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Upcoming Events in region: WolfTEC Campus

WolfTEC Learning Conference: Digital Frontiers in the Virtual World @ Wolf Territories

in 27 days | 2025-01-11 10:00 SLT | WolfTEC Campus | Added by Xenon Darrow
This year will mark the first year of the WolfTEC Educational Conference in Wolf Territories, coming January 11-12. We will be hosting a variety of events at a variety of locations designed for educational experiences exploring digital learning frontiers in virtual world efforts! Come share your educational projects and efforts throughout OpenSim!
Contact Xenon Darrow with your information and interest!
Specific time slots will be put in at a later date.

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WolfTEC Learning Conference: Digital Frontiers in Virtual World Education

in 28 days | 2025-01-12 10:00 SLT | WolfTEC Campus | Added by Xenon Darrow
This year will mark the first year of the WolfTEC Learning Conference in Wolf Territories, coming January 11-12. We will be hosting a variety of events at a variety of locations designed for educational experiences exploring digital learning frontiers in virtual world efforts! Come share your educational projects and efforts throughout OpenSim!
Contact Xenon Darrow with your information and interest!
Specific time slots will be put in at a later date.

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