Mattt McGregor @MatttMcGregor

Australia Online


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Cogita / Ankhasenaton, I can actually see everything you're saying ;-)

But seeing as you're a liar, cheating on your husband and were quite rude to people on our region, I've chosen to ignore you.

But please stop. If you were only a bitch as you state, it wouldn't matter. But you're distinctly dishonest. And completely wrong about me (or just plain lying some more to mitigate your wrongdoings). And *you* came to *me* for the sex. I merely stopped it once you admitted you wouldn't be honest with your husband, and you've not stopped carrying on about it since. I can't stand liars or cheats.

Harem? What a joke. And at any rate, people like you have made me give up on even trying to connect with anyone any more.
Just give up. *Prove* that it doesn't matter to you as you say. Because you just refuse to ever shut up about it. Hence me blocking you.
Blocking didn't work well I guess if you can still read everything she says. :)
Nah, never does here. But did stop her private messages :-)
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Under an hour to go.... w00t!!
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You're also very wrong about pretty much everything you said. But that doesn't make it any clearler to me who you really are. What *is* clear is that we know each other, yet you're hiding behind an alias. Soooo. wo/man up. Or just shut up. Or call me and confront me like an adult.
I read "wo/man" and couldn't help but think, "Wo-man is a unique range of specialty facial products designed for the more... heavy duty woman in all of us."
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Wait. Another alias? Hmmm... You're just full of surprises, aren't you? ;-)
as you are to came after me with your sick mind
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Funny. You won't call either. Maybe it's because of your husband...
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The Goddess is dead. Long live JaM's. And Rogue, we've waited what feels like forever you!!!
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We'll just set up a Jamie npc. Nobody will notice the difference
New Alba's. Cumming soon ;-)
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Was it Jamie? Pretty sure I found her there once... Oh my... what a surprise
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You mean the way you did it with your own fake (alt) Suzan?

Blocking someone here because they called you out only half works...
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They don't, Pagane. People are mostly full of shit ;-)
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Lol... just make a better place - the people are *certainly* here ;-)
That's really not true, When you build or create same thing better than SL then what?
You're clearly asking from the point of view of someone who has not.
Soooo... like I said, just make it better :-)
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Given your previous and current exploits, I'm quite surprised you're asking this...

Also, the answer is quite clear in the documentation.

In case it's not obvious, this is the guy behind Alba and her legendary tech guru Keeko. Kokomo Beach is back, y'all ;-)
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And here you are again.. You see where is going right?...
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Lol... Soooo, misnomer much? :p
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Hmmm... hadn't really thought of it like that. We were trying to come up with a "clever" name - so "yule" for xmas, and "tide" because the island's surrounded by ocean... which, ironically, is of course not tidal :p Hence splitting what is actually one word ;-)