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Moonlit Shadows

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Top of the Waterfall

One of Many Waterfall views.

Morning Light

Mountain Trails

The Trails in the hills

Trail along the river. Come for a stroll.

Moonlit Shadows Main waterfall.

Sit a while and just enjoy.

Trail Waterfall on Moonlit Shadows

Beach Walk

Lazy River

Explore the Caves

Horse Back Trail Riding

A quiet spot. One of many scattered around Moonlit Shadows. Find your spot, and return for quiet reflection. All are welcome.
Thank you for visiting Moonlit Shadows.

Moonlit Shadows has a new grid location. Please update your landmarks, and we hope to see you again soon.

Hop in an inner tube and follow the lazy river.

Moonlit Shadows is waiting for you to explore. This 4x4 region is all about nature. Take a quiet stroll around the many trails or can ride one of the horses. Maybe you prefer to hop in one of the boats and tour the waterways around the region. I'd love to hear you comments and feedback. Thank you for visiting Moonlit Shadows.