fun.
Great friendly community loads roleplay Growing on daily bases loads Jobs here police fireman or why not come be a Nurse or Doctor .

free gifts for residents here . gets Lonely on the sim on my own come join me and lets make this a community please ask if need more prims added

Theses all things I have found around the grid plus something's I have made myself

Never Buy in open sims

come Say Hello. meet New friends coming soon Events .life singers and dating site keeps eyes open always new added along the way

please note all is free for any reason I have missed anything or the sim has gone down setting everything back please notecard item you Like so can send them too you free thank you and for your understanding .

Now Hiring Dj's & Host you keep all Your Tips . Live singers welcome to message too .

New Valentines items ready for that special person coming soon we have made some best sex stuff new to the game wont be found anywhere else please keep look out

Sex .cuddles bdsm and much more on this sim come take look around bring someone special have great time along the way

* If you feel anything in my mall is one of your creations and you want it taken down message me and the item will be taken down immediately. x

please respect we have worked hard here I do not mind you coming taking things ANY FREEBIES passed thru the Grid are NOT the responsibility of lakeview Grid or affiliates! We DO NOT SUPPORT COPYBOTTING and WILL BAN anyone caught using it! HOWEVER, WE WILL Not BAN based on what you acquired in OpenSim Freely. Each Region Owner takes responsibility for their own content and holds Lakeview/homelandz Grid and affiliates harmless from DMCA or any and all legal Action. UPLOAD & SHARE at your own risk.

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Last checked:
2 years ago

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
DJTKO love my friend Tannedbabe sim its so nice lot of work put into it i been helping a lil bit as well when i can lovely mall role playing creating a afk sex spot real soon dont miss it <3
Franknbug Love the build of this place, Easy to get around and find things, The staff is wonderful, especially the lady I ran into the day I went. She was so helpful,honest,kind,patient , she took her time and was so beautiful, then to find out she was the OWNER OF LAKEVIEW SHOPPING,

Region Comments

Brilliantly designed region. Has a great "feel" to it, also, which I believe is most important. Quality build. And Tanned Babe (the owner) is extremely friendly, helpful and supportive. Highly recommended as the "go to" place for all things Open Sim.
Tanned Babe was very polite and super helpful to me and my friend while shopping there! Two thumbs up!
Awesome place to visit. Friendly owner, who is there to help. Great selection, and lay-out. Thanks for sharing Tanned. :)
Thank you Hun very grateful