HG Safari

HG Safari
Added by :
Thirza Ember
Created :
9 years ago
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Home of HG Safari, with information about our weekly hypergridding trips. Self Guided Tour hub - themed trips on art, science history, film etc.
Free items, including mesh clothes at Meshanthropy store, also on the island.
PLEASE NOTE the photos in the slideshow are of Destinations visited by the Safari group, and not pictures of our sim.

Yesterday's Safari, with the friends of Soul Grid, and then Luna Lunaria!

Rudi Bakerly: Thank you Thirza. It was an amazing experience to have you with us. Many thanks for the attention you give to this nice hypergrid project. 2 years ago
A week of fun on and off Safari - opensim empty? Nah.
With visits to Aire Mille Flux, Shipyards, and Creanovale.
Snoots and Nyx - two artful destinations on OSGrid and AMV. Thanks to both our hosts for letting us explore their work

Thirza Ember: Al Scot made a nice video of Nyx's build https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfjKQZUr3TY 2 years ago
Thanks to @Fred Beckhusen, and @Roland Francis for letting us celebrate Lord of the Rings week on their wonderful grids

Thanks to @Bibiana and to @Aphra for having us visit, and a special thanks to @Jupiter for his contribution

Jupiter Rowland: If you're still looking for SFposer, you can find it boxed and ready to go here (https://opensimworld.com/hop/74730) and the script itself here (https://opensimworld.com/library?view=44). 2 years ago

Thirza Ember: to travel with friends like you guys is pure bliss 2 years ago

Big thanks to Maria Korolov for coming on Safari with us yesterday. If you missed it, here's some of the highlights. https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/2022/09/maria-on-safari.html

Hella: Maria is an unprecedented meeting in the world of the metaverse, so enthusiastic since so many years :)), thank you for having organized this evening like no other. 2 years ago

Great fun, and so informative, Lorin Tone's sound class.

Luna Lunaria: I love creating and adding sounds to my regions 2 years ago

Season 3 begins one month from today. Don't wait, please go and visit the Summer build on Creanovale any time before our tour - there's so much to see ! hg.creanovale.ca:8052:NOVALE

Thanks so much to the wonderful @Oni Kiri and to Alia Soulstar and Lorin Tone for hosting the final Safari of the season. We all had such a great time!
Here's our adventure.
Safari returns on September 14 with a visit to see Maria Korolov

Thirza Ember: Thank you so much Oni for getting up so early to join us, and for the warm welcome - that's dedication! 2 years ago
HG Safari 2022 Week 20
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [6 Jul 2022 12:00 SLT]

Destination 1 - Lorin Tone's sounds on 3rd Rock Grid
The sorcerer of Sound, Lorin Tone, welcomes us to experience two musical builds Synapse and Aurora.
Lorin's artistry in inworld sound is without compare, ask him advice for getting the noise ambient just right on your grid.
Come to Alia Soulstar's Nuna Gallery, and look for the building called Central to get the Magnetrail to the venues in the sky.
Address grid.3rdrockgrid.com:8002:The Nuna Gallery
Destination 2 - Alice on CopyKat Grid
A beautiful re-imagining of Alice in Wonderland, Adachi style.
Oni Kiri will join us to reveal a little bit about her creativity, community, and credo as owner of one of the most popular freebie grids on the HG.

HG Safari 2022 Week 19
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [29 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Starting as always at the Clubhouse, hg.osgrid.org:80:HG Safari
The Little Prince Week
Destination 1 Exupery, Osgrid
WizardOz Chrome, with the participation of Cherry Manga, Tina Bey, Emil Jannings and our kind host Unadecal Masala, present a reimagining of the classic story by Antoine de St.-Exupery, born on this day in 1900.
Destination 2 Ustengrav, Ignis Fatuus Grid
A new French build on Ignis Fatuus by Harthelie Deux and Chip Angelvi, recalling all kinds of wonders from the ancient world

Goodbye to Metropolis
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [30 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Metropolis Grid is scheduled to go offline on June 30.
HG Address : login.metro.land
Join us for an Unofficial Party to send her on her way into that good night.
Neovo Geesink invites you to dance and DJane LadyJo Martin will be spinning appropriate tunes. You bring the memories.
If the grid goes down or you can't make it to Metro, you can join in the party at hg.osgrid.org:80:Metro Memoriam

Jessica Pixel filmed our Safari yesterday (to Winxtropia to see Cuteulala and to Opensimfest grid to see Shelenn) if you're curious to see what goes on when a bunch of crazy people go hypergridding together... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnUeinag8d8
HG Safari 2022 Week 18
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [22 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Destination 1 Cuteulala on Winxtropia
Opensim Goddess Cuteulala Artis invites us to visit Gardenia Town on Winxtropia Grid - learn about mesh economy, and enjoy the fun fair!
bloompeters.ddns. net:7002:Gardenia Town
Destination 2 Shelenn Ayres on OpensimFest Grid
Shelenn gives us a sneak peek at the preparations for the Fest. What differences are there from previous years? How hard has it been to organize? What fun is planned?

Huge thank you to Nebby Newman and to @Lone Wolf for having the Safari to visit yesterday, there's so much to learn about the backstory of every place in Opensim, you made us smarter

Lone Wolf: No problems! :-) Really lovely meeting everyone! 2 years ago
HG Safari 2022 Week 17
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [15 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Destination 1
Weelandia on Digiworldz with Nebby Newman
What do you know about the philosophy and community that distinguishes the Tiny and Dinkie communities, reaching across both Opensim and into Second Life ? Nebby shows us her lovely landscaped region, full of fun for both the smaller and regular size avies, and we learn about the shopping and partying opportunities that Digiworldz offers those of the smaller persuasion.
Destination 2
From the tiny to the very very large! Lone Wolf invites us to glimpse the the vast landscape of Wolf Territories, said to be one of the largest grids in opensim. Learn about the technical challenges and the aesthetic goals that have brought about this massive mountainous wilderness, Check out the Destination Guide on the grid to see all the many points of interest!

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Mountain

WOW Such an interesting conversation with Ubit, and then a fascinating tour of a region on AMV. Huge group, and we (barely) broke anything! Altho I think I may have to pay for Kelso's dry cleaning. Grass is such a tricky stain to get out.

Luna Lunaria: Fun trip :-) 2 years ago
HG Safari 2022 Week 16
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [8 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Destination 1 An audience with Ubit
Opensim Dev Ubit Umarov invites us to his home region for an upbeat conversation about the challenges and joys of the opensimulator.
Destination 2 Introduction to AMV with Grid Gurus, Chris McCracken and Jaxson Texas. A chance to learn about one of OpenSim's most vibrant and active grids, Alternate Metaverse. It's mythical!
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Mythical Realms NE

HG Safari 2022 Week 15 Liverpool/Beatles Week
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [1 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Liverpool/Beatles Week!
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band came out this week 55 years ago.
Destination 1: Liverpool Old Dock, Kitely. Graham Mills' ongoing project to reconstruct the historical docks of the city of Liverpool, home town of the Beatles. Please note, this region is only open for our visit, otherwise it is closed to the public
grid.kitely:8002:Liverpool Old Dock
Destination2: Pepperland on LFgrid by Mudpuddle Cleanslate. An imaginative reconstruction of the cartoon scenes of the movie Yellow Submarine.

Why be a Sponsor of opensimfest? Is it expensive, exclusive, complicated? Here are three stories of ordinary folk who decided to get involved.

Marianna : I wouldn't consider these "ordinary folk" These are all talented wonderful mentors of opensim who have brought us beautiful worlds and lots of magic! 2 years ago
HG Safari 2022 Week 14
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [25 May 2022 12:00 SLT]

Music, Music!
Destination 1 Joao Frazao at the Safari portals. Portuguese maestro of the strings Joao plays for us while we peruse the HG Safari Self Guided Tours portals, and the Inworld Review studios
Destination 2 Moses Rau plays for us on the Star Trek themed builds of Stormy Scorpio, enjoy the music and explore the mind blowing environments featuring a range of ships and space stations, and planetary pleasures on Vulcan and Klingon, not to mention the holodeck landscapes.
Be sure to come get the Lms this week, much of the action will be happening in the sky!

Thanks to Jillian2000Quintessa of Discovery, and to Stio Mactomais of Osgrid and Marstol of Kitely for their awesomeness. So many fun places in opensim to visit.. so little time! https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/2022/05/belfast-and-japan-ph...

Three famous names ... what do they have in common?

HG Safari2022 Week 12
Starting from hg.osgrid.org:80:HG Safari
~ Flight Week ~
~Destination 1~ International Spaceflight Museum Kitely. Rosa, Mike and the ISM group invite us to come take a look at the past present and future of space flight.
~Destination 2~ Tarn Flying on Counter Earth
All bets are on, as we go Tarn racing ! Board these giant birds and try your hand at the race course, and watch your friends hopelessly crash into the ground. Courtesy of Havoc Rau and the team on Counter Earth.
jand.dyndns.biz:7002:Tarn Stadium
Two new posts today, one about the end of an era, one about a new project just getting started

Marianna : I hope we see Sunbeam again one day, I love her writing style and her focus was keen as to what we wanted to learn about. Like you Thirza I love to read you too, thank you for your thoughtful style w... 2 years ago
HG Safari 2022 Week 11 SEASON 2 !!
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [4 May 2022 12:00 SLT]

The Great Outdoors, Indoors! Welcome to Season 2 of the new Safari trips.
Please note the date and time, if you are new to the Safari group events.
This week, Canada and Japan.
*Destination 1* Creanovale in the Spring. Kelso and Dabici invite us to see their beautiful grid decked out for the Spring, with walks, rides, sports, nature, and cultural activities. We arrive at the landing point, and then TP from there!
*Destination 2* Abyss Observatory on JOG. Yan Luria the curator of the Observatory welcomes us to Japan Open Grid. Please note - this is a giant region with many many things to see. We are going to focus on the Ocean part of the build on this trip. We arrive on the Drill Ship, see the Fukushima exhibition, then dive to the ocean depths to see the Jules Verne exhibit.
jogrid.net:8002:Abyss Observatory and go to coordinates 493/306/140
*There will be more precise LMs available at the Clubhouse. For the best experience, please join us there about 10 minutes before the event starts.*

Special Safari Easter Hunt!
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [20 Apr 2022 12:00 SLT]

Ange and Nani invite us all to a special Safari on their Easter Hunt region Arborea
This is a Princess Hunt, for how it works, watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fmB1LP-zok
Note the region is already open so you don't have to wait for the Safari visit to go and see it!

YaY HG Safari back online brighter than ever. Even the grumpy camel survived. HUGE CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS to 1/ the people behind the scenes who worked to make this happen - and 2/ everyone who chose not to bore us to death by whingeing about OSGrid being offline.
The final HG Safari of the season, we went to see Ferd Frederix and Joe Builder's new install, and then a long conversation with Crista, 2 blog posts because so much happened.

Thirza Ember: Season 2 of the Safari will run from May 4 to July 6 and is already fully booked. Season 3 will run from September 14 to November 16, always supposing we have not been nuked yet. Spaces in the calend... 2 years ago
HG Safari 2022 Week 10
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [16 Mar 2022 13:00 SLT]

due to 'Spring Forward' Clock Change
DESTINATION 1 "Silent Refueling" on Outworldz
Ferd Frederix invites us to explore this sci fi themed build, which is based on the 1972 movie "Silent Running" with Bruce Dern https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p69lEMn0I8k
DESTINATION 2 Mondego vLab
Crista Lopes aka Diva Canto invites us to a conversation about the State of OpenSim, and its place going forward in the metaverse, if such a thing exists.


Thirza Ember: Just two more Safari trips in this final season. Thank you all for the support and the enthusiasm you've shown, both the hosts and the tourists. 2 years ago
HG Safari 2022 Week 09
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [9 Mar 2022 12:00 SLT]

Books, Big Art, and Carnival
Please come to the CLUBHOUSE on OSgrid to meet the group, get the LMs and find out any last minute changes. hg.osgrid.org:80:HG Safari
DESTINATION 1 Books and Art at the MdM. Rosanna Galvani invites us to check out the new Ebook library at the Museum, and to see some of the famous art collection on the surrounding regions
craft-world.org:8002:Uqbar 2
Fun and dancing on Wyldwood! Sample the sights of New Orleans, learn more about the Bayou, and indulge in some Carnival dancing with Harmony Beningborough and the gang
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou N'Awlins

HG Safari 2022 Week 08
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [2 Mar 2022 12:00 SLT]

Get ready to be syncopated!
DESTINATION 1 Jukebox by Cherry Manga This brand new build is an exploration of classic Manga builds reimagined with a unique musical soundtrack. Make sure you have Advanced Lighting turned on or you will just ... feel very sad. Hint - the Jukebox is the teleporter.
DESTINATION 2 Coopersville by Koshari Mahana. This is an Edwardian themed build with lots of fun activities from the era. read more here https://coopersville.mystrikingly.com/

Corny party begins on HG Safari in a little more than an hour! chance to see some primmy treasures of yesteryear, then a concert by Whirli Placebo

Part One of this week's HG Safari trip. Because it was just that big.

Max Hill: Thank you very much to all the visitors as well as to Thirza without whom this would not have happened. It was a pleasant moment for us to have received you. Thank you again for being here. 2 years ago
HG Safari 2022 Week 07
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [23 Feb 2022 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Our traditional visit to the region held by Wordfromthe Wise
DESTINATION 2 Concert and party with singer songwriter Whirli Placebo at a new Cornflakes inspired build by Cherry Manga, in the sky above the Clubhouse.
hg.osgrid.org:80:HG Safari

HG Safari 2022 Week 06
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [16 Feb 2022 12:00 SLT]

Technology on the Move
DESTINATION 1 James Webb telescope on Logicamp grid. Learn about the new technology taking the place of the famous Hubble telescope. logicamp.org:8002:Var5
DESTINATION 2 Nova Saunders invites us to visit Portage, a historic American town where train and canal transportation helped connect the country with cutting edge tech in the 1850s onwards.

HG Safari 2022 Week 05
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [9 Feb 2022 12:00 SLT]

Art and Taj week!
Please join us at the clubhouse before start time, to pick up the LMs and have a chat.
hg.osgrid.org:80:HG Safari
Tryad and Loru Destiny, Stormy Scorpio and Moses Rae welcome us to their grid. First stop, SPOOKY CITY an inner city build featuring examples of the rl art of Tryad, and then Stormy shows us one of her sims.
artdestiny.de:8002:Spooky City
Tosha Tyran shares with us her meticulous recreation of the Temple of Love. Chat to the NPCs, snap your own souvenir photos, and dance with us! You're bound to fall in love.
craft-world.org:8002:Taj Mahal

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the next safari is the final one of the season. Safari will begin again in April.
thanks all who participated in the Safari cornflakes events. We have 360 days to get ready for the next one!
this week Bridgemere and Groovyverse... bring your good vibes!
HG Safari tours begin again on January 4 with the amazing Hal 9000 build on 3rd rock!
This week there's a lot of very big art on Aedifex, so come prepared to turn up your draw distance!
We go to Digiworldz this week. If you have not been there before you may have to click a link to confirm your identity. It's a good plan to try this out before Safari time
Today is Liverpool/Beatles day !