ArcadiaShop Adult

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Arcadia Shop is an unique experience of mesh items for your convenience, Kinky Shop is a collaborative project with Okie Meow to bring OS Collar to the Open Sim community.
All the content is made from scratch by us.

Arcadia Shop presents: The Lazy Stream.

As some of you may know, I've the kind of personality that enjoys social contact but it takes a huge deal of energy to do so, leaving me happy but completely exhausted. In other words I'm an introvert.

Of course, I'm not the only one! There's many of us around and for you, dear introvert I came up with The Lazy Stream.

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5 PM Grid time I'll live mix a style of music.

Ballad Monday: only ballads, slow, romantic songs.
Tuesday: It can be either rock and rock & roll or funky / jazzy + some dance.
Wednesday: I'll mix either slow pop or dance oldies or reggae.
Thursday: dance or EDM or fast oldies.
Saturday: trance caturday.

This program will vary a bit every week and will be played at the hidden disco at my store so you can come to dance...
You can also access the stream directly from your web browser: so you can listen to the music, very away from those pesky social interactions.

You can chair dance, you can be lazy: hence The Lazy Stream.

Some considerations:

I'm mixing live so errors can and will happen.
The Lazy Stream lasts one hour only from 5 PM to 6 PM grid time, I don't want to monopolize people's time.
It always ends with one specific outro song, if you hear that song you'll know the stream is ending.
And finally the link above exists only when I'm streaming, otherwise nothing will come up if you click on it.

I may add a reminder at the events part of the day's style but I won't spam you on the main time line, perhaps once a week I'll present you the weekly program, but that's it, I dislike the permanent event spam, so ... I won't do it myself!

Wish me luck, and I hope that you like the music I'll play.

Oh, today's is Dance Thursday.
Product Update: Arcadia's Weather System

After some script-fu, careful EEP new presets and particle magic I added a "Snow" function to the beloved weather clouds.

Now you can choose either a rain + thunder or a snow fall.

It comes in EEP and non EEP versions for if you want to rez more than one system in a sim and have just one controlling the parcel's sky.

If you have already a weather system set up, just edit it, set the transparency to zero (even if it says zero), this will force the slave clouds to become visible, then edit linked on , select the old master cloud and unlink it, rez the new master cloud, select the slave clouds and link them to the new master and you're done!

tl;dr: just replace the old master cloud with the new one and you will be ok as the slave clouds didn't change and they're compatible with the new script.

Let it snow let it snow let it snow =D

Happy Saturday!
New Release: Arcadia's Panda Hoodie.

This took me a while to make, it's a release for girls: a Panda Hoodie.

It comes in two versions: with the hoodie and down.

It comes in three models: Flat chested, regular chest and big breasts.
But it's also fitted mesh so it will vary according to your shape sliders too.

It comes for two kind of avatars: System avatar and Ruth 2 v.4.

While I don't support athena I've seen it wore and it fits too, but I can't guarantee a perfect match.

It includes all the textures for the hoodie and the alpha layer inside each hoodie object.

Did you know?

I've a set of grand art deco lamps. Personally I believe that the style dress any house with an elegance that only the empire style can match (google it and fall in love with the empire style hehe).

My set comes in two versions, fully automatic to rez and forget and manual with options of different intensities and colours. It has two models, a wall mounted one inspired in art deco theatres and the ceiling mounted lamp inspired in grand train terminals.

Happy Friday (yay Friday!).
Did you know?

When I made the beach house I realised immediately that I would need a new type of lamp for it, to illuminate it at night and so I made the most unassuming object of my store, the modern wall lamp.

it's a very normal looking fixture that's one single prim per lamp, you need to set it up since i did some trickery to make the light cone to point down and out a bit, but once it's setup and you drop the included script inside you can have a whole house lightning system that will light up beautifully every night without making you concern about mundane things like seeing where you're walking =)

Happy Wednesday!
Did you know?

The Tiki Torch I offer at my shop follows the modern setup of the ones I have at my home in real life, it's a bamboo stick cut radially and tied around a bottle with a wick, you can use parafinated alcohol or kerosene and they cast a beautiful light at night but they are very susceptible to the wind.

My torches works with one simple script, you rez the master and then as many slaves as you want and link them to the master. Ready! Now the torches will turn on and off automatically at night time. I made the script as lag-less as possible it just look at the sun and when it's under the horizon it turns on the torches =)

Happy Wednesday!
Did you know?

The mate (pronounce it as mah-teh), is the name of a very local infusion like tea: the plant is called yerba mate, it has a very unique flavour and it's mainly consumed in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. The way of drinking mate is put ground yerba mate leaves on the recipient (also called mate, because we love to confuse people), and then add water. You drink it through a metal straw called bombilla.

My mate is a literal copy of the one I use everyday at home, it's a giver so when you click on it, it'll give you a mate and a thermos to refill it, exotic!

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know?

I've always been fascinated by pennyfarthers, they're so elegant and graceful and HUGE!

The one I offer at my shop uses a very modified script of an airplane! But that's a secret, don't tell anyone!
The reason is that I wanted to bank when you turn and that was the only way I could find to do it properly but the side-effect of such atrocity is that the bicycle can jump unrealistically high as if it had a million balloons tied to it.

Also it's very challenging to drive over terrain, this is a civilized bike, for civilized roads... Which means you will laugh a lot trying to drive on rough surfaces, of course.

Happy Wednesday!
Product update: Arcadia's Espresso Machine.

Some people told me their coffee machines didn't work in their sims.
It was a difficult fix because I couldn't reproduce the error but I managed to fix it anyway.

If for mysterious reason your espresso machine won't work, take a fresh copy at my shop or at the shop at Wright Plaza.

If your coffee machine works then there's no need to update.

Happy Thrusday!

Thirza Ember: My favorite part of this machine is the twin frothers. 1 years ago
New Release: Arcadia's Chest.

I have already a chest in the shop, I never featured here because it was one of the first objects I made for Open Grid and it's primitive, it looks ok but it's cumbersome as it's two separate objects and that's unacceptably uncomfortable.

So I decided to make a new one, more ornate and slightly worn by time. It will match a medieval sim or a house that holds antiques.

You can open and close it and store small objects inside... and avatars!

Yep, this is an implementation of SFPoser, it's all controlled by it, so click and go to Options to open and close the chest but also to RLV capture an avatar and make it stay inside the chest for a while.

It features custom sounds, poses, textures and mesh and as always you can find all the textures stored in the contents tab of the lid.

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know?

Halls are tricky, those little spaces (or big ones) that connects a multitude of living spaces houses, which only function is to redirect transit. Do you fill it with frames and little tables?

Will you -ever- sit on those little armchairs?

Well I'm of the opinion that you can fill those spaces easily... with light! Lightning is paramount and so let me show you my art deco hall light.

It's fully automatic and it comes with two different textures, a brand new looking one, for a pristine presentation and a worn out one for a moody ambient. You rez it and forget, it casts a projector light so the ceiling won't be illuminated and since it's one single mesh object you can resize it at your convenience, it's all about options.

Happy Saturday! (Caturday! (do you remember that?)).
Did you know?

For some reason neko girls don't get enough love in open grid. To help this horrendous crime against humanity a bit I've made an old school stompers and kitty mittens for our feline friends.

They fit any kind of avatar and I included particle emitters for the paws and boots for when you feel extra-ravy. They come in white, so you can tint it to whatever colour you feel it matches with the rest of your outfit.

I also included a version without belts and strings on the boots, for a minimalist look.

Happy Sunday!
Did you know?

The mini platform is an unassuming utility thought to be used in public sandboxes or similar.

It provides a space where you can build in the air, from the control console you can move, rotate, rez a pose platform, lights, railings and a whole shell for improved privacy.

It features custom cams setups you can change with shift + left or right arrow keys so you can quickly enable or disable a function.

The mini platform is something I've been making since my days in SL, it removes the unnecessary mind clutter to let me focus on what's important: Build!
Did you know?

The bridges installed next to the shops are the very last pure prim builds I've ever did.

These relics of the past are still available on the shop, and I personally still use the bridge's columns for other purposes. This clearly demonstrates that prims have it's place in the metaverse along with mesh.

So give a hug to the nearest plywood cube =)

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know?

Arcadia Shop's building is a relic of the past, it was my first building in SL and I never used it there. In time it was a bit modernized with mesh floors but it's using the original textures I made for it (mostly fine marbles and noble woods).

It's floors represent the progression from earth to heaven, the base floor have thick windows frames and on the floor there's a compass: it's earth; the ceiling is a starry night the passage to the sky.

The first floor has bigger windows, thinner frames, it's all blue: it's sky and on the ceiling there's an angel (I draw that in gimp long ago), the passage to heaven.

The third floor is paradise, there's no walls and no limits, everything is golden and white and instead of having stuff to get, there's a place to sit and chill while admiring the view around, welcome to heaven =)
New release: Arcadia's Glasses.

To celebrate my new RL glasses I've decided to make a pair for everyone.

They're simple, un-rigged glasses for boys and girls with a nifty colour change script, just click on the glasses to make them match your outfit.

Boys have six colour choices and girls have seven (because pink has to be an option!).

It's a single object so you can resize it to make them fit perfectly to your avatar.

Also please read the manual to get tips about editing an attachment,

The textures are included inside the object for your mod convenience.

Happy Sunday!

If you ever need a little script utility that parses an HG name and "clean" it up from the regular format of "name.surname" leaving only "name" and "surname", feel free to take a copy of this

I just uploaded it, if you have suggestions just let me know.

Happy Monday!
As you may know OSG is moving their asset infrastructure to a new and more reliable datacenter. To do so it was necessary to copy a massive amount of data from the old servers to the new ones, this process begun months ago and it's almost done.

We're at the last leg now! Now they're transferring old assets and for a month you will notice (or not) that assets (notably notecards and old textures) won't be available in your inventory.

This is a transient thing, do NOT trash those, just wait for a month, they'll be accessible again.

In other words: old assets in your inventory that you haven't open in years won't be available for a month or so.

This will NOT affect whatever is rezzed on your sims.
New Release: Arcadia's Disco Lights

I have something for your dancing place today, it's a ring frame with disco lights and lasers.

It features custom animations (the lights/lasers are animesh) for smooth movements, the lasers can emit red, blue and a multicolour spread type of rays, and the whole ring can rotate too, so you can make movement patterns that matches your music.

Please read the manual this object requires your sim to be able to run the function osMessageObject.

Happy Sunday!
IRC Channel changes:

Yeah I know, almost no one uses IRC but for those who uses it:

Arcadia Shop has changed IRC server, you can use IRC to chat with others, ask questions and support.

The new channel is in Libera.Chat (, use with SSL connection) and then /join #ArcadiaShop in your favourite IRC program or a web app like

Happy Friday!
Did you know?

There's a small object that will make the life of the rope bunnies and bondage enthusiasts easier: The Wall Ring.

It's a tiny object that you can rez everywhere to attach the lockguard chains system, the ring itself is unscripted, light and a single piece of mesh so you can resize it at your convenience.

It can be place everywhere and it's a convenient anchor point for leashes, ropes and other particles.

Happy Monday!
Did you know?

In Spanish the name of these Nautical lights is "turtles" (tortugas), due it's shape and guard, even the cheapest models comes with an O ring that prevent water to get into the actual bulb part, it's the perfect light for outdoors.

The version I offer, made of the finest stainless steel and glass is completely automatic, so you can rez and forget them knowing that it'll illuminate around at night, it's light is warm and omnidirectional making it ideal for outdoor fixtures.

Happy Friday! (yay Friday!)
Did you know?

I don't explore around much as I'm normally too busy making stuff in blender, however being a lover of beaches I searched for a long time for a swimsuit for guys without any luck, regular male avatars receives little love so I've decided to change that.

My Bermudas comes in three different colours, it's fitted mesh so it should adapt to most shapes and may be it fit well also on mesh avies but take that with a grain of salt.

As most of my objects I'm including the textures in the box so you can customize your bermudas to make it unique for you.

Happy Wednesday!
Did you know?

Fitted mesh was a middle step between the classic mesh were you had to choose your clothes between several sizes and bento mesh that has a great deal of flexibility.

Fitted mesh adapts pretty well to most regular avatars but it's never perfect as you need to add an alpha layer to prevent parts of the avatar to poke through the clothes.

This minidress was one of my first attempts to make a fitted mesh for girls, it comes in several colours and I included all the textures in the box, so you can customize it to your taste perfectly.

Happy Sunday!
Did you know?

A good spotlight is always a good idea to highlight (no pun intended) some feature of your sim/shop or to have a focal light over an object at your home.

My spotlight comes in two versions: fully automatic to "rez and forget" and a manual version that allows you to choose the intensity and colour of the light and lets you turn on and off manually (the script has an automated version too).

It's a projector light, so for you advanced lightning system enabled guys you'll see that my spotlight will cast a realistic light. Editing it you can point it to anywhere to have a precise area of illumination.

Can you tell I'm a fan of lightning? =)

Happy Monday!
Did you know?

I've a railing kit available at the shop, it's inspired in aeronautic materials and construction, the holes on the supports are to reduce weight while keeping it structurally sound.

The kit is counter intuitive: the longest axis goes into the air and the handrail is hanging down instead of the usual arrangement. This adds a bit of interest at a visual level but also performs a practic function: It frees the pedestrian space so you can get as close at the handrail as possible without bumping against a piece of metal. The reason of that is my own experience stumbling upon railings in ocean cruisers, it's not fun.

If you want to see this kit deployed just visit my store, the platforms where the buildings are have those railings all around.

Happy Thursday!
Did you know?

The boots I offer at my shop were originally a shoe tutorial I made for my (now extinct) You Tube channel, where I showcased the importance of proportions since at that time all I saw was tiny shoes that didn't quite matched the anatomy of the average feet.

It's fitted mesh, it fits all avatars, either ruth 1 or other types of meshies you can find around. I guess if you have an extremely muscular leg it may clip but I'm not entirely sure.

It comes in four colours, including white so you can tint them to fit any possible outfit and of course I'm including the textures too for your customization needs.

Happy Saturday!
I've received some reports about objects not delivered in my sim, here's what I've found so far:

This problem will affect only to HG users, in particular from grids that uses the suitcase, that being said it won't affect all grids using it.

It seems to be some new phenomena, this started about a month ago tops.

You WILL receive the products you click, except they will appear in your inventory after a relog.

I can't do much about it but I'll report this as a bug at the open grid mantis.

So, tldr; this is just a bug that fixes itself upon relog, nothing to worry about but annoying nonetheless.

HG Magic, you gotta love it.
Much love guys, have a nice night.-

(Edit: I made that bonk hammer and pose for the pic, now idk what to do with it, so if anyone wants a copy of it IM me inworld)
Did you know?

The espresso machine is a replica of a Brevetti Gaggia coffee maker, circa 1950. It's a commercial machine suitable for bars and restaurants but thanks to the magic of open grid you can use it anywhere!

Since I love to suffer, apparently, I made every coffee type I saw in Wikipedia under "coffee", so the machine gives 8 different varieties, each with it's own cup, animations and bento hand poses. The coffee level goes down as you sip your cup until it's empty and then the coffee detaches automatically. No perma attachement.

Happy Wednesday!
Did you know?

The Personal Airship is loosely based on an illustration of the very first non-rigid dirigibles in the world. It's also realistically sized.

It was meant to be a comfortable hangout place you can drive around and it's still one of the most stress-less vehicles I've ever made!

Happy Monday!
Did you know?

The Fokker Dr.1 had a rotary engine, that means the whole engine rotated with the propeller, it was cutting edge tech for WWI! However those engines couldn't actually throttle, you could make it slightly faster and slower by modifying the mix of fuel/air and that was that.

My replica tries to emulate that by allowing you to throttle it from 70% to 100% only, so to land you need to actually cut the engine and if you want to stop once on land you need to turn your engine off, otherwise you will end smacking your tushy against something and no one wants that, right? =D

Happy Sunday!
Did you know?

I've two versions of the Stratoracer: the Mk.1 (left) is an older version, with less detail but it works properly on Bullet Sim. The Mk.2 (right) has more details, an automatic undercarriage and more functions, it works only on UbODE.


Because I wasn't able to replicate the smoothness of movement in BulletSim. So most of my newest vehicles are scripted only to work on ubODE.

That being said, you can try both at the runway at the Shop. =)

Happy Thursday!
Did you know?

The Lunar Roving Vehicle I offer at the shop is based on the Apollo XV mission, the first one that used the vehicle.

To make it as accurate as possible I found the original Boeing manual for the thing and copied it as best as I could, each Apollo mission had a slightly different LRV, particularly the tools it carried, this one was the simplest one so to save geometry and make it as light as possible I choose the very first one that went to the moon.

You can try it at the runway or just get your copy, it's easy to drive as it doesn't have gears, just sit and drive!

Have a great Wednesday!
New Release: Arcadia's Ghost Telephone

A nice vintage crank telephone you can rez to decorate your house.

If you sit on it, you can ask a question and receive a ghostly answer, just like a magic 8 ball.

But from time to time it'll ring by itself and if you answer you'll get a spooky story...

Read the instructions to know how to operate and a hidden option.

Available at the Main Shop and the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Happy Friday!

NineZero: Thank you, Love it! I appreciate all of your content. 7 months ago
It's been a while huh?

But I'm not exactly idle, I'm just working in a project that is taking for ever to finish.

In the meantime I have done a series of small upgrades in the following products:

Art Deco Desk, new animations and functionality on the props (and sounds).

Personal Airship, new camera reset functionality and access list (check the manual and the script).

Collars updates, the box contains an updated updater (7.0.1). You can get the updater alone at the shop too.

Have fun!

Jupiter Rowland: Duly noted. I shall get me the new version of the desk soon. 2 years ago
New Release (Kinda): Arcadia's Santa's Outfit

Yep, because you need a Santa's outfit and you know it!

This is a complete outfit for your avatar and a new object comes with it: the Santa's Hat. Originally it was a prim hat that wasn't up to today's standards so I made a nicer mesh one, it's a single object attached to the skull so you can resize it to fit your head perfectly, although some hair editing may be necessary to look fantastic.

You can find the hat (and the outfit) at the first floor (you guys in USA will call it second floor) at the shop.

Happy Saturday!
Did you know?

The XVII century bubonic plague that wiped 1/3 of the population of Europe was a horrendous time for doctors, who at the time believed in the miasma theory: They thought that the air contained some substance that carried diseases.

To prevent contagium they used these long beaked masks, it's purpose was to isolate the doctor from the miasma and to help with the odour from the bodies he had to work with, for that reason they used the beak to store aromatic herbs, some sort of Vic vapour rub, nightmare version.

Of course in time the masks lost part of it's dark reputation and today is part of costumes and alternative fashions.

My mask is a single mesh piece, not rigged, so you can resize it to adapt it perfectly to your own avatar. (Top hat not included, that one comes with the Monowheel, so get that if you want to wear the combo in the picture).

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know?

There's certain objects that as inconspicuous as they look they're actually so useful it's almost impossible to not have several copies of it around.

One of those was a fortunate accident, the round table. It was a small table I did out of necessity for a booth in an event, it was meant to be discarded... and turns out to have been one of the most popular objects I've ever made.

This is a single mesh object, so you can resize it at your convenience, it's unscripted (what do you expect a table to do lol), and there's nothing else to say about it and yet it fits most aesthetics and it's super useful to hold other decorations you may want to highlight.

Life gives surprises sometimes =)

Happy Thursday!
Did you know?

Long ago I saw that there was a very healthy selection of beanie hats around but none with ears. Why this injustice?
Have in mind this was almost 10 years ago. So I made a quick one, I didn't think much about it until I realised it was a very popular item, way more popular that I thought it could be initially.

Given the acceptance I made a second box with included hair, so it was easier to wear in a hurry, although now with mesh hair that shouldn't be such an issue.

It's a single piece of mesh, non rigged so you can make it as small or big as you need, it's very low poly and you can't tint it to the colour you need, it also have a band you can tint of another colour for variety.

Happy Wednesday!

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Reviews (12)
Overall Rating:
Jupiter Rowland At last, this place of legend has found its way to OSW. Seriously, go there. This isn't your typical "stuff I found on the Hypergrid" freebie mall. This is all original and very well-modelled, not to mention the wicked scripting in the items. Oh, and if you're a lady with a system body or Ruth2 v4, ...
Frank Hurt Aaack’s creations are all-original, fully-legal, and incredibly detailed. Ranging from avatar accessories and furnishings to a variety of both historical as well as imaginative vehicles, there’s really no one way to define this store’s offerings but to call them “eclectic”. Drive the giant steam-pow...
victorialogan all your creations are incredible, !!!

Region Comments

Thanks for the wall phone it's so much fun.
I'm happy you liked it!
firestorm beta here
right now I'm not sure how the latest release candidate reports itself. I added as beta but i may be wrong, in any case right nght now the shop is off line as I'm upgrading the code it'll be up in about 15 minutes
lol my viewer is banned im using a regular firestorm
I allow the latest and the version before of Firestorm, as well the latest release candidate/beta. If you upgrade it you'll be able to tp in without issues. But if for some reason you don't want to just go to Wright Plaza where you can get the latest products I've made, although it's a smaller selection.
wonderfull, thx
Thank you =)
I can' go To Arcadia ! I was able to with the DAYTURN viewer for MacOs but. not anymore. I use FS for SL any advice is wekcome thanks
Firestorm Viewer is banned??
No, just older versions of it. The current version and betas are allowed.
Current version is : 6.6.3 (67470)
why are older versions not allowed?
Because the rampant copybotting of my stuff. AFAIK copybot viewers can't properly mask themselves as the latest Firestorm, they fail in one way or another so I disallowed the access on those viewers.
oh ok, i see. I did not know that. I was now in there with a new viewer, it worked. Thanks for the hint.
Beautiful things that I've actually never seen before. Thanks for that :)
Well I make my stuff from scratch and exclusively for OS so I'm happy you find them useful, thank you!
What a great job, so many details and so well done, thank you for sharing!
Thank you for your kind words =)