ArcadiaShop Adult

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When I joined OSG, I was utterly fascinated by NPCs, it was such an alien concept for someone fresh from SL.

But of course when I rezzed NPC #30 I realise I needed something to wipe them out easily and I didn't have any utility for that, so I made a quick script.
Later I decided others may want it too so I made a mesh for it... a bomb.

This unassuming object is an NPC remover, you can have it handy somewhere and it'll wipe all the NPCs from a sim with one click. Feeling evil yet?

Happy Sunday!
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I don't explore around much as I'm normally too busy making stuff in blender, however being a lover of beaches I searched for a long time for a swimsuit for guys without any luck, regular male avatars receives little love so I've decided to change that.

My Bermudas comes in three different colours, it's fitted mesh so it should adapt to most shapes and may be it fit well also on mesh avies but take that with a grain of salt.

As most of my objects I'm including the textures in the box so you can customize your bermudas to make it unique for you.

Happy Wednesday!
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Halloween is not celebrated where I live, you get some spoopy candy from groceries stores lately and that's pretty much it so naturally I'm fascinated by it.

To make your avatar extra spoopy I made a skull you can wear replacing your head, there's a boy version with a moustache and a girl version wearing a bow. It's rigged mesh and I'm including the proper alpha to hide your avatar head.

This should work for meshies too, but I never tried, if you do let me know how it works!

Happy Tuesday!
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Fitted mesh was a middle step between the classic mesh were you had to choose your clothes between several sizes and bento mesh that has a great deal of flexibility.

Fitted mesh adapts pretty well to most regular avatars but it's never perfect as you need to add an alpha layer to prevent parts of the avatar to poke through the clothes.

This minidress was one of my first attempts to make a fitted mesh for girls, it comes in several colours and I included all the textures in the box, so you can customize it to your taste perfectly.

Happy Sunday!
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For some reason I've the compulsion to script most of my objects. There's very very few items without a script because I want them to do something on click.

Well, behold the exception of the rule! A simple, script-less snowman.

It's just... pretty, it's useful as decoration for winter and christmas, very low poly and it's a single mesh object so it's easy to resize. As with most of my objects it comes with the textures so you can customize it to fit your needs.

And that's all I have to say about it, see? kinda boring. =)

Happy Saturday!
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I made the Hooves kit some years ago, to cover the needs of fawns, deers and other demi-human avatars that didn't have a rigged set of digi-grade legs for them.

It's a delicate set of hooves that comes with their original textures so you can tint it to match your avatar or even edit in Gimp or Photoshop to make a more sophisticated pattern on the fur.

The legs are thin enough to support some clothing on them like bermudas or skirts, I used a real set of pictures of a bovine hooves for the foot part to make it as realistic as possible.

Happy Tuesday!
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Making glass in-world is incredibly difficult, the glass must reflect something in order to be convincing, also it must have some completely opaque features (normally hard light reflections) and very transparent parts (reflections of a dark part of the environment).

On top of that challenge you need to somehow deal with the alpha bug (that bug that makes semi transparent things to flicker and appear in front of another part of the object when it should be at the back).

My Orange Juice set deals with all that using tricks I discovered while I did this object, for example to prevent the alpha bug you need to have two separate pieces, the inner part and the outer shell, if you make it one piece it will have the z-bug.

Of course I added an empty set (not OJ) for decoration too and it's a giver: it'll deliver a refreshing OJ glass to whom clicks on it =D

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know?

The first models of domestic refrigerators had the condenser coil on top, as copper spiral that dispersed the heat extracted from the body of the refrigerator, it was a technology that was soon replaced by the traditional condenser behind the fridge.

Nowadays modern refrigerators have an internal one, it's not visible any more and I think it's a pity, it removes a very interesting part to watch.

My model is a mix of the look of the typical 50's fridge with the technology of the 20's because... It's pretty!

Happy Wednesday!
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The long necklace was one of my first (and very few, sadly) attempts to make jewelry. It's design comes from the 1920's necklaces that used to go down past the belly button.

It's completely white, the idea is for you to tint it to match your outfit and it's rigged so it will move with your avatar. They told me it goes with everything so apparently it's useful enough even for mesh avatars!

Happy Friday (yay Friday).
New Release: Arcadia's Gingerbread Cookies.

This time I bring to you a plate full of delicious gingerbread cookies to munch on while waiting for Santa.

Just rez it and click on it to get a cookie =)

I included an empty and unscripted copy of the plate too, for decoration purposes.

You can get these cookies at the main shop or the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Merry Christmas!

Jadwiga Abremović: Beautiful and adorable! 5 months ago

If you ever need a little script utility that parses an HG name and "clean" it up from the regular format of "name.surname" leaving only "name" and "surname", feel free to take a copy of this

I just uploaded it, if you have suggestions just let me know.

Happy Monday!
Product Update: OS Collar AO

The OSCollar AO has been updated to 7.0.1, you can get your copy at the first floor of the main shop (or second floor if you're from USA).

Also now there's a drivable demo of the Adams-Farwell Series 6 car at the hangar next to the runway.

Happy Tuesday!

Lisa Luv: You're so awesome Aack :) 2 years ago
New Release: Arcadia's Disco Floor.

This is a complement to the disco lights.

This' a single mesh object so you can resize it to fit your needs, it features different colours, light effects and animations to live up your dance place!

It's controlled by a HUD and most animations uses an analog lenticular effect that's unseen around, but also it features the classic dance floor look (shown in the picture).

Happy Sunday!

Suzan Von Otter: so for people who have elepsia or are susceptible not to use, the patterns are disturbing to the eyes, so I felt that. Please use with caution. Thank you. 2 years ago
If you need a little bit of R'yleh in your life, a little bit of madness by your side, a little bit of Lovecraft is all you need, a little bit of horror is what you see...

Then this is for you =) a pocket size Cthulhu to remind you the end is near, and it's cute.

Just don't click on it if you appreciate your sanity.

You can find this cosmic horror in the Shop and the mini shop at Wright Plaza.

Happy Sunday!

Thirza Ember: Fhtagn-y 2 years ago
Bug Fix: Arcadia's Weather System

I did an oopsie. Thanks Ernest for the heads up, I've found an error in the script of the weather system, both master EEP and non EEP versions. While they will work in y-engine they won't at all in x-engine so I fix them, the new version is at the shop and the mini shop of Wright Plaza, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Did you know?

There's a small object that will make the life of the rope bunnies and bondage enthusiasts easier: The Wall Ring.

It's a tiny object that you can rez everywhere to attach the lockguard chains system, the ring itself is unscripted, light and a single piece of mesh so you can resize it at your convenience.

It can be place everywhere and it's a convenient anchor point for leashes, ropes and other particles.

Happy Monday!
Did you know?

Security orbs sometimes are needed, either to keep your privacy and protect your place from unwanted visitors or to grant access to a list of people only to certain places on your sim.

Many orbs works with a black list: that means they allow everyone and block whoever is in the list. Mine works with a white list: My orb will only grant access to whoever is in the list and reject everyone else.

It supports HG names and the area it covers is a cube, not a sphere, so it's easier to give a precise cover area for your security needs.

Also, you can resize it without break it =)

Happy Sunday!
Did you know?

The mate (pronounce it as mah-teh), is the name of a very local infusion like tea: the plant is called yerba mate, it has a very unique flavour and it's mainly consumed in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. The way of drinking mate is put ground yerba mate leaves on the recipient (also called mate, because we love to confuse people), and then add water. You drink it through a metal straw called bombilla.

My mate is a literal copy of the one I use everyday at home, it's a giver so when you click on it, it'll give you a mate and a thermos to refill it, exotic!

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know?

Wire recorders was a technology that pre-dates tapes for recording sounds, instead it used a very thin steel wire to store magnetically the voice. The wire itself was fragile and prone to break and that was the reason why it was quickly replaced by tape as soon as the technology was available.

The wire recorder I offer has two functions, if the owner clicks on it it'll give you the option to record something or deliver the stored messages, if anyone else clicks on it it will start recording whatever is said in local chat. It's a small utility to pass messages to the owner of the device.

Happy Monday!
Did you know?

I've always been fascinated by pennyfarthers, they're so elegant and graceful and HUGE!

The one I offer at my shop uses a very modified script of an airplane! But that's a secret, don't tell anyone!
The reason is that I wanted to bank when you turn and that was the only way I could find to do it properly but the side-effect of such atrocity is that the bicycle can jump unrealistically high as if it had a million balloons tied to it.

Also it's very challenging to drive over terrain, this is a civilized bike, for civilized roads... Which means you will laugh a lot trying to drive on rough surfaces, of course.

Happy Wednesday!
New Release: Arcadia's Ghost Telephone

A nice vintage crank telephone you can rez to decorate your house.

If you sit on it, you can ask a question and receive a ghostly answer, just like a magic 8 ball.

But from time to time it'll ring by itself and if you answer you'll get a spooky story...

Read the instructions to know how to operate and a hidden option.

Available at the Main Shop and the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Happy Friday!

NineZero: Thank you, Love it! I appreciate all of your content. 7 months ago
New Shop at Arcadia: The Kinky Shop.

It's my pleasure to announce a new shop at the sim, Kinky Shop is the official Kinky Hub shop in OSG (stay tuned for other grids).

Along with Okie Meow we will release everything related to OS Collar at this new place and announce the releases and news at the Kinky Hub group (yes! it's back and you can join it by clicking the sign in the shop).

The Shop is at the Arcadia Shop sim, so teleporting to it is easy: just use the regular landmark you have been using before, then you can either click on the sign to teleport to the Kinky Shop, fly to it, walk to it, teleport to it using the public viewer, take the monorail to it, etc.

The OS Collar (we call it OSC from now on), different models, applications, extensions, HUDs and accessories are the latest ones so you can have the best possible experience in OSG as collar wearer/user.

Happy Thursday!

(pst, stay tuned for another announcement later)

Brenden Joseph: Nicely laid out and excellent product! 1 years ago
Texture refresh: Arcadia's Chest

Some people reported me that the chest I made 6 months ago lost it textures (they went blank), so I re-uploaded them and re-set the chest.

If you see the chest suddenly blank you can get a fresh copy at the shop or the mini shop at Wright Plaza.

Also the objects contains all the texture in the lid's contents, just edit, click on edit linked and click on the lid of the chest to see the textures.

Happy Wednesday!

RemmyRavenhurst: Great Aaack! Lots of textures have gone missing all over opensim. 2 years ago
Did you know?

I've a set of grand art deco lamps. Personally I believe that the style dress any house with an elegance that only the empire style can match (google it and fall in love with the empire style hehe).

My set comes in two versions, fully automatic to rez and forget and manual with options of different intensities and colours. It has two models, a wall mounted one inspired in art deco theatres and the ceiling mounted lamp inspired in grand train terminals.

Happy Friday (yay Friday!).
Did you know?

One of the toys I've saw in SL years and years ago was a tiny cat with a particle head, because it's a particle it's normal is perpendicular to your camera, regardless it's position or in other word: it looks at you always.

I loved that little thing and it was something I needed to recreate for us in open grid.

Here's my black cat, he looks at you intently.... always =D

But also he meows when you click on it!

Happy Monday!
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This turtleneck was one of my first experiments with cloth simulation in blender, I wanted to make a simple and customizable shirt for guys, since we have so little love in terms of clothes.

It's white so you can tint it but also I've included the original textures in the box, so you can use Gimp or Photoshop and add your own designs to it.

I've rigged it very carefully, so the texture never stretches too much and it looks realistic (unless you do some strange animation that makes you walk like a crab or something).

Happy Monday!
Did you know?

I've two versions of the Stratoracer: the Mk.1 (left) is an older version, with less detail but it works properly on Bullet Sim. The Mk.2 (right) has more details, an automatic undercarriage and more functions, it works only on UbODE.


Because I wasn't able to replicate the smoothness of movement in BulletSim. So most of my newest vehicles are scripted only to work on ubODE.

That being said, you can try both at the runway at the Shop. =)

Happy Thursday!
Did you know?

The Lunar Roving Vehicle I offer at the shop is based on the Apollo XV mission, the first one that used the vehicle.

To make it as accurate as possible I found the original Boeing manual for the thing and copied it as best as I could, each Apollo mission had a slightly different LRV, particularly the tools it carried, this one was the simplest one so to save geometry and make it as light as possible I choose the very first one that went to the moon.

You can try it at the runway or just get your copy, it's easy to drive as it doesn't have gears, just sit and drive!

Have a great Wednesday!
Did you know?

On the beach you can find a huge and mysterious structure, it's a portal.

Originally it sent you to a sim in HG that had portals to every single grid known to man but alas, that place is no more no now it will teleport you to the travel centre in Wright Plaza to quench your hypergrid thirst.

To activate the gate you actually need to step on it, otherwise it'll remain dormant.

Mysterious indeed, happy Sunday!
Did you know?

Most of the terrain around Arcadia Shop is... sand! I love beaches and water so I tried hard to give you the feeling of a nostalgic summer around the main buildings.

Hidden around the sim you can find three beaches where you can relax on the warm sand or sit on a bench and take in the calm effect of the waves on calm summer day.

You should try the floaties too, sit and click to see what can you do with them =)

Beaches FTW!
Apparently everything's going as planned and on schedule.
But there's modifications you need to implement in your OpenSim.ini and gridcommon.ini before you start your sims again when it's time to do so.

The grid is not ready yet, but you can do your homework and be the first to be on line!
(or procrastinate and start the sims 12 hours later like I'll probably do)

Check the official news:

Aaack: Never mind! OSG is back. You still need to do those edits on the .inis though. 5 months ago
Bug Fix from Kinky Shop: Owner's HUD

Squashed one last bug too for the owner hud; if your partner list was having your partners overwritten by 'Loading...' that won't happen anymore

You can upgrade your version to the latest with this fix : Version: 2023-01-19

Spax Orion: The huds for the oscollar look great... I repurposed some of the buttons for personal huds just because they blend in with my firestorm interface... 1 years ago
New release: Arcadia's Spitoon.

A spitoon is a vase, normally made of metal used in bars and public places where chewing tobacco was a thing. It was meant for users of the tobacco to spit in the used thing, gross don't even begin to describe it.

My version is a beaten, old copper one you can rez as a joke, click on it to hear a cartoonish sound of a spit pinging the metal vase =D

Nothing says Xmas like a run down copper vase full of spit, yep yep.

Happy Sunday!
New release: Arcadia's Xmas Lights.

This is a simple add on for your existing christmas trees, a set of lights you can easily resize to adapt to any cone tree that features several lights mode, just rez, position and click for lightning options.

The script is super light and won't lag your sim at all.

The picture shows Encantada's White Pine Snowy and two sets of my lights on it.
The tree is not included in the box.

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know?

The egg chairs were a hallmark of American houses of the 70's, it's a legless chair held by either a rope, chain or pole from the ceiling, while they're very pleasant aesthetically they were quite difficult to reposition and install.

Luckily none of those caveats matters in virtual worlds!
My chair have several positions for girls and guys, some unisex and it comes in two versions, white and rattan to adapt them to your furniture needs.

Happy Friday! (yay Friday!)
Did you know?

A good spotlight is always a good idea to highlight (no pun intended) some feature of your sim/shop or to have a focal light over an object at your home.

My spotlight comes in two versions: fully automatic to "rez and forget" and a manual version that allows you to choose the intensity and colour of the light and lets you turn on and off manually (the script has an automated version too).

It's a projector light, so for you advanced lightning system enabled guys you'll see that my spotlight will cast a realistic light. Editing it you can point it to anywhere to have a precise area of illumination.

Can you tell I'm a fan of lightning? =)

Happy Monday!
Did you know?

For some reason neko girls don't get enough love in open grid. To help this horrendous crime against humanity a bit I've made an old school stompers and kitty mittens for our feline friends.

They fit any kind of avatar and I included particle emitters for the paws and boots for when you feel extra-ravy. They come in white, so you can tint it to whatever colour you feel it matches with the rest of your outfit.

I also included a version without belts and strings on the boots, for a minimalist look.

Happy Sunday!
Did you know?

Where I live a BBQ it's almost a cultural thing, There're thousands of models of BBQs you can build if you have the space to do so. The one I made is based on my real one (although this is fancier I must confess).

But that wasn't enough for me, I wanted to also represent the real elements you normally cook in it here, so you have vacío (a meat cut), chorizos (a type of bbq sausage) and chinchulines (cow innards). The BBQ can be turn on and off and in the menu Options->Special you can get the proper fork and knife to cook your meat to perfection.

Also I added some poses and naughty poses too, because why not =P

Happy Thursday!
Did you know?

The ArtDeco Desk is a mix of two real life desks, an empire style one my grandma had at her house and an art deco one I saw in pictures, it features long drawers, support for typewriters, several poses and a beautiful office chair in light blue leather I fell in love looking for references in the webs.

When you sit on it it will rez the main chair to accommodate you and a very old computer for you to work on, the computer "monitor" (a replica of a very early TV) will report the avatars on the sim.

Oh, and it has naughty poses too =P

Happy Saturday!
Did you know?

The pose stand I offer contains six different poses that may look a bit off, too exaggerated perhaps.
That's absolutely intentional, I created each pose to inspect carefully how different parts of your outfit will react at extreme bends of your avatar's articulations. The main idea behind the poses are to adjust your attachments until you look as spectacular as you deserve to be!

(Also, unplug if wet and the QR code on the back is real).

Happy Friday (yay Friday!)
Did you know?

The park bench was the first conversion from PMAC to SFPoser I released to the public, the reason is that it sits three and it switches automatically from single seater to two and three as avatars sits on the bench.

My intention was to show clearly the possibilities and animations the bench offers according to how many avatars sits on it, that wasn't possible with PMAC.

Happy Thursday!