Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix @Ferdzee

United States Offline

3D designer, programmer, geek


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never do nothing? That means he's okay with lets fuck your shit up. Never do anything.
if you wish to rap battle versus Marshall Mathers aka Eminem, be my guest, sir. He seems keen to battle anyone in the rap game :D But know that you are correcting the words he put in a song; and not my personal grammar. ;)
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My technique is to start with the blender script that removes doubles, and cleans up illegal geometry. That is always my first and last step. Almost will load after that, except an object with no triangles. I have not found a way to find those except to hide each object. and anything left, that are just a dot I delete. There has to be at least one triangle for all 4 LODS, and since there are none it will abort and you will never figure it out. Luna's problem is very common when you use the viewer to make LODs. It can reduce a part below one triangle. One other loader issue if 8 materials max. Thats easy to fix in Blender, select the object and click Ctrl V (Vertex) and separate by Materials. The viewer will struggle with high counts of linked objects, so many meshes is better then one big bunch of mesh. It will rez much quicker too.

Please don't use the analyze button. it makes bad physics mesh where you cannot walk through doors. This has been known and cautioned by developers for many years. You get convex hull and you cannot make it physics type None or physics type Prim. Then you probably make it phantom and then use prims (ugh, they are always 96 triangles) to fix it.

I prefer to make a custom physics model. I start with a plane for a house floor, which is 2 triangles. That one sided mesh becomes my floors and walls (when I want walls). I extrude it to make ramps too, so stair steps are walkable. It is one object, and very low poly.

I rarely use the physics model settings in the viewer. I would say except for avatars, which only use two LODs, it is 99% cubes for me.

I rarely load anything except cubes as the physics model in the physics tab. It was intended to load a physics model directly. That is very difficult to do as the viewer requires a minimum of one triangle at the min/max X, Y, and Z of the model. That's why you always see cube models the same X,YZ size in preview. That really is painful, and really obsolete. If you can't get it just right, your physics gets enlarged or shrunken. And I don't want physical things hanging out there to trip over or fly into.

I load the model using the many cubes technique. One way is to load 100 cubes into blender and export that and then load it as a physics Object in the physics tab. But now the Latest Firestorm has this built-in. Assuming all your mesh objects have less then 21,000 triangles it should load in a few seconds.

Now up load the custom physics model on high physics and it will be in in a second. It's a simple set of planes.

Set that in place and walk on it. Select all of the main model, and make it physics type = None. Now link it to the physics model so the physics is last. It will remain type - prim. Now you have a very low poly physics model, that uses up the least amount of RAM and the least amount of precious CPU. And unlike prim shims on bad mesh, your house is one obect. You can take with you without leaving the invisible physics model behind.

One other trick to bring in very large models is use the cube at 0,0,0, in blender. Brink in chunks of your mesh along with the cube. That way you can zero in on the problem mesh and get it fixed. Use the arrows in the viewer x,y,and z coordinates to position each chunk you upload correctly by aligning cubes. It will be accurate to .01 meters
Your cleanup script enabled us to bring in SkyRealm over 800 parts! I never thought that would be possible, Thank you, Ferd!
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Very romantic sim! The boat rides and horse riding is just gorgeous.
Thank you @FerdFrederix !! I have a certain troll friend who brings the special magic!!
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If it was the database, ther are many tools to fix it. I have yet to lose a database when people contact me for support. Well, one actually, but they deleted it and emptied the recycle bin. There should be daily backups in your Autobackup folder. If not, there are tools to repair it ranging from simple batch files in Mysql\bin such as RepairISAM.bat, and some aggressive settings in My.ini that will force it to recover. Also there is an Database manual that covers these steps. However sounds like you've started over. Look to see what's in your Autobackup folder. there should be at something in there including backups of the entire database.
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DreamGrid always writes to disk without buffering. This sounds more like a cache problem. I would not run mysql as a service. DG will ask you to confirm you are on a UPS with shutdown cable, or in a data center before it installs the service. This will make it perform better as them Mysql will enable write buffering.

I would clear the cache from your viewer, and also stop the grid and clear all caches in Setup->Setting Caches. It's harmless. It will just take a bit longer to boot.

The physics dragging sounds like a runaway vehicle or scripts. You may have been griefed and the scripts got activated at restart. You should not be allowing rez or scripts to outsiders. This can be set grid-wide in the Setup->Setting->region page. Only sandboxes shpuld have scripts and or rez on, and with a short auto return return time.

I would also boot with just one region and check that one out thoughrougly. Then enable them oner at a time and watch the CPU and physics in each one.
Thank you Fred. I am on a ups that is connected to the server via a usb cable that monitors and shuts down windows via software. Strawberry perl informed me it was not the latest version and that if I uninstalled it, that dreamgrid would install the latest version. I uninstalled it, but it did not reinstall strawberry perl. So as a result of that, I am reinstalling 5.51 again, in the hopes overwriting will force an install of strawberry perl this time.
It will not reinstall Perl. It's only needed for visitor maps. You can get the latest Strawberry Perl online easily enough.
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I should post a pic of my first microcomputers from 1973. In 1975 i had a 7' rack mount server that played Star Trek on paper tape. Heres a link
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Pop tarts and coffee is my weakness. And this does not show me holding my laptop up to my nose to see if there's a missing semicolon or is ir a bug walking on my screen. But I would love this GIANT mouse.
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I'm just gonna drop this link here. The above image is from, the watermarked one is not not useable in any form according to their license. A single use license is normally $25.00 but now on sale, for $23 a month. *cough cough*

and is
Marianna's complaint was not that Lone stole her texture (she admitted that the dance floor she saw was a different texture but similar) but that he had stolen her idea of an arcane texture on a floor and used it on the dance floor for the social the day of the event. None of which was true. The picture in my original post was from the Gala I had at my club on Luxor 6 months ago, a club I built long before the idea of having a social on WTG was even born. My whole point in posting this picture was to show that I had been using arcane textures on all kinds of surfaces for years, and the idea did not come from anything she had created. Lone got caught in someone's terribly wrong assumption.

The texture above I purchased from Bigstock back in 2014 or earlier (my earliest use of it) when you could still buy single images. It came royalty free and I could do anything I liked with it, including using it on an item I sell, as long as I did not resell or distribute the texture by itself. I don't sell any of my textures. The only item I sell that includes it is a rune circle that has a menu to select multiple textures, so it is not the primary part of the build, and it is not a fast-moving item since I only sell one or two a year maybe. But now if someone wants this texture, it is only available through Dreamstime or any of the Shutterstock companies that operate on a subscription-only basis.
The poker is served! ghghghghghghg ahhh Luna Lunaria... Thank you for the clarification, Fred.
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I happen to know the places people visit, and when they come and go, and when things happen. I run her grid, and have access to the logs and the facts and conversations.
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Opensim has always had a severe problem with materials not being saved in IARs. It has only recently in fall of 2023 been fixed. These are safe to ignore and cannot be repaired.
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"Everyones income tax refund is going to be $300 less this year..". If you get a tax refund it means you overpaid your taxes. You should adjust your withholding to pay no less than 90% of what is due, and pocket it. Stop giving the government a free loan! You may pay more in Taxes, because Trump's tax cut is expiring. Blame him.
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The Communist Party approves or selected each person for office. That's "Communism"
I'm not even sure what you're responding to there Fred. Equal could be said about the Trump MAGA nutcases, as they do exactly the same. Putin quite clearly isn't a communist, even if he once was, he is now far more of a right-wing authoritarian who has quite a lot of support from the Russian extreme right, as well as from gobshites like Trump.

From your comment, I would also guess that, at least from what you've written, that you don't have much of a clue what communism is either. Wikipedia has an article that serves as a useful introduction.

*To be clear, lest some suspect that I am, or that I advocate communism, I do not, and certainly not in the way that is was implemented in the Soviet Union, or its satellites. But neither do I endorse the fascism that is slowly, but seemingly inexorably creeping up on us on both sides of the Atlantic.
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We are a nation of laws that are there to save us people like you. If you have active tuberculosis, I will be the first person to report you so you get arrested and locked in a special hospital cell. You will deserve it for being irresponsible.
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This is not about choice. Covid vaccinations prevented an estimated 14.4 million deaths (95% credible interval (13.7–15.9) from COVID‐19 in just the first year. Thats whats important, not that you got sniffles.
This is about choice always should be. Be careful not to let the govt get that sort power to determine what goes into your body.
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FDA asked, not Pfizer. And at 55,000 pages a month, it took 9 months to release them all.
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Prove it. Legit sources only.
Who decides if they are legit sources?
Studies, by qualified researchers, using scientific procedures, published in a peer-review journal. and the findings replicated by other researchers.
A corrupt process that is increasingly coming under criticism. Several reputable journals were caught with their pants down because of biases they put through their publications. Not surprising considering some of the large pharmaceuticals we're doing their advertising through them. Studies that were not favorable to them were pulled before they even made it through the peer review process.
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On my sixth, never had it, likely never will. No long covid for me. Been in a room with 7 people, five who got it.
Never had the vaccine, had covid for like 6 hours and a bit tired for a week after, no long covid for me either. Have never had it again. Yet I hear of people who have had the vaccine and boosters coming down with Covid several times. It may not be the vaccines protecting you at all could just be your natural immune system working.
It saves you from dying. Almost everyone who has had the shots has a very mild case, and there are very few hospitalizations. Compare that to the tens of millions who died from a lack of vaccination.
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Odds of vaccine injury are rare. In all cases of FDA approved vaccines the risks benefits are more than the downside. Take for example, Covid-19 vaccines.

Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is rare. It has occurred at a rate of approximately 5 cases per one million vaccine doses administered. People receiving COVID-19 vaccines are less likely to die from COVID-19 and its complications and are at no greater risk of death from non-COVID causes, than unvaccinated people.

Analysis of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) after COVID-19 Vaccination found no increased risk of GBS after Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccination.

Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) has been rarely observed after J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccination and has occurred in approximately 4 cases per one million doses administered. No cases have been observed with other vaccines.

These are peer-reviewed results published at the CDC with data taken from the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD). As time has passed and more safety data have accumulated, the initial finding has decreased, and scientists believe factors other than vaccination might have contributed to the initial finding. The current evidence does not support the existence of a safety issue.

All direct quotes from
Well now. You expect facts to persuade people who think, "I'd rather my child be dead than autistic?" Not going to happen.
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I have discovered that an open src program I use (nssm.exe) is being reported falsely by several AV programs. It's src is clean and there is no virus.
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This is rare but sometimes happens. MSFT Defender and Malwarebytes can't find anything. Can you post the message or the file its finding? If it is really a false positive, MSFT wil remove it after I report it. You may have to lookin inside Defenders settings to find the name.
Thanks Fred. I managed to get DreamGrid to run after I turned off all my security. If I didn't MS Defender would just delete the start.exe file from the Dreamgrid package.
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The HG DNS name is what you want., Look in Settings. That is the name people find you by. setting for