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How to stop seeing someone's Instagram posts without blocking them?
For any reason if you don’t want to see someone’s Instagram posts and their other activities on your account then we have a solution for you to restrict them from your Instagram and it will help you to achieve intent.
It is a feature introduced by Instagram to foster the user experience without being rude to someone. After enabling this feature to someone’s profile the person is also not able to see your content and daily interactivity on Instagram.
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What is the meaning of the red exclamation mark symbol in telegram?
The red exclamation mark symbol in telegram is used to show you the error white you are sending a message to someone on telegram. It denotes that the message you are sending has failed even after waiting for 5 minutes.
You can just click on the symbol and resend the message to the person or you can try after some time. There are many such symbols that might be helpful for you, read our blog to know all about them in detail
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How to get Facebook Mtouch on my phone?
If you want to use the Mtouch application on your mobile then follow the instructions below in the same sequence and enjoy and explore the features of Facebook mTouch.
Open any web browser on your device.
Search for Facebook m touch.
You have many websites in the search results.
Pick up the secured website and download the Facebook mtouch application.
Install the app after giving permission in your device to download from an unknown source.
Open the app and log in with your account’s credentials.
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