OSCC Keynote 4

OSCC Keynote 4
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AvaCon Inc.
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This region is part of the Keynote Regions for the OpenSimulator Community Conference.

The OpenSimulator Community Conference is an annual conference that focuses on the developer and user community creating the OpenSimulator software. Organized as a joint production by Core Developers of OpenSimuator and AvaCon, the virtual conference features presentations, workshops, keynote sessions, and social events across diverse sectors of the OpenSimulator user base.

Senses Places - Mixed Reality Participatory Performance
Where: OSCC Keynote 4
When: 8 years ago [11 Dec 2016 16:00 SLT]

Senses Places: dancing with your physical body, image, avatar and bio-signals.

Senses Places is an ongoing collaborative transdisciplinary project creating mixed reality participatory performance environments that engage participants in a physical and mediat(iz)ed kinesthetic/somatic movement relational experience.
Isabel will discuss Senses Places artistic vision towards mixed reality embodied interfacing encompassing instead of simply substi

Remote-Controlling OpenSimulator
Where: OSCC Keynote 4
When: 8 years ago [11 Dec 2016 07:30 SLT]

Exploring a little-known OpenSimulator module developed by Mic Bowman, and recently improved by Crista Lopes, allows developers to control OpenSim scenes externally, via Perl and Python scripts. Crista will explain what this module is capable of, and how to use it to develop highly dynamic 3D applications bypassing the scripting engine.

OpenSimulator eCommerce Panel
Where: OSCC Keynote 4
When: 8 years ago [11 Dec 2016 09:30 SLT]

Virtual eCommerce: exploring finance, virtual currencies and markets in OpenSimulator.

Enabling the Forgotten Avatars
Where: OSCC Keynote 4
When: 8 years ago [10 Dec 2016 17:00 SLT]

Up until this point, Open Simulator and other Virtual World systems have not been designed with the needs of all people with disabilities in mind. We will identify some areas where the development community needs improvement in its approaches and discuss some simple solutions that could be implemented now. Future innovation ideas will also be discussed to look for new simple and creative ways to get everyone involved in the Virtual World Community no matter what their needs are.

Applying language games in virtual worlds has been the objective of a teacher training initiative by the Italian Ministry of Education in Edmondo in OpenSimulator. Language educators from all over Italy learned to build, script and design communication activities and games which will be showcased in this presentation.

The development of virtual worlds has a detailed history in which acts of literary imagination and gaming innovations have led to advances in open-ended, socially oriented virtual platforms. This summary presentation focuses on the future advancements and key innovations which can be seen as paramount for the development of virtual worlds going forward, based on current and arising developments in the industry.

OpenSimulator Statistics
Where: OSCC Keynote 4
When: 8 years ago [10 Dec 2016 13:00 SLT]

Latest data about OpenSim grids, users, and opinion surveys

Immersive & Social VR Platforms
Where: OSCC Keynote 4
When: 8 years ago [10 Dec 2016 15:00 SLT]

A panel discussion featuring virtual worlds and VR platforms.

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