GramzyNang @GramzyNang


I'm old, worn out, crippled up, but it's because I've worked hard all my life for everything I have. Don't judge until you've sat on my bedside potty. :D


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This house is now taken, but there are 2 more farms still available for someone to call their home. Just contact me here or in world if you would like a farm of your own.
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AWESOME WORK and it's gorgeous!!
Thank you so much Gramz!!
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This is very nicely done but the land mark puts me well under water.
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Words of wisdom for sure. This is why I now have everything set to no copy, though I leave the region open for people to visit and enjoy what I have built and a bit of nostalgia from a time that seems long childhood. It was never set up as a shopping or freebie region so I guess that means make it all no copy. And if they want a cookie, they can do like my mother taught me and "ask politely.".
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I agree, if my region was a "freebie" region or a "shop" or "Mall" region I would expect that kind of behavior but when I told them it was my personal residence and they kept trying to take stuff without responding to me acting like I wasn't even there, I won't tolerate that.
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My point is that I was speaking to them directly in messages and in local and they did not answer not even when I addressed them in their native language which is Portuguese. Walking all through my house trying to take pictures and things that "I" built. There is an unwritten law called common courtesy, unfortunately to many do not practice it.
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If they're walking around copying things they're not afk. Believe me I understand that I too am older and disabled. But this person was walking all over the place, even used the toilet in the upstairs of my house while trying to copy things. LOL
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I know we've had it done to our grid before nearly ruined us but we're back. Now if they act like that I ban them, but even then they just come back under another username from a different grid and do what you say. It's a very sad day when people have to be like that, they feel they have a "right" to your creations just because it's open sim.