Amber Province

Amber Province
Added by :
Samantha Simmons
Created :
6 years ago
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INTRODUCTION: NEW REGION - Development began earlier this week; region will have 16 Available shops/store fronts that will be offered to creators/vendors of quality merchandise; homes will also be available; driveable streets and there will be an Employment Agency to assist in providing business professionals with dependable staffing. This community will be just minutes away from a lavish beach resort on in an adjacent region.


I have really been enjoying my visit to DIGIWORLDZ. I came by invitation, without funds but with loads of curiosity and excitement; and I fell in love with DIGIWORLDZ for it's friendly and resourceful people.

Having arrived, or been born, in DIGIWORLDZ (DIGI), a year ago on October 17, 2017 at 10:57 a.m., I do very well understand that it can take one a while to decide exactly what it is one wants to do: Rent a home or apartment; or lease & develop land? Making that decision might take a while. Took me a year!

However, while taking the time to make up my mind in the question of what to do next, I met some very wonderful people and I eventually, fell in love with the possibility of owning my own region (I guess you'd say SIM in SL). So I began thinking about it and finally decided to go for it … and on November 14th, 2018 I got my very first 2x2 Region. It would never be possible for me to own a region in SL, but it was absolutely possible here. And so now, even though it is still under construction, I humbly introduce to you: “AMBER PROVINCE-The TIGERLILY Estate”. So named after much consideration, because we needed it to line up with the spirit of our intent and our mission: “To provide opportunity to others”. So here rentals are FREE. Why?

Because we, at AMBER PROVINCE-The TIGERLILY Estates, feel people have enough to worry about in real life when it comes to money matters. So no one will have to worry about where and how they will find a place to live (However, that was NEVER a problem here in DIGIWORLDZ, with all the concerned & generous hearted people that I have met since my own arrival in Digi).

Here at “AMBER PROVINCE-The TIGERLILY Estates we offer 'a period of rest and relaxation, a chance for you to decide what it is that you would like to do with your virtual life in Digi and what it is that you would like to experience. So, we do hope that you will stop by and pay us a visit – and perhaps, that you too will become a member, part of the community that is DIGIWORLDZ as a merchant or resident!

Oh, …, so as not to be misleading, keep in mind, that while we at AMBER PROVINCE-TIGERLILY Estates, have decided not to charge for residential or commercial rentals, there are regions here that do charge for housing, goods, services and products, etc.

The commercial businesses here at “AMBER PROVINCE-The TIGERLILY Estate” will operate at cost. And should you decide on a start of your business here, you may obtain a free shop/store and sell your merchandise or services at cost also. To qualify, you simply have to be a creator or vendor of quality products & have a standard of excellent customer service, in connection to responding to customer requests and/or complaints.

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2. Community Trust Philosophy

A true Community Trust manages donations made by a community to provide support to members of that community. I don't want to have to ask folks for funds nor do I want to have to deal with managing it. So our Community Trust is (a network of) PEOPLE that agree to abide by our COMMUNITY TRUST PHILOSOPHY ...

Definition of community trust (in regards AMBER PROVINCE-The TIGERLILY Estate's Philosophy): a philosophy and mindset put into practice to be used for the general betterment of the inhabitants of any/all participating communities of DIGIWORLDZ.

The focus of the Community Trust Philosophy is to offer support of the personal goals and interests of everyone in the DIGIWORLDZ Grid.

As a result, AMBER PROVINCE-The TIGERLILY Estate will work collaboratively or by barter and/or by voluntary DONATION for goods and services with others and will provide FREE residential and commercial opportunities for start up or expansion/exposure:

A. RESIDENTIAL – Housing is offered free (or for $1 due to the design of the rental box). This residence will be available 24-7-365. For more details IM Samantha Simmons.

B. COMMERCIAL – Shops/Stores are being offered at no cost in AMBER PROVINCE-The TIGERLILY Estate's MARKETPLACE, which has (adjacent) locations:

* 13 SMALL SHOPS - in the MARKETPLACE, leased FREE, one shop/store per Merchant/Vendor. PRIMS – four (4) VIP Shops: 200 prim; the remaining shops are all the same size as VIP Shops but prim allowances vary: four at 150 per prim; four at 100 per prim; four at 50 per prim.

* 16 LARGE SHOPS in the (adjacent) MARKETPLACE, leased FREE, 4 merchant spaces per shop (or one shop per merchant by request, based upon agreed upon terms and conditions). Prims: 50 prims per each 4 merchant areas per bldg.

C. THE LEASE of a FREE shop will permit you added exposure & visibility; and ability route shoppers to your main store(s); in addition, the option to sell your merchandise at cost. [However, it is a requirement to set out one free gift per month for visitors/residents . I believe the item should be full permission so that items can be taken home by Hyper grid visitors].

D. CURRENCY: AMBER PROVINCE-The TIGERLILY Estate is an official PODEX AFFILIATE, the ATM is located in the North East Region in the Small Marketplace inside the employment agency: The EMPLOYMENT CONNECTION – HIRE & HUNT Agency (first floor, left near entrance).

PODEX - hop://

NOTE: The Community Trust Philosophy is subject to change, in order to address the changing or growing needs of the community as a whole within the grid.


ARTMAN XUE set up his shop at AMBER PROVINCE-The TIGERLILY Estates. He is an AWESOME designer! You should head over to COSPLAY CORNER @AMBER PROVINCE-The TIGERLILY Estates and check it out! ARTMAN XUE gives some background on his talents saying:

"I got my start in designing around 2006 when I joined I've been creating clothes ever since.
I have a love for super heroes and fantasy so I started my business Cosplay Corner to fulfill my need for creating
within that genre. 300+ designs later I find myself In Digiworldz.

If you're looking for that hard to find outfit, whether it be unique, rare or simple. I can make it for you. All I need is a short
description of what you're wanting and I'll get pretty darn close.

Cosplay Corner is your One Stop Shop for Medieval, Super Heroes, Villains, Space, Time Era clothing. Can't find what
you're looking for in the store? Then send me a message describing your needs. I can design  exclusive clothing just for
you; meaning you'll have the only copy in-world. It'll cost you, but you'll have the privilege of knowing you're unique in style.

So visit Cosplay Corner today and see my many selections of costumes available.

NEW items added weekly."

Cosplay Corner©
Owner: Artman Xue
Cosplay Region in DigiWorldz

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