NW Welcome

NW Welcome
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2 years ago
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Your new tropical paradise home starts here. Unlike other opensim worlds, we have operated for almost seven years. we promote DRAMA FREE living. We are a building/creation grid -- if you are creative come see us and see why we have been called the most beautiful opensim grid. We offer tons of free parcels. Mariners Bay has 35,000 meter parcels with 8000 prim limits for free. With millions of miles of useable water. We do not interfere or micro-manage you. We don't operate like a cult with mandatory sit-ins. Why would you live anywhere else?

HELP WANTED: EVENTS MARKETING SPECIALIST -- duties include posting events in our various social media accounts and adjusting the calendar as needed, and also finding new talent to join our events roster. Must have experience in social media, and be able to set aside about a half hour a day to post events inworld as well as on the internet. Will be compensated with full rights region owners and also tips and more is negotiable. please contact neverworldgrid@gmail.com if intersted. serious applicants only.

Adjacent to NW Welcome is Free Apartments which is perfect for new comers who need a place until they explore our vast free parcel areas.

start out in our welcome area and find free mesh avatars, free parcels, events, and places of interest and SHOPPING

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