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The stories of Brigadoon, an interactive journey loosely based on the Scottish poem Tam O'Shanter by Robert Burns (and a few twists!). Primary storyline and build by Andron Rae. Landscaped and additional elements by Pasha Theas.

Aft hae I roved by bonnie Doon, To see the woodbine twine,
And ilka bird sang o' its love; And sae did I o' mine.
Wi' lightsome heart I pu'd a rose, Frae aff its thorny tree;
And my fause luver staw the rose, But left the thorn wi' me...

(Content rating due to alcohol use and some saucy language)

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Beacon Note: The OSW beacon will land you at the "hub of stories" pre-loading area, where you can take a moment to rezz in before venturing forth to the Brigadoon storyline, or explore other curated builds within the region.

Current displays include:

- A model of Callanish from the Isle of Lewis in Scotland. The stones are not accurately depicted, however their location (along with restoration of theorized missing stones) are placed to measurements taken at the real world site.

- Papertown; A poetry build which challenges perceptions on how black and white the world is (or isn't...)

- Homage to a shape; A comedic poetry build in celebration of the humble cube.

- Through the Eyes of a Glass Artist; A colorful introspective on how the world might be envisioned by a glass maker's imagination. Build by Garnet Trilling of Second Life.

- Drijvend; A floating shanty town with magickal properties (work in progress)

Hello, Hypergrid explorers!

Can you believe our virtual Tam O'Shanter experience (with a few twists!) has been running over 2 years? We've had hundreds of visitors from all over the world (including some from Ayr, Scotland, where the story took place!).

Big THANKS everyone who has done the interactive quest! I've enjoyed your personal messages and glad the comedy gets you laughing, as well comments on the beautiful scenery by the talented Pasha Theas (check the posted pics here!)

We've made a few small changes to make some of the puzzles easier, as well updated the server for faster rezzing and exploring! Come enjoy BRIGADOON

Aft hae I roved by bonnie Doon To see the woodbine twine,
And ilka bird sang o' its love; And sae did I o' mine.

Wi' lightsome heart I pu'd a rose, Frae aff its thorny tree;
And my fause luver staw the rose, But left the thorn wi' me.

(old Scotts poem)

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Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
kawolf if you have some time to spare Brigadoon is well worth paying a visit to... the scenery is excellent and the characters have some grand things to say :)

Region Comments

Aye, 'tis a canny place wi' lot's of fair things to see and dae.
It be well worth a visit. I will have te make another trip te experience it t' th' full.
Truly wonderfull sim me and my better half had a great time wandering round and some of the npc's lines had us in stitches....
Thank you for the kind words, so glad you enjoyed some of the humorous dialog! :)
Great place to be start a new warm welcome and new friend
Indeed! Glad you enjoy Brigadoon
I absolutely love your sim! :) I went through the whole thing and the scenery and homes were so beautiful! this grid has so much to offer. The creativity my goodness I am speechless- Extremely well done :) two thumbs up for sure!!
Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed the adventure!
ah ah ah very nice … and fun !
Thank you so much!
Hi folks! Sorry we had a bit of a hiccup last week on our grid assets so had to redo some of the trees and things, restored from backup. Brigadoon is back online now for all to enjoy! I appreciate the feedback, and grateful for visitors sharing their experiences of the stories and interactions around the sim, thank you!
very very nice
Thank you!