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Upcoming Events in region: HG Safari

HG Safari '25 Week 7

in 2 days | 2025-02-12 12:00 SLT | HG Safari | Added by HGSafari
DESTINATION 1 We go Game of Thrones with a visit to the RP region of Westeros on Wolf Territories Grid. Our guide Mira C will show us just a part of this giant complex. WARNING: There may be dragons.

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HG Safari '25 Week 7

in 2 days | 2025-02-12 13:00 SLT | HG Safari | Added by HGSafari
DESTINATION 2 Explore the Expo! We visit the Hypergrid International Expo - 120 publicity stands representing most corners of opensim. Come help us load test the sim, see the freebies, and learn about new places.

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