Sissi_Bella @Sissi_Bella

Italia Offline

i'm a traveller, but I make friends for life. I'm not invincible but I know I can survive

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Also today there are many new small and large items available in the store.Not only what you see on the photo, there is much more new to find!

Sodasullivan: An amazing store and a beautiful sim. Worth a visit! 3 days ago
Tomorrow (Saturday) at 10 am PDT, DJ Nora Cola hosts an exploration of the music that came to be known collectively as "Grunge". Hold onto your beanies, this isn't a nostalgic reminiscence of the top 90s hits; it's a deep dive into the primal rage that spawned this unforgettable genre.
Come join us at the DIP: hop://

NoraCola: This mix is so 1990s it smells like bong water and buys a gallon of gas for under a dollar. 2 months ago

Lucrezia & Gabriel Live

Grande concerto live al Red Carpet con Lucrezia Angel il 13 aprile alle ore 22:00 (13:00 pm slt) Seguirà alle ore 23:00 (14:00pm Slt) Dj Sissi con la sua straordinaria musica.Vi aspettiamo numerosi!!
Great live concert at the Red Carpet with Lucrezia Angel on April 13th at 10.00pm (1.00pm SLT). Followed at 11.00pm (2.00pm SLT) by DJ Sissi with her extraordinary music. We look forward to seeing you!!


Sissi_Bella: hop:// Beautiful dance floor on the beach!! Everyone welcome!! Tonight 1 PM grid time!! 2 months ago



Sissi_Bella: Dancing night, everybody welcome! 2 months ago

DJ Giaku