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Leo and i bought this build and that blue room is quiet stunning.
I never feel blue in there...
Its a happy blue!
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Forgiveness is more than just taking the high road and moving on from our anger towards someone who has hurt us. It is also recognising our own need for forgiveness from those we have hurt. Why should anyone show us any mercy or forgiveness for our transgressions when we show none towards others? What makes us so special that we can get away with our own bad behaviour but others are not let off the hook? A wise man once said to take the log out of your own eye before you try to take the speck out of your brothers! I forgive because one day I in turn may need forgiveness from someone I have hurt.
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Suddenly feels sea sick! :)
Hands motion sickness pills and takes another good hard looking at the mf-ing boat....believe me when I say...i effed a mermaid! :O
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You are a fighter indeed! :)
"ohhh, i think i told ya! i'm a lover, not a fighter!" ;)

until neccessary. :D
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Eh I just would like too see opensim become its own thing rather than a copy of SL and if that means i have to learn a range of skills to make it unique I will. It may take a real long time or I may never get to the end but the journey is what matters to me.
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Thanks for adding these to the list.
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Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am
Stuck in the middle with my teddy bear.
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Brrrr pulls on my gloves!
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Just thought it was an interesting exercise :)
It is! Outstanding post and great for the many who forget so much so soon. Thanks for posting it!
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Asking ourselves to act like adults and not need to have others parent us or spank our butts is maybe a better way forward.
Remmy, I agree, but it appears their are too many immature or emotionally disturbed in the social network world that cannot handle things any other way. So the only means to convey the message is equally brutal.
I feel that we all can try a different approach in communicating and understanding where our underlying anger comes from.
30+ years of internet experience is no. We are dealing with a new generation that has been warped, indoctrinated, bubble wrapped, and mommified. They cannot handle a dissenting opinion. The older ones, will follow suit so they can remain in their cool kids club and fear being outcasted.

Then there is ME. ))
We can handle dissenting opinions, but we generally object to bigoted fuckwits like you
I can only be responsible for how I act or respond to others. The internet has opened us all up to the differing opinions and thoughts of many people and we are never all going to agree. WHen our worldview is challenged we all can tend to arc up and that just makes things worse in my opinion.
I agree with most of that. Being able to express oneself freely no matter how unpopular the thought may be is deeply important. And I agree that I can only be responsible how I act or respond to others. We all agreed to certain terms of conduct when we signed on. Is it not up to us to try to abide by what we agreed to? When we don't, is it far-fetched to expect that some sort of effort would be made to make sure those terms we all freely agreed to are adhered to?
How is that working out so far?
No one is asking us to be parented....and some people like having their butts spanked :P If I walk into a theater and start smoking, even though there is a "no smoking" sign directly above me, I am not acting like an adult. Nor is it the job of the person next to me to try and make me stop. It is up to the theater owner who posted the sign. Same as the people who make us agree to a clear Terms of Conduct, are the only people responsible for making sure those terms are met. If the people who run this site and OSW itself can't at least enforce their own Terms of Conduct THEY created, they should at stop encouraging bad behavior with "the Box" and by playing fast and loose with who is allowed to be a part of the community and when.
Some do like their butts spanked indeed.
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hehehehe well watch this space.
*watches closely* o.O
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I made a list to expose all of us you big Snowflake :)
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Awwwwwwwwww Ill have to think about it :)
I wish it were like that from the past where we could coexist, and I thumbed up his comment for his Rocky quote ))
cold....ouchies...i had hoped 3 years was enough thinking, but take ya time :D
Ya know i adores ya
And you know i respect you. But beware, i been told that when i want something bad enough, i can bend the will of the entire universe, no matter how long it takes :p :* XoXo
Yeah yeah i know ya have super powers mister haha
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I am a tech dummy so don't really understand how PBR works but I can figure out that it will take a long time for people to implement for two reasons 1) People have invested so much in what they already have in their inventories especially in SL. PBR would mean purchasing items that are PBR textured. 2) The tech needed to run PBR not everyone can afford to have.

As for Gen Z and the backlash against high end games I think may come down to people just want simplicity. Its why games like Minecraft and Roblox are so popular with Gen Z. In this article it seems to me that Gen Z use metaverse type games as their playground to meet up and connect. I know this is what my 14 yo does, and she spends her time in Roblox and also loves Call of Duty. Us oldies would meet up in the local playground or wander the streets on our bikes and have adventures or cause mischief together. Gen Z have their adventures in Metaverses now.

A world like SL or OS is just too complex for them to use. There is a game I like to play sometimes called Rising World and to me it is a cross between Minecraft and SL/OS in its building and mining style. It is way simpler to use than SL/OS and has better Graphics than Minecraft. It is currently moving from Java to Unity.
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I had a post deleted from this thread so am going to try to repost it here. The gaslighting and coercion that occurred during covid was disgusting. The emotional manipulation was disgusting. The government propaganda and control were disgusting. The lack of proper information was disgusting. People should have the choice as to what goes into their bodies every single time. Giving any Government control over what should be put into other people's bodies is disgusting. Where there is a risk of damage from any medical procedure there needs to be choice based on informed consent. There was a big lack of information about these vaccines even down to the inserts that are often in the boxes for meds (many of which were blank) etc. Pfizer wanted to keep the documentation of their trials closed for 75 years. Why? Those who hoped for and cheered on Government mandates to force others to do something against their consent tread a really dangerous path that can come back to bite you in the future. Giving any government that type of power ever is terrifying to me.
FDA asked, not Pfizer. And at 55,000 pages a month, it took 9 months to release them all.
You nailed it Remmy! Time to bring on Nuremberg 2 trials
Ya tell that to the millions, of family members who's loved one died, from covid in the first year. The vaccine helped, and it was an advise well taken, from my health advisors.
This is about choice. The vaccines did not stop the spread of covid. Tell those that have now died from or been damaged by the vaccines that their lives don't matter now because at least you are protected right?
This is not about choice. Covid vaccinations prevented an estimated 14.4 million deaths (95% credible interval (13.7–15.9) from COVID‐19 in just the first year. Thats whats important, not that you got sniffles.
This is about choice always should be. Be careful not to let the govt get that sort power to determine what goes into your body.
No the vaccine did not stop the spread. How can it when not all get vaccinated. All vaccines are ofc experimental. Nothing is 100% How can they be? These are new viruses. This is not the last of any SARS viruses. There is also those that have severe complications from having covid. Your statement says the government propaganda, it wasn't propaganda. Yes they were trying to CONTROL the spread of covid. I know nothing on this pfizer documentation. That sounds like fox news to me. Let's agree to disagree.
Then you best look into the Pfizer thing and read widely as it's not a FOX news thing.

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.

Vaccinated still get Covid so can still spread it which means the govt did not control the spread. Again, i will state for the I think 4th time in this thread, NO person or government should ever have the power to say what goes into the body of another person ie vaccines etc especially experimental ones. What i saw during this was corrupt bodies of power using their position in an unlawful way. Consent to treatment should be informed and if you only get the information the govt wants you to have ie propaganda you are not getting all the information you need.

This is the last thing i will say on this.

1) Everyone should read more widely and that means information from different points of view even if you don't agree with that point of view.

2) Learn and understand what propaganda is and how its implemented.

3) The authorities do not always have our best interests in mind, they are more likely to want to prop themselves up in some way.

4) There were many many many people warning against the covid policies that were being implemented.
We are a nation of laws that are there to save us people like you. If you have active tuberculosis, I will be the first person to report you so you get arrested and locked in a special hospital cell. You will deserve it for being irresponsible.
Well at least with my information, I did not give a smart remark. i do know what propaganda is. I don't go searching the web for information. I rely on my doctor's advice. I would really like to see all these SARs eliminated. But will never happen. I am sure the government isn't out to kill anyone. After all we all pay taxes, and paying their wages. Again i will just say let's agree to disagree.
True Remmy,

If people understand what has been done to them and their loved ones, there will be great public anger.
To me it's terrifying how much control we have given to those in power. How easy it is to manipulate us into doing awful things against others out of fear. We wonder about atrocities from the past and how easy it was to divide into them and us through use of fear. Did i mention how disgusting it is? :)
We can draw the conclusion that majority of the people are not the brightest light in the classroom.
Groupthink is an interesting phenomenon in psychology.
Yes, it is and we are all prone to it and we need to be aware of our own propensity to fall into it!
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As I said on the post above where there is a risk involved with any medical procedure people have the right to choose not to have it! Those who wish to take the risk are protected if the ie vaccine works.
Seems one of my posts was deleted from this thread!
Amen to this! ♥
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Never had the vaccine, had covid for like 6 hours and a bit tired for a week after, no long covid for me either. Have never had it again. Yet I hear of people who have had the vaccine and boosters coming down with Covid several times. It may not be the vaccines protecting you at all could just be your natural immune system working.
It saves you from dying. Almost everyone who has had the shots has a very mild case, and there are very few hospitalizations. Compare that to the tens of millions who died from a lack of vaccination.
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There is a difference between critiquing because you truly want to help someone improve or just pointing out their faults and errors as a way to make yourself feel more superior.
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"Weak people revenge, Strong people forgive, Intelligent people ignore." Einstein apparently!
A scientific opinion?
Depends how you define scientific in the context of emotional regulation. Are you measuring or observing? Also need to define what weak, strong and intelligent means. Is he saying that intelligent people have more control over their emotions or is it intelligent to control them? Can someone with a lower IQ than Einstein have control over their emotions making them intelligent? So many questions so little time, would take decades long research and funding to come up with the solutions to it. :)
This saying is based on empirical evidence about the importance of cultivating emotional strength and intelligence. These principles helped Einstein focus on groundbreaking scientific work despite personal challenges.
His forte was mathematics. He is a human making an observed opinion or personal choice.

I can easily disagree with his observed opinion in such that I am strong and intelligent and prefer to address, confront or handle with a choice to ignore.
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I understand that though SL has taken the store down there.
Thinking it is like the Aeros Penis in SL where the store suddenly closed without warning and then months later was reopened but with a warning that there would be no support for the products. Leads me to suspect the original creator passed away and the rights went to someone who inherited it but doesn't know how to support it.