ArcadiaShop Adult

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Arcadia Shop is an unique experience of mesh items for your convenience, Kinky Shop is a collaborative project with Okie Meow to bring OS Collar to the Open Sim community.
All the content is made from scratch by us.

Arcadia Shop will remain closed until the OSG servers upgrade is complete.

Here's the official notification for if you missed it

See you all at it's return!

Aaack: Guys, you're so busy talking about WT that you're glossing over the fact OSG came back 24 hours before they said they would and literally 10x faster than before. While WT can be amazing and all, ci... 7 months ago
Apparently everything's going as planned and on schedule.
But there's modifications you need to implement in your OpenSim.ini and gridcommon.ini before you start your sims again when it's time to do so.

The grid is not ready yet, but you can do your homework and be the first to be on line!
(or procrastinate and start the sims 12 hours later like I'll probably do)

Check the official news:

Aaack: Never mind! OSG is back. You still need to do those edits on the .inis though. 7 months ago
New release: Arcadia's Chinese Lantern 2024

This is the last release relevant to the New Year season. Bye bye Bunny, welcome Dragon.

The Chinese lantern now shows nice AI generated dragons, it works with a master/slave system to turn on automatically at night with one script only, read the manual.

Available at the Main Shop and the mini shop @ Wright Plaza.

Hurry up and get it before OSG goes down for maintenance!

New Release: Arcadia's 2024 Sign

The last release of the year, a simple 2024 sign you can put everywhere.
It features marquee style lights for extra festivity =D

Available at the main shop but if for some reason you can't access my sim due outdated viewer, you can also get it at the satellite store @ Wright Plaza.

Read the manual and Happy New Year!

New Release: Arcadia's Gingerbread Cookies.

This time I bring to you a plate full of delicious gingerbread cookies to munch on while waiting for Santa.

Just rez it and click on it to get a cookie =)

I included an empty and unscripted copy of the plate too, for decoration purposes.

You can get these cookies at the main shop or the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Merry Christmas!

Jadwiga Abremović: Beautiful and adorable! 7 months ago
Kinky Shop: New Update.

Today we bring you an update for the collars, now version 2023.09.06.

It features minor bug corrections as follows:

- Collar's leash distance check on re-leashing (upon login etc), if too far away won't releash (skybox etc)
- Updaters slightly optimized, no work around needed anymore for a bug in OpenSim being fixed some time ago (
- AO SitAnywhere offset can now be set with a typed command: /2offset 0.1 Specifying a relative height is possible too: +0.2 or -0.2 respectively adds or subtracts 0.2 to the current offset.
- Collar's display more solid particles for ribbon type leash

Also there's a new extension for the collars, to re-install the relay in case you deleted it from the original collar to use a third party one, this extension will re-install it.

If you already have a collar get the device updater only, there's no need to get a new one.

Happy Monday!
New Release: Arcadia's Ghost Telephone

A nice vintage crank telephone you can rez to decorate your house.

If you sit on it, you can ask a question and receive a ghostly answer, just like a magic 8 ball.

But from time to time it'll ring by itself and if you answer you'll get a spooky story...

Read the instructions to know how to operate and a hidden option.

Available at the Main Shop and the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Happy Friday!

NineZero: Thank you, Love it! I appreciate all of your content. 9 months ago
New Release: Sol et Luna, a steampunk watch.

This time I made a simple wrist watch, it obviously shows the time but also the date in an unconventional way.

The wrist band can be either brown or black, it's controlled by a menu that appears on click and it comes for system avatars and ruth v2/4.

You can resize it to make it fit properly on your avatar and as always all the textures are included for your customisation needs.

Don't forget to read the manual.

Happy Saturday!

CyberGlo CyberStar: That watch is absolutely beautiful! A gorgeous masterpiece, I love it! A true work of art. Sadly I cannot come and get one as I am banned from osgrid, however, if you ever create your own grid, let... 12 months ago
New release: Arcadia's Glasses.

To celebrate my new RL glasses I've decided to make a pair for everyone.

They're simple, un-rigged glasses for boys and girls with a nifty colour change script, just click on the glasses to make them match your outfit.

Boys have six colour choices and girls have seven (because pink has to be an option!).

It's a single object so you can resize it to make them fit perfectly to your avatar.

Also please read the manual to get tips about editing an attachment,

The textures are included inside the object for your mod convenience.

Happy Sunday!
This took me a little while to make, it's not a new product but the consolidation of the look of the shop and related items.
I re-made the whole shop, with the familiar look it had before but a little bit more steampunkish, modern materials and I got it ready for future technologies like PBR materials.
It features an elevator now instead of the good ol' ramps and while it looks more or less the same size than before it holds a ton more space than before so my perpetual issue with space is over.
The beacon now is inside the shop for whom comes to the sim to choose another destination.
Also I made a new boxand refreshed every single product in the shop.
I'll release a new product soon now that this project that started in 2019 is finally complete.

Happy Sunday!

Lone Wolf: Lone *LOVES* his new hat. 1 years ago
OSCollar Update: 2023-02-13

This is a small one:

Added support for the new grabbypost, the collar now responds to pings from other objects.

Both posts, the Mk.1 and Moon post have a new code that allows to leash collars on bump or selection after clicking.

Grab your new posts and the updater of the collar at the Kinky Shop.

Happy Monday!
OS Collar update: 2023.02.04

This new version fixes two bugs:

- Force teleport works again.
- RLV relay’s options can be changed and will save properly after you go into Settings → Save.

You can update to this version using the updater at the Kinky Store or get a fresh copy of the collar of your preference.

Happy Saturday!
Collars update: RLV system.

This one was a blunder I personally made, I accidentally misplaced a script (oc_rlvsuite) inside another script oc_rlvsys.

So the RLV subsystem will not work as expected.

To fix that either grab a fresh copy of the collar at the store or if you feel adventurous do the following:

Edit your collar and from the root prim delete these two scripts:

oc_rlvsuite and oc_rlvsys

Then select the prim named "RLV" (it's the grey one if you rez the collar on the ground) and delete the script inside.

Then open the updater and get the fresh scripts from there:

oc_rlvsys and oc_rlvsuite

and put oc_rlvsuite in the root prim and oc_rlvsys in the prim called "RLV".

You can get the updater at the Kinky shop or just grab your favourite collar already fixed.

And if you want to curse someone for this, go ahead and blame me, Oki is innocent =/
Product Update: Chinese lamp.

It's the year of the rabbit, so I updated the chinese lamp with rabbits to keep your sim up to date.

You can find the lamp at the main shop @ Arcadia.

Happy Thursday!
Product update: Arcadia’s Art Deco Set.

I’ve made a bunch of changes in this set to improve it:

- Created specularity settings for the whole set, so now it reflect lights more realistically and it looks better.
- Changed the geometry and collision cage for the armchair, so now it won’t clip on low LODs and the collision will be more accurate.
- The armchair is not a single pose chair any more, now it’s a full SFPoser with 16 unique animations I‘ve made for it, (4 for boys, 4 for girls and 4 for couples).

Grab your fresh copy at the main shop.

Happy Tuesday!

Luna Lunaria: Nice work, especially adding the materials textures :-) 2 years ago

OS Collar Update: Version 2022-01-24

RLV Fix: The collar (in it’s lock state) now won’t detach on outfit change.

Get your updater at the Kinky Shop.

Product update: Arcadia's Espresso Machine.

Some people told me their coffee machines didn't work in their sims.
It was a difficult fix because I couldn't reproduce the error but I managed to fix it anyway.

If for mysterious reason your espresso machine won't work, take a fresh copy at my shop or at the shop at Wright Plaza.

If your coffee machine works then there's no need to update.

Happy Thrusday!

Thirza Ember: My favorite part of this machine is the twin frothers. 2 years ago
Bug Fix from Kinky Shop: Owner's HUD

Squashed one last bug too for the owner hud; if your partner list was having your partners overwritten by 'Loading...' that won't happen anymore

You can upgrade your version to the latest with this fix : Version: 2023-01-19

Spax Orion: The huds for the oscollar look great... I repurposed some of the buttons for personal huds just because they blend in with my firestorm interface... 2 years ago

We’ve released a bunch of updates for your collar, AO HUD and Owner’s HUD.
If you have a recent version you can get the updater, rez and click on it to update your device.
However the Owner’s HUD have some structural changes that needs a new copy to be used.
The AO and Collar (whichever model) can be upgraded directly.

What did it change?

Owner’s HUD:

Updated graphics.
New: Button with rounded corners for the sub selection.
New: If a picture of your sub is not added into the HUD, the initial of the name will show instead.
Updated: There’s a new way to store subs in the HUD, the notecard is no longer necessary (check the troubleshooting notecard to understand how to use it in HG).

AO and Owner’s HUD:

Updated: Reduced calls to the asset server for better performance.
Updated: Optimized setting storing.


Fix: Themes in some cases wouldn't change if selected.
Fix: Garble plug-in works properly.
Fix: In rare case local chat triggered the safe word.
Update: The undress plug-in now shows hints for the most common use of smart wearables (i.e: shirt could be corset, t-shirt, polo, etc.).
Update: Allow attach can be also toggle by the owner instead of only the collar wearer.
Update: Limit the leash grabbing to 30 metres.

Happy Wednesday!

Reminder, you can join our Matrix server at
Do you have any questions about OSCollar?
Do you have a code to contribute?
Do you just want to talk about something?

Now you can contact us via Matrix, you can either join the general chat of OSCollar by clicking this link:

Or add the OSCollar space in your element client by clicking this link:

Don’t know what Matrix is?

Matrix is an open source framework for rich media communication. Basically Discord without Discord.

You can install the Element client for it by clicking here:

Happy Tuesday!

OpenSimWorld: I m glad to see people using decentralized open source solutions. Imagine if one day opensimulator supported matrix protocol for chatting 2 years ago
Kinky Shop new Release: The Moon Leashpost.

A whimsical new Leashpost for your sub, ideal for fantasy sims and non conventional setups, you can also add it to the collar (read the instructions).

Happy Monday!
New release from OSCollar: The Slave Collar.

The Slave Collar is the new default OSC collar, severe but elegant and it contains the latest code

If you already use an Arcadia Collar you may want to get a fresh copy since this last version is not backwards compatible (they will be from this point on but the differences with the old ones are at structural level).

You can also choose extra apps for the collar should you choose to.

Happy Thursday!

Funara: (MAX Level .... Answer to the last entry) .... i guess .... but I also wear collars (I think your heart collars) but to cover up when the transition from head to body can be seen .. would be nice ... 2 years ago
New Shop at Arcadia: The Kinky Shop.

It's my pleasure to announce a new shop at the sim, Kinky Shop is the official Kinky Hub shop in OSG (stay tuned for other grids).

Along with Okie Meow we will release everything related to OS Collar at this new place and announce the releases and news at the Kinky Hub group (yes! it's back and you can join it by clicking the sign in the shop).

The Shop is at the Arcadia Shop sim, so teleporting to it is easy: just use the regular landmark you have been using before, then you can either click on the sign to teleport to the Kinky Shop, fly to it, walk to it, teleport to it using the public viewer, take the monorail to it, etc.

The OS Collar (we call it OSC from now on), different models, applications, extensions, HUDs and accessories are the latest ones so you can have the best possible experience in OSG as collar wearer/user.

Happy Thursday!

(pst, stay tuned for another announcement later)

Brenden Joseph: Nicely laid out and excellent product! 2 years ago
New Release: Arcadia's Lace Collar-

I'm releasing a new collar for you, this is beyond a new mesh though, it's a complete revamp of every script, animation and configuration card to the point that we decided to abandon the old versioning convention and now it’s version is 2022.12.04.

This massive project was a collaboration with Okie Meow (, without him this couldn't have been possible.


- New storage system to keep data of Owners, Trusted and Blocked people, this will work in any sim that has scripts enabled, no special permissions needed. It cleverly encodes the UUIDs into textures.

- New couples pose system, now you can modify the height of the collar wearer directly from the menu.

- New default poses for all the poses on the collar, they feature a small intro animation.

- Revamped scripts on each one of the scripts fixing bugs in RLV, menus, the leash, etc.

- New leash and particle default textures.

- New leash holder.

There are more features, too many to list here we worked very hard to give you the best collar possible, additionally I revamped the existing collars to this new version.

These changes made it backwards incompatible, so you will need to get a fresh copy of this new collar or your existing favourite Arcadia’s collar.

Happy Wednesday!

Mistressdalgato: wow congrats! but I do have a few questions. will it keep data if say I am in a different grid then my slave? Also does it come with a remote like the os collar did? also if I understand correctly the... 2 years ago
Product Update:
Arcadia's Espresso Machine & Arcadia's Beach Party Set

Thanks to a bug report (from a kind person who's username I've lost, I'm so very sorry for being a disaster archiving logs), and a bug detection both in my scripts and the simulator code (thanks to Tampa for the scripting correction and Ubit for the super fast bug fix on the master code) I could fix a bug in the givers of my Beach Set and Espresso Machine.

The bug is noticeable when someone that's not the owner of the object clicks on the object, in some cases the giver will ask the owner to animate and will deliver the selection of food or drink to the owner of the object instead of whoever clicked. That only happens if the owner is in the same sim as of the giver.

Welp, that's fixed now. You can get a fresh copy of the Espresso Machine and the Beach Party Set either at my main store or the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Happy Friday!
New Release: Arcadia's Cargo Pants.

This one is for the guys:

I made a pair of cargo pants, ideal for informal attires.

It comes rigged for the system avatar and Roth, it comes in three variants: long, medium and short and in seven colours including white for if you want to tint it.

Each object contains the textures used for further customization.

You can find this new release at the main store or the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Happy Friday!

Blake: Thank you for your work and thinking of us gents :) 2 years ago
New Spooky Release: Arcadia's Armless Monster.

Inspired by the game Silent Hill, I made an Armless Monster.

It comes in two versions: NPC and Wearable.

It features custom animations for walking, standing, sitting and sitting on ground.
The wearable version includes an AO with the animations graciously provided by Lotek Ixtar.

The NPC version comes with a simple roaming object and the NPC card for if you want to use it with an NPC manager like the Satyr's ActiveNPCs NPC Controller (

You can get this monster at my main store or the satellite store at Wright Plaza@ OSG.

Happy Sunday!

P.S.: Of course, both versions vomits black goo from the chest =P

TheFactory: Looks pretty 'armless to me 2 years ago

If you ever need a little script utility that parses an HG name and "clean" it up from the regular format of "name.surname" leaving only "name" and "surname", feel free to take a copy of this

I just uploaded it, if you have suggestions just let me know.

Happy Monday!
New Release: Arcadia's Dance Pole.

This pole is a re-implementation of the Paramour Polemaster Lite, it contains the same dances, but the difference is that it doesn't contains any light script or colour changes, the mesh is completely different too, ideal for steampunk or less modern environments.

It sits 4 by default (you can change it, read the manual) and the mesh itself is elegant and light.

Happy Wednesday!
Did you know?

At my exhibition parcel on OSG's 15th. birthday you can find a beach party theme.

I made several object that are available only on that parcel for now, including:

A log with single and couple poses.
A recliner with single poses.
A battered apple box with single poses.
A cooler with soda cans and beer.
A barrel BBQ that gives burgers, hotdogs, corn on the cob and kabobs.
A simple fireplace.
A couple of beach counters.

The food will animate you and it'll disappear gradually as you consume it.

Every animation, mesh, script, texture and sound was made by myself, in order to celebrate the creativity of the grid I call home.

You can find my plot at: hop://

Happy Friday!

Jamie Wright: You make the coolest stuff. Thank you Aaack! 2 years ago
Product Update: OS Collar AO

The OSCollar AO has been updated to 7.0.1, you can get your copy at the first floor of the main shop (or second floor if you're from USA).

Also now there's a drivable demo of the Adams-Farwell Series 6 car at the hangar next to the runway.

Happy Tuesday!

Lisa Luv: You're so awesome Aack :) 2 years ago
New release: Arcadia's Adams-Farwell Series 6.

This project took me two and a half months to finish, I'm proudly presenting to you a cute, rickety car to travel around sims and roads in relaxing rides solo or with friends.

The Adams-Farwell Series 6 was a 1906 car produced by the Adams-Farwell company. It featured a rear mounted rotary engine, very similar to airplane engines of it's time.

There’s still one functioning Series 6 in the world, you can see videos on YouTube of it running.


This product will only work in ubODE, OS 9.2+ and either X or Y engine.


My Series 6 has the following features:

1. Seats four avatars, the front seat will open automatically when a third avatar seats.
2. Each avatar has it's own pose that will change when you turn left or right.
3. Each pose are in fact a set of 3 poses, the car will try to guess you height and fire an appropriate pose for your avatar to make it look as best as possible.
4. A dynamic camera that switches between forward and reverse in all seats.
5. Custom sounds, sampled from the real car.
6. Unique mesh, carefully crafted and shaded to imitate the real car.
7. The engine has two gears, gear one while slow it will make the car able to climb almost any slope like a real car, if your car can’t negotiate a very steep slope just drop your gear to first and you will conquer the hill like a boss.
8. A menu on click that lets you operate the car’s accessories like lights, canopy and the capot, the car will remember the settings even if you recompile the script in mid operation.
9. Awareness of the sim/parcel to reset the dynamic camera for all passengers when you cross them so the driving experience remains un-compromised.
10. Custom stand targets on each sit, so you or any passenger won’t end standing on top of the car.
11. Access list, you can choose to let your car unlocked for everyone to drive or select a list of people that can drive, a white list.

You can get this new car at my main shop or the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Happy Sunday!

Jerralyn Franzic: Oh yesss... I think I'll add this to my little car stash here in Open Sim :) 2 years ago
Collars upgrades!

Thanks to Lotek the collars has been upgraded to 7.0.2, this version fixes some bugs on the RLV subsystem and the titler app.

The collars at the shop are already upgraded so you don't need to do it manually but you can also get only the upgrader for your existing collar.

But wait, there's more!

I've setup a box with extra apps and goodies you may want in your collar too, they're all at the first floor of the shop (second floor for you living in USA).

Happy Sunday!

Brenden Joseph: Just got them and updated thank ty :) 2 years ago
Update about the collars and the updater:

As I mentioned before, I released an updater in the box of the collars that is humm... updated.

Well, it turns out that updater will break the collars!, so I removed it from the shop for now until I discover what's going on exactly. But fret not, I also upgraded the collars with the latest (working) RLV system, so for now the collars I have on the shop are the most updated ones that work.

When and if I have news about the collars I'll let you know. For now just get the latest and fixed-est copy from the shop, and don't try and update to 7.0.1 it'll break your collar.
It's been a while huh?

But I'm not exactly idle, I'm just working in a project that is taking for ever to finish.

In the meantime I have done a series of small upgrades in the following products:

Art Deco Desk, new animations and functionality on the props (and sounds).

Personal Airship, new camera reset functionality and access list (check the manual and the script).

Collars updates, the box contains an updated updater (7.0.1). You can get the updater alone at the shop too.

Have fun!

Jupiter Rowland: Duly noted. I shall get me the new version of the desk soon. 2 years ago
New Release: Arcadia's Disco Floor.

This is a complement to the disco lights.

This' a single mesh object so you can resize it to fit your needs, it features different colours, light effects and animations to live up your dance place!

It's controlled by a HUD and most animations uses an analog lenticular effect that's unseen around, but also it features the classic dance floor look (shown in the picture).

Happy Sunday!

Suzan Von Otter: so for people who have elepsia or are susceptible not to use, the patterns are disturbing to the eyes, so I felt that. Please use with caution. Thank you. 2 years ago
Last update: OSG is back on line.

As you may be aware OSG is off line.

Let me preface this by saying that your data is ok. This is not a crash.

This is a needed house-cleaning procedure that's the product of taking up to four times the space in the server that it's needed for the assets files. So they are re-organising the way the data is stored and adding essentially more space in the server.

In your personal computer that would take about 2 or 3 hours tops, given the size and complexity of the setup of OSGrid that will take about 48 hours. Think that the current ingest of assets of the old server is rounding a quarter of a billion assets... in tiny tiny files.

Think your hard drive, it's like a huge stack of tiny boxes, you can put inside just one piece of information, if you put something that is bigger than one box then you fill as many boxes as necessary until the thing is completely there, that's how it works.

However if you have a bunch of things that are smaller than the box that contains it you waste a TON of space. That's why it's needed to reorganise the data and that's what they're doing right now. So that's the reason why it'll take so long, but as I said before, this is not a crash, just housekeeping, your data is fine.

If I have more updates I'll keep you informed.

Aaaand we need another 48 hours.

Sadly that's what happens when so much data is involved. When I learn more I'll tell you about it.

Update: sunday seems to be the day, hopefully.


read the reply where I explain it a bit.

Last upate:

Wednesday seems to be the day!


If everything goes as planned Thursday seems to be the re-opening day!

JonSun: Another 48 h it seems...this will hurt osgrid reputation, even though it's a necessary fix.... 2 years ago
If you need a little bit of R'yleh in your life, a little bit of madness by your side, a little bit of Lovecraft is all you need, a little bit of horror is what you see...

Then this is for you =) a pocket size Cthulhu to remind you the end is near, and it's cute.

Just don't click on it if you appreciate your sanity.

You can find this cosmic horror in the Shop and the mini shop at Wright Plaza.

Happy Sunday!

Thirza Ember: Fhtagn-y 2 years ago
Texture refresh: Arcadia's Chest

Some people reported me that the chest I made 6 months ago lost it textures (they went blank), so I re-uploaded them and re-set the chest.

If you see the chest suddenly blank you can get a fresh copy at the shop or the mini shop at Wright Plaza.

Also the objects contains all the texture in the lid's contents, just edit, click on edit linked and click on the lid of the chest to see the textures.

Happy Wednesday!

RemmyRavenhurst: Great Aaack! Lots of textures have gone missing all over opensim. 2 years ago
New release: Arcadia's Bunny kit.

This one took me a while to make.

For you, bunny girls and bunny boys, I made a kit of ears and tail.

They are animesh, they come in three sizes and five colours (including white, so you can tint them to match your avatar's look perfectly), they animate, when you stand, when you walk and when you run/fly.

You can choose between seven poses, do you want them straight up? One folded? both forward? or you can choose to animate them at random on random intervals (or custom time intervals too!)

It's all controlled by a HUD, and since it's animesh you can re-position the ears and tail.

The tail will randomly wiggle too.


Bibiana: Love it, controlling the poses is awesome! That makes for a happy bunny :) 2 years ago
OSG is back on line!

It's running on a new database, the migration was successful.

It also resumed the ingestion of assets of the old asset server.

P.S.: I modded the image a bit to make it less scary xD

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Reviews (12)
Overall Rating:
Jupiter Rowland At last, this place of legend has found its way to OSW. Seriously, go there. This isn't your typical "stuff I found on the Hypergrid" freebie mall. This is all original and very well-modelled, not to mention the wicked scripting in the items. Oh, and if you're a lady with a system body or Ruth2 v4, ...
Frank Hurt Aaack’s creations are all-original, fully-legal, and incredibly detailed. Ranging from avatar accessories and furnishings to a variety of both historical as well as imaginative vehicles, there’s really no one way to define this store’s offerings but to call them “eclectic”. Drive the giant steam-pow...
victorialogan all your creations are incredible, !!!

Region Comments

Thanks for the wall phone it's so much fun.
I'm happy you liked it!
firestorm beta here
right now I'm not sure how the latest release candidate reports itself. I added as beta but i may be wrong, in any case right nght now the shop is off line as I'm upgrading the code it'll be up in about 15 minutes
lol my viewer is banned im using a regular firestorm
I allow the latest and the version before of Firestorm, as well the latest release candidate/beta. If you upgrade it you'll be able to tp in without issues. But if for some reason you don't want to just go to Wright Plaza where you can get the latest products I've made, although it's a smaller selection.
wonderfull, thx
Thank you =)
Firestorm Viewer is banned??
No, just older versions of it. The current version and betas are allowed.
Current version is : 6.6.3 (67470)
why are older versions not allowed?
Because the rampant copybotting of my stuff. AFAIK copybot viewers can't properly mask themselves as the latest Firestorm, they fail in one way or another so I disallowed the access on those viewers.
oh ok, i see. I did not know that. I was now in there with a new viewer, it worked. Thanks for the hint.
Beautiful things that I've actually never seen before. Thanks for that :)
Well I make my stuff from scratch and exclusively for OS so I'm happy you find them useful, thank you!
What a great job, so many details and so well done, thank you for sharing!
Thank you for your kind words =)
I also visited and found unique items. I received a note stating item was given. But was not found in my inventory. Even tried the relog. Maybe just a copy system would work better.
Whippin, when you have time contact me in world (Aaack Aardvark) I would like to send you the items you couldn't get, you're the only person ever who reported this problem. Are you sure you clicked on the boxes?
Yes i clicked on boxes and received your message saying they would be put in my inventory. sadly when i got home, nothing. I even tried the relog, that someone had suggested. I can try again though. thank you for responding. Love your creations.
Please do or just contact me, I'll gladly send you any stubborn object that refuses to go in your inventory. I'm not entirely sure why some grids are having issues but this is the first time my shop straight refuses to give objects to someone. Thanks for letting me know.