Je voudrais vous parler, ce jour d’une confusion trop fréquente concernant les likes sur le site OpenSim World
Le probleme provient des likes donnés aux photographies.
C’est gentil mais ce n’est pas vraiment le but recherché.
Les likes, sont à l’origine prévus pour les terrains, établir leur classement, leur position de manière générale,
Donc, liker une photographie est bien mais cela n’aide pas le terrain, car il faut le liker aussi.
Car on trouve des photographies avec beaucoup de likes, alors que le terrain en a quasiment pas .
Ce qui est un problème !
Si vous pouviez y penser à l’avenir, merci pour ceux qui travaillent sur leurs terrains, quelque soit la réalisation,
Enfin, autre point :
Comment pouvez vous visiter un terrain en quelques secondes ?
Merci d’avoir lu, bonne journée.
I would like to talk to you today about an all too frequent confusion about likes on the OpenSim World site
The problem comes from the likes given to the photographs.
It's nice but that's not really the goal.
The likes, are originally intended for the grounds, establish their ranking, their position in general,
So, liking a photograph is good but it doesn't help the field, because you have to like it too.
Because we find photographs with a lot of likes, while the field has almost none.
Which is a problem!
If you could think about it in the future, thank you for those who work on their land, whatever the realization,
Thank you.
Finally, another point:
How can you visit a plot of land in seconds?
Thank you for reading, have a nice day.
| SheaButter: I wouldn't say seconds. But if it is hard to move around, because so beautiful, need more than 5 min to load everything. Then the experience, becomes a move along. For instance, a club who wants to be... 3 years ago |