Grand Opening

Region: Paradise Islands
Event begins: 2 months ago: 2024-04-06 11:00 SLT
Added by: Djtanya

Hello \everyone, I would like to announce the Grand Openning Of Paradise Island club. On Saturday we will be featuring,
DJTANYA from 11 to 12
DJRUUD from 12 to 1
DJSUPERTOM Southmoor from 1 to 3
DJNORA COLA from 3 to 5

On sunday we will be featuring,
DJTANYA from 11 to 12
DJRUUD from 12 to 1
DJMATTIE from 1 to 3
DJNORA COLA from 3 to 5.

There will be lots of fun and danceing with the best music in OSW, so Hope to see you all there!!!!

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Looking forward to it!
Me to Nora going to be a BLAST!!!!