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Beautiful capture
I loooove the sit poses on this one. They aren't outstanding per se...but don't know, I always liked to sit there.
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Let there be light!
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I like the shower so much that I am redoing my whole bathroom now. Love the hot and cold water =)
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This bench is awesome! I should mention to everyone that it comes with 16 great bench textures including some beautiful painted woods, and the blanket has over 30 texture options! Beautiful!
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this looks so great! is the sea plane available somewhere?
Not sure, but you could ask Karsten about it on Pangea
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Thank you for sharing this information.
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Reading this I was reminded of Kevin Bacon's character in "Animal House" screaming, "All is well! Remain calm!"

Nice little feel good post by LL to officially sweep this whole ugly mess under the rug once and for all. Everyone claiming the alleged claims made would somehow lead to criminal investigations or (gasp!) the downfall of LL were all greatly mistaken and it simply turned out to be, as I predicted here months ago, just a basic HR issue.

"..,all Lindens and contractors have stayed in compliance with our own community guidelines" Yes, but only because the ones that WERE NOT in compliance are no longer employed there and are thus not "Lindens". Nice spin there.

The "modesty layer" is an interesting approach. Seems like a good idea. It might work, or it might also lead to more issues. I am glad at least that LL realizes that merely having a childlike avatar does NOT automatically mean something exploitive or sexual is occurring. That kind of thinking is narrowminded and wrong-headed. I also hope the LL is making some legitimate changes in their work environment because claims of a hostile work environment have been made more than a few times now.

The rest of the post seems like stuff I have read from them 100 times before. I expect a few "community forums" and some holding hands and singing songs about how important the "community" is and then this little issue will be just a memory and LL will go back to focusing on what it really cares about...the big sell-off of Tilla to Thunes
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Amazing stuff here! I had a wonderful visit today! (I snuck in wearing my jeans before the formal gathering :P) I loved the environment you have created Star. I also enjoyed seeing all the works of fellow artists that you have on display.
Thank you for coming. Not everyone dressed up. That is OK. Clothes don't matter as much as people just coming to enjoy.
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I had to come back and remark about how amazing this item is. I finally unboxed it and WOW! the picture does not do it justice. Far more than just a bed, this thing can bring any room to life! Love the textures and the provided decorations. I highly recommend everyone go and grab this beautiful "love nest." Here is a pic of it filling a room:
OMG love how it looks with that wall and light. Amazing decor work!
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love the red outfit!
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Had a great visit. A wonderful mix of urban and rustic scenery.
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All of those items worked for me right out of the box. Plus, if you have issues, Val is happy to help. Surely you asked for help before posting this review, right?
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*sings Justin Timberlake's "I am bringin' sexy box!"
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Great news! I know that Mr. Masala has been a huge supporter of my creative endeavors, and I am excited about what sounds like a very exciting project. (Also nice to see elf representation on the board!)
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I am not even a land renter, but I have experimented with Val's system and it is great. I am an idiot elf and even I can use it!
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thanks! I will pass that along to the radio station soon as they sober up