Serina Gee @SerinaG

Friends-Grid Offline


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Hi Passion, the only Elas store I am aware of is this one at Camballa, hopefully it's the one you are looking for!!
OK TYSVM Serina ;) So the name is Elas . . . yesh that's what I needed to know ;) TYSVM ;) HUGGGZZZ! ;)
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Mr Snoodle is spot on, but if you want the best of both worlds just copy and paste this section and change the touch_start to collision_start and it should open on touch or collision!

touch_start(integer num)
for(x = 0; x < num; x++)
Open = !Open;
Pos = llGetLocalPos();
if(OpenSound != "") llTriggerSound(OpenSound, OpenVol);
llSetPos(Pos + Offset);
if(CloseSound != "") llTriggerSound(CloseSound, CloseVol);
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Check your messages :)
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@Jamie Wright - Jamie, sorted out the Cross for you. IM me and we can sort out the best way to get it to you. Sx
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Who needs Spotify when we have Rosa!! Great party Bobbi!!
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As Jupiter says there is no such thing as a "correct height" for avatars, but if we want to make our avatars look more realistic to the real world then there are things we can do and lessons we can learn. For example, when creating your shape look to the top right (for most viewers) of the shape editor window and you will see there is a height indicator. The clue here is that the tallest person in the world (RL) comes in at 2.51m or 8ft 2.8 inches. So maybe you don't want to be any taller than that.

Some people will tell you that the height indicator in the Shape editor isn't accurate. But oddly enough if you rez a prim next to yourself and edit it to the the same height as you avatar, the values are the same. Everything in OpenSim is relative. But probably what most people do is set their height to be relative to the other avatars around them, thus, if everyone sets their size tall, everyone will be tall.

Another factor that affects this is the things around us, houses, etc. Again, we use real world cues to set our height against them. We all know how we look walking through a doorway, so we set our size accordingly, but what if the buildings are the wrong size to start? How can that be? Quite simple - camera angles. If the height of ceilings, etc. in the houses that are built in OpenSim matched the real world we would all be struggling around with the settings for our camera follow angle to be able see where we are going. The solution? Stealing a trick from the movies...make the ceilings and hence doorways taller so it is easier to follow avatars as they move around.

It is these cues that affect our relative perceptions of what our avatars should look like.

Height is also a key factor in determining the rest of our Shape. For this we can take lessons from Leonardo da Vinci and his famous work of the Vitruvian Man. You have probably all seen the picture of a man with his arms and legs spread inside a square and circle.

This works on lots of averages for the proportions of different parts of our body relative (there's that word again!) to our height.

Some examples (taken from da Vinci's own words but adapted here for ease) are -

The length of a person's outstretched arms (T-pose) is equal to their height.
From the hairline to the underside of the chin is one-tenth of a person's height.
From the bottom of the chin to the top of the head is one-eighth of a person's height.
From the top of the chest to the top of the head is one-sixth of a person's height.
From the crown of the chest to the roots of the hair is the seventh part of the whole person.
From the nipples to the crown of the head is one quarter of a person’s height.
The greatest width of the shoulders is at least one quarter of the height of a person.
From the elbow to the tip of the hand is the fifth part of a person’s height,
and from the elbow to the armpit is the one eighth of a person’s height.
The whole hand is the tenth part of person’s height.
The beginning of the genitals marks the middle of the person.
A foot is one seventh of person’s height.
From the sole of the foot to below the knee is one-quarter of person’s height.
From below the knee to the beginning of the genitals is one quarter of the height of a person.
The distance from the bottom of the chin to the nose and from the hairline to the eyebrows are each the same, and like the ear, one-third of the face.

But maybe the most important thing of all is that we are not all average. The real world and OpenSim would be quite boring places if we all looked alike. We should embrace difference and personal choice (provided it is legal) in all forms, including the way our avatars look.

Enjoy being who you want to be and the way you want to look. If you are short like me then so what? If you are really tall then please let us know when the rain is coming as it will hit you first!
One could say that Linden Labs screwed up twice.

Once was with how the official viewer measures the height of an avatar. Not to the top of the head, but to the eyes which means that it's inaccurate by about 6" or 15cm. Since it's inaccurate, users have stopped paying attention to the avatar height measurement altogether and started adjusting their avatars' height until it looked roughly okay.

And then there was the default camera angle. Classic 3-D third-person "platformer" angle, namely behind and way above the head. Every last viewer has taken this over.

For one, this means trouble in all buildings with ceiling heights under about 12' or 3.60m. If you're lucky, the camera will constantly collide with the ceiling. If you're unlucky, the camera will end up upstairs.

Besides, builders in both Second Life and OpenSim tend to take whatever height their camera is at for eye height. This explains some sims with ridonkulously oversized buildings because whoever built them has been flying all the time. But it also explains why houses are even too big for 9' avatars: Whoever built them built them as if the eyes of their avatar were as high as the default camera.

Both contributes to how oversized almost all buildings in OpenSim are. If your avatar is realistic, door handles may be at eye height, railings around porches are as high as your chin, and some windows are so high up the walls that the avatar needs a ladder to look outside. Even if the building has a kitchen built in, it's sometimes even too big for a 9' avatar because it had to be adapted to the overall proportions of the building in which the kitchen could double as a boat shed.

Sim builders like Xi Shi or Suzi Avonside build the houses on their sims at realistic sizes, but they constantly have to shrug off comments by users with oversized avatars that their buildings are too small.

The Firestorm Viewer has taken a first step at fixing the camera height issue. Version 6.6.8 has introduced Penny Patton's camera angle (see and with a few modifications as the new default camera preset. It places the camera behind the head with only minimal height offset.

All of a sudden, you can navigate the in-scale buildings in Ruritania or Paradwys without your camera bumping into the ceiling. And all of a sudden, you feel like a dwarf or a small child in many typical Second Life/OpenSim houses.

However, it's still only this one viewer in this one version which is buggy enough for many not to upgrade. A few older Firestorm versions have camera presets, but you have to enter the Penny Patton values yourself. All the other viewers don't have custom camera presets, and you have to jump through hoops to edit the camera position, if it's possible at all.

By the way, a side-effect of the default way-up-high camera are extremely long-legged avatars. From that top-down perspective, your legs look shorter in comparison with the rest of your avatar than they are. Since people aren't used to looking at other people from that angle, they find it looking weird. And they go and increase the length of their avatars' legs until they look okay from the default Linden camera angle.
this comment is detailed, perfect and clarifies many things. thank you :)
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Logged in easily and from my I have all my friends in my pocket...ooooh....someone is tickling that you???
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Ooooh...if we are part of a mob....does that make us "mobsters", Miss??
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Great picture!! Lovely to see the reef and mermaid area being enjoyed! Melody looks wonderful, maybe because she has "model" in her name!!
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Did someone mention a party???? Making a note in my diary...."5th August...keep free for fun time at ILY."
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Welcome to Friends. It was lovely to meet you earlier.
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Friends is getting to be like the United Nations!!
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Welcome to Queen and Peter, I look forward to meeting you at Friends!!
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Welcome to Friends Dominic and Anthony! I look forward to meeting you both.
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Miss Safine is HOT even in the middle of Winter....**grins **
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Welcome Zuzu!! It was lovely to meet you and I hope you are soon settled in!
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Welcome Chloe!!!


If you need any help getting settled just shout out. Please feel free to "friend" me here and OS.
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Decisions, decisions......which bikini to wear, the teenie weenie one, or the eenie, teenie, weenie one..???
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So great to see Xinashi back and so much fun to explore the rest of Xinashi after a shopping trip.

Worth bringing a friend if you visit some of the other parts of Xinashi * winks and grins * ....if you know what I mean....

All built with Nico's wonderful style and good finishes just like her clothes.
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The most refreshing shower I ever had.....although the water can feel a bit chilly at the start!!