
Events Archive

Day After Easter Party @ Alternate Metaverse 4/10/23 11am-1pm

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-04-10 11:00 SLT
Yes you read it right, its the day AFTER Easter Party @ Alternate Metaverse! We will be so busy with the last day of the Great grid-wide Easter Hunt that we are waiting till the NEXT DAY! Monday, A0pril 10th 11am-1pm aboard the Aurora II Luxury Cruise Liner, Setting sail for Easter Town! Your hosts & Djs are Sofee Supermarine & Ted Junior. Get all "bunnied up" or come as you are!...just do come!

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Mr Mikie String Live-Aurora II- The Beat Jazz Club 12noon

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-04-04 12:00 SLT
Mr Mikie String Live-Aurora II- The Beat Jazz Club 12noon April 4

Mr Mikie String brings his smooth as silk singing voice to The Aurora II Luxury Liner April 4th 12noon-1pm For an hour of good times & great music! Mikie is a sultry crooner of
Jazz / Lounge / Love Songs & Ballads. Join us at The Beat Jazz Club, Aurora II,
SevenSeas Region, Alternate Metaverse Grid

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Valentines Day @ Sea on Aurora II - 4 Live Performers 1-5pm 2/14

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-02-14 16:00 SLT
Tuesday, February 14th from 1-5 PM Aurora II Luxury Liner sets out on the SevenSeas region for a day of beautiful Live Music & Romance in the Party Room. 4 Live Performances by

1PM Clan Escotia & The Clan
2PM Cataplexia Numbers Sings Live
3PM Harper (live vocals) & Sum (amazing sweet the sound) Dual Stream
4 PM Acoustic Energy - Live acoustic Guitar & Vocals

Don't miss this incredible Valentines Day Party ...Feel the Love!

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Valentines Day @ Sea on Aurora II - 4 Live Performers 1-5pm 2/14

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-02-14 15:00 SLT
Tuesday, February 14th from 1-5 PM Aurora II Luxury Liner sets out on the SevenSeas region for a day of beautiful Live Music & Romance in the Party Room. 4 Live Performances by

1PM Clan Escotia & The Clan
2PM Cataplexia Numbers Sings Live
3PM Harper (live vocals) & Sum (amazing sweet the sound) Dual Stream
4 PM Acoustic Energy - Live acoustic Guitar & Vocals

Don't miss this incredible Valentines Day Party ...Feel the Love!

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Valentines Day @ Sea on Aurora II - 4 Live Performers 1-5pm 2/14

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-02-14 14:00 SLT
Tuesday, February 14th from 1-5 PM Aurora II Luxury Liner sets out on the SevenSeas region for a day of beautiful Live Music & Romance in the Party Room. 4 Live Performances by

1PM Clan Escotia & The Clan
2PM Cataplexia Numbers Sings Live
3PM Harper (live vocals) & Sum (amazing sweet the sound) Dual Stream
4 PM Acoustic Energy - Live acoustic Guitar & Vocals

Don't miss this incredible Valentines Day Party ...Feel the Love!

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Valentines Day @ Sea on Aurora II - 4 Live Performers 1-5pm 2/14

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-02-14 13:00 SLT
Tuesday, February 14th from 1-5 PM Aurora II Luxury Liner sets out on the SevenSeas region for a day of beautiful Live Music & Romance in the Party Room. 4 Live Performances by

1PM Clan Escotia & Clans Band, perfect sultry voice for Valentines Day
2PM Cataplexia Numbers Sings Live (her debut on the AuroraII)
3PM Harper (live vocals) & Sum (amazing sweet the sound) Dual Stream
4 PM Acoustic Energy - Live acoustic Guitar & Vocals

Don't miss this incredible Valentines Day Party ...Feel the

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Mr Mikie String sings Live-Aurora II- The Beat Jazz Club 12noon 2/7/23

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-02-07 12:00 SLT
Mr Mikie String brings his smooth as silk singing voice to The Aurora II Luxury Liner
Jan 24th 12noon-1pm For an hour of good times & great music! Mikie is a sultry crooner
of Jazz / Lounge / Love Songs & Ballads. Join us at The Beat Jazz Club, Aurora II,
SevenSeas Region, Alternate Metaverse Grid

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Karaoke at AMV Aboard Aurora II- Wednesday 1-4p @ SevenSeas

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-01-25 15:00 SLT
As part of Burns Night we are moving Karaoke today to Elegance Ballroom aboard Aurora II Luxury Liner!
A Karaoke event for all musical tastes, in the style of RL Karaoke clubs.
Music is streamed to a wide screen TV via your MEDIA PLAYER & Sang In VOICE. Most songs have scrolling texts with color visual prompts, others may just have texts, you may even find a few without.
3500 Karaoke tracks!

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Karaoke at AMV Aboard Aurora II- Wednesday 1-4p @ SevenSeas

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-01-25 14:00 SLT
As part of Burns Night we are moving Karaoke today to Elegance Ballroom aboard Aurora II Luxury Liner!
A Karaoke event for all musical tastes, in the style of RL Karaoke clubs.
Music is streamed to a wide screen TV via your MEDIA PLAYER & Sang In VOICE. Most songs have scrolling texts with color visual prompts, others may just have texts, you may even find a few without.
3500 Karaoke tracks!

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Karaoke at AMV Aboard Aurora II- Wednesday 1-4p @ SevenSeas

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-01-25 13:00 SLT
As part of Burns Night we are moving Karaoke today to Elegance Ballroom aboard Aurora II Luxury Liner!
A Karaoke event for all musical tastes, in the style of RL Karaoke clubs.
Music is streamed to a wide screen TV via your MEDIA PLAYER & Sang In VOICE. Most songs have scrolling texts with color visual prompts, others may just have texts, you may even find a few without.
3500 Karaoke tracks!

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Mr Mikie String sings Live-Aurora II- The Beat Jazz Club 12noon

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2023-01-24 12:00 SLT
Mr Mikie String brings his smooth as silk singing voice to The Aurora II Luxury Liner Jan 24th 12noon-1pm
For an hour of good times & great music! Mikie is a sultry crooner of Jazz / Lounge / Love Songs
& Ballads. Join us at The Beat Jazz Club, Aurora II, SevenSeas Region, Alternate Metaverse Grid

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Aurora II Cinema Premiere Day - Grid Videos 10am-12noon

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2022-12-12 10:00 SLT
It's Cinema Premiere day at the Movie Theater aboard the Aurora II Luxury Liner! Come watch favorite videos from around AMV!

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Beccca Baxton -Aurora II 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 3-4pm

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2022-12-10 16:00 SLT
Aurora II Luxury Cruise Liner 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 9am-4pm
3pm-4pm Beccca Baxton Live

At the Grand Ballroom aboard the Amazing all inclusive Aurora II Luxury Liner at the SevenSeas region, Alternate Metaverse Grid! Saturday December 10th, 2022- the First Anniversary of Aurora II (287,120,32)

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Zoree Jupiter Live-Aurora II1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 2pm-4pm

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2022-12-10 14:00 SLT
Aurora II Luxury Cruise Liner 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 9am-4pm

2pm-3pm Zoree Jupiter Live
3pm-4pm Beccca Baxton Live

At the Grand Ballroom aboard the Amazing all inclusive Aurora II Luxury Liner at the SevenSeas region, Alternate Metaverse Grid! Saturday December 10th, 2022- the First Anniversary of Aurora II (287,120,32)

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Clan Escotia Live Aurora II 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 1-4pm

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2022-12-10 13:00 SLT
Aurora II Luxury Cruise Liner 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 1-4pm

1pm-2pm Clan Escotia & The Clan Live
2pm-3pm Zoree Jupiter Live
3pm-4pm Beccca Baxton Live

At the Grand Ballroom aboard the Amazing all inclusive Aurora II Luxury Liner at the SevenSeas region, Alternate Metaverse Grid! Saturday December 10th, 2022- the First Anniversary of Aurora II (287,120,32)

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BG Singer Live - Aurora II 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 12n-4pm

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2022-12-10 12:00 SLT
Aurora II Luxury Cruise Liner 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 12n-4pm

12noon-1pm BG Singer Live
1pm-2pm Clan Escotia & The Clan Live
2pm-3pm Zoree Jupiter Live
3pm-4pm Beccca Baxton Live

At the Grand Ballroom aboard the Amazing all inclusive Aurora II Luxury Liner at the SevenSeas region, Alternate Metaverse Grid! Saturday December 10th, 2022- the First Anniversary of Aurora II (287,120,32)

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LoneWolf Live Aurora II Luxury Liner 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 11a-4pm

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2022-12-10 11:00 SLT
Aurora II Luxury Cruise Liner 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 9am-4pm

11am-12noon LoneWolf Genesis Live
12noon-1pm BG Singer Live
1pm-2pm Clan Escotia & The Clan Live
2pm-3pm Zoree Jupiter Live
3pm-4pm Beccca Baxton Live

At the Grand Ballroom aboard the Amazing all inclusive Aurora II Luxury Liner at the SevenSeas region, Alternate Metaverse Grid! Saturday December 10th, 2022- the First Anniversary of Aurora II (287,120,32)

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Aurora II Luxury Cruise Liner 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 9am-4pm

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2022-12-10 10:00 SLT
9am-11am Dinkies Party on Aurora II
11am-12noon LoneWolf Genesis Live
12noon-1pm BG Singer Live
1pm-2pm Clan Escotia & The Clan Live
2pm-3pm Zoree Jupiter Live
3pm-4pm Beccca Baxton Live

At the Grand Ballroom aboard the Amazing all inclusive Aurora II Luxury Liner at the SevenSeas region, Alternate Metaverse Grid! Saturday December 10th, 2022- the First Anniversary of Aurora II (287,120,32)

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Aurora II Luxury Cruise Liner 1st Anniversary Party 12/10/22 9am-4pm

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2022-12-10 09:00 SLT
9am-11am Dinkies Party on Aurora II
11am-12noon LoneWolf Genesis Live
12noon-1pm BG Singer Live
1pm-2pm Clan Escotia & The Clan Live
2pm-3pm Zoree Jupiter Live
3pm-4pm Beccca Baxton Live

At the Grand Ballroom aboard the Amazing all inclusive Aurora II Luxury Liner at the SevenSeas region, Alternate Metaverse Grid! Saturday December 10th, 2022- the First Anniversary of Aurora II (287,120,32)

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CLAN and Clan's Band ROCK THE BOAT!

SevenSeas 2 years ago | 2022-11-11 13:00 SLT
Watch the skies and you might spy
A heli with a band arrivin'
Such a beautiful cruise, and here's the best news:
Clan plans on rock and rollin!
Full steam ahead on the Aurora II
The cruise ship in Seven Seas
On the bow of the ship, a dance floor, don't slip!
Or you'll be sleepin' with the fishies!

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Morning Yoga w/ Cataplexia June 2nd, 9-11 AM Aboard Aurora II

SevenSeas 3 years ago | 2022-06-02 09:00 SLT
Cataplexia is hosting a morning Yoga event on the Aurora II Luxury Liner! Join us for some spine tingling moves and great company! Dress is yoga pants, sweats, body suits. I`ll bring the animations, you bring the moves! Thursday June 2nd, 9-11 AM.

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Easter Party on the AURORA II at the SEVENSEAS with Party DEEJAY SOFEE

SevenSeas 3 years ago | 2022-04-16 10:00 SLT
16th April is where the EASTER BUNNIES all coming out to PLAY.. Save the Date and Time to join us in an Eggspagtacular Party!!!! Come as you are or Dress to the Occasion, it is up to you.....

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Aurora II does Electro Swing with DeeJay Sofee at Barneys on the SevenSeas

SevenSeas 3 years ago | 2022-03-23 10:00 SLT
Join us from 10:00AM - 12Noon with the best 2022 Electro Swing with Party DeeJay Sofee

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Ballroom Dancing onboard the Aurora II at the Ballroom

SevenSeas 3 years ago | 2022-03-09 09:00 SLT
Get into the Strictly spirit with DeeJay Sofee with amazing music guaranteed featuring your Favourite Ballroom Music -
Cha Cha, Foxtrot, Jive, Lindy Hop, Mambo, Pasodoble, Quickstep, Rumba, Samba, Tango, Viennese Waltz and The Waltz.
Hope to see you there :-))

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Blues Spirit and Soul with DeeJay Sofee onboard the Aurora II at The Beat

SevenSeas 3 years ago | 2022-02-23 09:00 SLT
A fun, laid-back Blues Club that serves up down-home tunes in a relaxed atmosphere where people feel at home, the conversation is good and the staff is friendly.
The atmosphere might be relaxed, but the music's hot! with DeeJay Sofee
Hope to see you there :-))

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The White Party (Dresscode WHITE) in the Lounge onboard the Aurora II

SevenSeas 3 years ago | 2022-02-16 09:00 SLT
(DRESSCODE: WHITE) at the Lounge onboard the SevenSeas.
Aurora II is throwing a White Party! Get dressed up in white and come party with us.
Partying out to sea on the ocean waves is a truly unique experience, the like of which you won’t have many opportunities to enjoy during your lifetime.
Join in the Fun on the Aurora II
Hope to see you there :-))

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Jazz Session with DeeJay Sofee onboard the Aurora II in The Beat

SevenSeas 3 years ago | 2022-02-09 09:00 SLT
DeeJay Sofee will be Playing for you a variety of Jazzy Tunes from 10;00AM (pst) at the "Music Jazz the Beat" one of the friendliest Jazz Cafés on Opensim
Come dance with your date or meet someone new. The surroundings are warm and the people are friendly and fun.
You'll find yourself laughing at the open chat as you become a part of the family.
Hope to see you there..

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Burns Night Dinner and Dance on the Aurora II with Clan and his Band

SevenSeas 3 years ago | 2022-01-25 09:00 SLT
Burns Night on the Auroa II
A Dinner & Dance
Addressing the Haggis by Clan Escotia
followed by traditional tunes
and Clan and his Band live


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Disco Roller Skate Party on the Aurora II Cruise Ship

SevenSeas 3 years ago | 2022-01-19 09:00 SLT
Join DeeJay Sofee for some Roller Skating Fun.
Strap on your roller skates and join in the fun at the Aurora II Cruise Ship for a D.I.S.C.O Party in its own Roller Rink.
Come dance with your date or meet someone new.
Hope to see you there..

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All you need is JAZZ on the Aurora II Cruise Ship

SevenSeas 3 years ago | 2022-01-12 09:00 SLT
DeeJay Sofee will be Playing for you a variety of Jazzy Tunes from 10;00AM (pst) at the "Music Jazz the Beat" one of the friendliest Jazz Cafés on Opensim
Come dance with your date or meet someone new. The surroundings are warm and the people are friendly and fun.
You'll find yourself laughing at the open chat as you become a part of the family.
Hope to see you there..

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