ArcadiaShop Adult

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Arcadia Shop is an unique experience of mesh items for your convenience, Kinky Shop is a collaborative project with Okie Meow to bring OS Collar to the Open Sim community.
All the content is made from scratch by us.

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Long ago I saw that there was a very healthy selection of beanie hats around but none with ears. Why this injustice?
Have in mind this was almost 10 years ago. So I made a quick one, I didn't think much about it until I realised it was a very popular item, way more popular that I thought it could be initially.

Given the acceptance I made a second box with included hair, so it was easier to wear in a hurry, although now with mesh hair that shouldn't be such an issue.

It's a single piece of mesh, non rigged so you can make it as small or big as you need, it's very low poly and you can't tint it to the colour you need, it also have a band you can tint of another colour for variety.

Happy Wednesday!
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World War I era pilot outfits were extremely heavy and warm because the cockpits of old airplanes were open, so at high altitudes the cold was a real issue, the jackets were also quite short so the hips of the pilot were un-cumbered to fit in the usually tiny benches.

Some pants were inherited from the cavalry with the characteristic fabric excess on the sides, I think the whole outfit speaks of a romantic and brave era so of course I had to make one pilot uniform to be in character while you fly some old airplane.

My version is rigged mesh, includes the mesh outfit and layer clothes for the gloves, shirt and alphas, it includes the textures so you can use it on bom mesh bodies too.

There's a female version made by White too.

Happy Saturday!
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After doing the rigged heels I realise some people would like to have a non-rigged pair of shoes, in some cases it offers more flexibility (especially for mesh avatars) than a rigged pair.

The Gaga shoes are attached, they also don't have heels, they look fantastic although it hurts even to look at them. They come in several colours, including white for if you want to tint them to fit your current outfit.

The textures are included in the box =)

Happy Thursday!
Did you know? (that today I'm posting super late, I know)

The heart collar is one of the most common collars you can find in real life, it's cute enough to be used as fashion accessory but also it sends a clear message to whom observes carefully.

My version comes in several colours in two versions, unscripted and scripted. The scripted version is a fully functional OSCollar with all the RLV features you would expect from it and some surprises too.

The unscripted version is a single mesh object, so it's very easy to resize and make a perfect fit for any type of avatar.

Happy (late) Thursday!
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When I made the beach house I realised immediately that I would need a new type of lamp for it, to illuminate it at night and so I made the most unassuming object of my store, the modern wall lamp.

it's a very normal looking fixture that's one single prim per lamp, you need to set it up since i did some trickery to make the light cone to point down and out a bit, but once it's setup and you drop the included script inside you can have a whole house lightning system that will light up beautifully every night without making you concern about mundane things like seeing where you're walking =)

Happy Wednesday!
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I've a set of horns, not rigged that you can wear either pointing forwards or backwards, it's gender agnostic and it can go pretty well with almost any avatar.

At the shop it has a demo, that rezzed the avatar in the picture, so you can inspect the horns in detail, that NPC is the oldest NPC I ever created, pretty much as soon as I discover what was the NPC thing about when I first came to OSG.

Of course you will get also the textures and you can tint them to match your avatar to perfection =)

Happy Saturday!
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I've a railing kit available at the shop, it's inspired in aeronautic materials and construction, the holes on the supports are to reduce weight while keeping it structurally sound.

The kit is counter intuitive: the longest axis goes into the air and the handrail is hanging down instead of the usual arrangement. This adds a bit of interest at a visual level but also performs a practic function: It frees the pedestrian space so you can get as close at the handrail as possible without bumping against a piece of metal. The reason of that is my own experience stumbling upon railings in ocean cruisers, it's not fun.

If you want to see this kit deployed just visit my store, the platforms where the buildings are have those railings all around.

Happy Thursday!
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The boots I offer at my shop were originally a shoe tutorial I made for my (now extinct) You Tube channel, where I showcased the importance of proportions since at that time all I saw was tiny shoes that didn't quite matched the anatomy of the average feet.

It's fitted mesh, it fits all avatars, either ruth 1 or other types of meshies you can find around. I guess if you have an extremely muscular leg it may clip but I'm not entirely sure.

It comes in four colours, including white so you can tint them to fit any possible outfit and of course I'm including the textures too for your customization needs.

Happy Saturday!
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You can find an Art Deco bed at my shop, but the box contains more than that, it's a full bedroom set containing the bed, side tables, a bedroom chair, a rug, a vanity and a clock.

I searched around for references on 20's bedroom furniture that not only looked nice but also slightly futuristic, to give this un-temporal look. The bed contains the usual poses, but also you can actually sleep on it and if you click on the headboard you can open the bed because I dislike those beds that forces you to sleep on top of the sheets.

Happy Monday!
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The mailbox I offer is the classic American mailbox model, rustic and slightly grungy ideal as decoration on lazy and nostalgic sims. But also it's a working messaging system.

You can drag whatever to it pressing Crtl to leave a message/object to the owner of the box, the owner will receive a notification and then upon clicking on it, the owner will receive whatever is stored inside.

Of course the little red flag will raise when the box contains a new mail, as it should =)

Happy Sunday!
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The summer house is an adaptation of an original RL house made by an architect close friend of mine. The differences are mostly supports and smaller windows that aren't necessary here, glass is free!

It features few but big rooms and it's a nice modern house you can use next to a beach but also in other environments, it also has a deep base so it will look good in uneven terrain. The doors are scripted with an access system and you can close and open the blinds of the house to enhance the realism.

Currently it's the only house I made that's available at the shop.

Happy Thursday!
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The picture frame I offer at my store has some secrets for you, the box actually will deliver you two models: classic and modern, and two versions for each model: 1:1 for square pictures and 4:3 for pictures with the aspect ratio of the profile pictures (think 1024x768 for example).

You can load as many pictures as you want inside them, and make them slideshow or just display the one you choose, and also it will full-bright the picture manually or automatically if you so desire (they go full-bright at night automatically).

I've modeled both frames from real life examples I had at home, the laziest and easiest set of references ever!

Happy Sunday!
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The mini platform is an unassuming utility thought to be used in public sandboxes or similar.

It provides a space where you can build in the air, from the control console you can move, rotate, rez a pose platform, lights, railings and a whole shell for improved privacy.

It features custom cams setups you can change with shift + left or right arrow keys so you can quickly enable or disable a function.

The mini platform is something I've been making since my days in SL, it removes the unnecessary mind clutter to let me focus on what's important: Build!
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My texture organiser is an implementation of a script set found on a prim organiser, originally the colours and aesthetics of the prim didn't match my place so I decided to make a different look for it.

The organiser is one of those rare objects that have a derelict look, I'm not a fan of grunge but I had fun making this 70's inspired object, a mix of industrialism and Sci-Fi.

It's also the first object I made to be modular, as you can add categories to it (or remove them), resulting in truly gigantic texture organisers that'll keep your inventory small and uncluttered.

Happy Monday!
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The torsion pendulum clock, otherwise known as anniversary clock is a fascinating technology of days past. Instead of a pendulum that rocks from side to side it has a weight that rotates clockwise and counter clockwise providing movement to the cog wheels to display the time.

The one at my store replicates such movement with some clever scripting, I made this clock way before I knew about keyframing movement so the effect of accelerating and de-accelerating rotation is made with target omegas and timing alone. Still it does a convincing job, oh and of course it displays the time =)

Happy Sunday!
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The sun clock is one of the hallmarks of the American households of the 60's, it has been made in many colours and shapes but sharing the same basic design: a small clock and sun rays around it.

For some reason it fits on any house aesthetic, my version uses the time of the server as initial time (that you can adjust by clicking on it) and once you setup your preferred time it won't ever forget the proper offset because it stores the data on a prim, making it impervious to any server shenanigans that may happen in the future.

Happy Saturday!
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The Wall Clock is intended to be both a clock and a piece of art for your walls.

It's a linear clock, it doesn't have hands but two bars that will slide around showing you the time but also it does track the time of the sim itself, how?

The background art will change if it's dawn, day, sunset or night, I chose impressionist pieces because they are just beautiful but you can put any art in it to be displayed. Also there's a tiny indicator on the bottom that will tell you if it's day or night.

I'm very passionate about clocks, I thought this can be something different for you house. Oh! btw you can resize it safely, it won't break =)

Happy Friday!
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The Caprioni Ca.1 was the first mass produced WW1 italian bomber. It had three massive Fiat engines that often required maintenance in mid flight.

It had also a very comfortable turret on the back, a crew member had to walk to it while flying to man the weapons, very safe and refreshing!

My version seats three avatars and it's massive, a true wonder of what cutting edge technology (of 100 years ago) can produce!

Happy Thursday!
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The Personal Airship is loosely based on an illustration of the very first non-rigid dirigibles in the world. It's also realistically sized.

It was meant to be a comfortable hangout place you can drive around and it's still one of the most stress-less vehicles I've ever made!

Happy Monday!
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Many of my products contains a little surprise in the box that's not displayed as miniatures at the shop.

Either an accessory for the avatar or an extra piece of furniture I strive to add something extra to whatever you get, (although it's not always the case).

In the case of the picture you'll get the Draeguer suit, a high altitude pressure suit that was used by the pilots of the Horten prototype.

Happy Saturday!
Did you know?

The bridges installed next to the shops are the very last pure prim builds I've ever did.

These relics of the past are still available on the shop, and I personally still use the bridge's columns for other purposes. This clearly demonstrates that prims have it's place in the metaverse along with mesh.

So give a hug to the nearest plywood cube =)

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know?

There's a second store at the Arcadia Shop's region. It's a store focused in clothes for female standard avatars. But each product contains the textures used for the product you get, so it can be used also in BOM mesh avatars.

The store's name is White Lies, by White Aardvark. If you go and take a look you can click on the mannequins to see a preview of each product in action on an NPC that will model whatever you click for you =)

Have a nice Saturday!
Product update: Rattan Set.

Thanks to Lotek who helped me to find and squash a weird bug in the script of the rattan set table, (it used to "say" the options you clicked, very strange), now it works properly.

Also I added a table cloth when you select the "Flower" option.

Also I converted it from PMAC to SFPoser.

The Rattan Set is better than ever, you can pick the upgraded copy at the main shop =)
Did you know?

There's a tower at the South East part of the sim, it's heavily inspired in one of the show stands of the New York's World's Fair of 1964.

This is a relax place for you, where you can have something to drink, eat and sit down.

The roof of the tower is a mini disco that's enabled when I stream my mix sessions and if you climb down the stairs you'll find a beach to suntan.

You can go to the tower using the teleporters (look at my previous article about them) or by rezzing a demo vehicle at the runway.

Of course, the tower itself is available to take at the shop =)
Did you know?

You can test all the vehicles I've made at the shop: go through the door at the left labeled "Runway".

You will see all the rezzers for all the vehicles I've made, you can fly, or ride them all, but here's a catch: if you manage to smack your test vehicle against a sim border it will disappear and you'll probably end underwater lol.

So test your skills flying under bridges or try to ride a pennyfarther on unpaved terrain and have fun!
Did you know?

ArcadiaShop is more than a shop, I tried to make it a place where you could chill and relax from all the grid hopping and box grabbing.

As such, it has several points of interests for whom likes to explore, however you can move from point to point very easily using the teleporter!

There're several teleporters in disguise all around the sim, just sit on it, select where do you want to go and press Teleport!

Easy! ... if you know where to click =D

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Reviews (12)
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Jupiter Rowland At last, this place of legend has found its way to OSW. Seriously, go there. This isn't your typical "stuff I found on the Hypergrid" freebie mall. This is all original and very well-modelled, not to mention the wicked scripting in the items. Oh, and if you're a lady with a system body or Ruth2 v4, ...
Frank Hurt Aaack’s creations are all-original, fully-legal, and incredibly detailed. Ranging from avatar accessories and furnishings to a variety of both historical as well as imaginative vehicles, there’s really no one way to define this store’s offerings but to call them “eclectic”. Drive the giant steam-pow...
victorialogan all your creations are incredible, !!!

Region Comments

Thanks for the wall phone it's so much fun.
I'm happy you liked it!
firestorm beta here
right now I'm not sure how the latest release candidate reports itself. I added as beta but i may be wrong, in any case right nght now the shop is off line as I'm upgrading the code it'll be up in about 15 minutes
lol my viewer is banned im using a regular firestorm
I allow the latest and the version before of Firestorm, as well the latest release candidate/beta. If you upgrade it you'll be able to tp in without issues. But if for some reason you don't want to just go to Wright Plaza where you can get the latest products I've made, although it's a smaller selection.
wonderfull, thx
Thank you =)
I can' go To Arcadia ! I was able to with the DAYTURN viewer for MacOs but. not anymore. I use FS for SL any advice is wekcome thanks
Firestorm Viewer is banned??
No, just older versions of it. The current version and betas are allowed.
Current version is : 6.6.3 (67470)
why are older versions not allowed?
Because the rampant copybotting of my stuff. AFAIK copybot viewers can't properly mask themselves as the latest Firestorm, they fail in one way or another so I disallowed the access on those viewers.
oh ok, i see. I did not know that. I was now in there with a new viewer, it worked. Thanks for the hint.
Beautiful things that I've actually never seen before. Thanks for that :)
Well I make my stuff from scratch and exclusively for OS so I'm happy you find them useful, thank you!
What a great job, so many details and so well done, thank you for sharing!
Thank you for your kind words =)