Passion Jumanji @PassionFlower Land Online

I am the owner of the grid Land. I only accept visitors, I do not have any plans to have residents. I am building my grid for ABSOLUTE fun & pleasure seeking individuals to come and rest their weary minds, body's and soul's & escape from real life ;) Just come, take off your hat, kick up your feet, and REVIVE your selves! ;)

Joined 6 years ago

About Myself

I am a very creative person who loves to be unique and individualize my creativity . . . I don't like to follow what others have done and create the same thing, I like to enhance what has been done and go from there! ;)

My Interests

I do Crosstitch online . . . if you like to do Cross Stitch go here and sign up for this addictive challenge! ;)
I like writing, reading, listening to Alexa read from Audibles anything to make life more comfortable during these trying times.

Favorite Quote

"If God is not Lord of ALL than He cannot be Lord . . . AT ALL!

Music I Like

Old Christian Hymns, Contemporary Christian Muzik, upbeat muzik of all sorts.

Films I Like

The Beauty & The Beast, etc.

Books I Like

"Hinds Feet On High Places", etc.

My Heroes

Jesus Christ!

OpenSimulator Version

I dunno

Viewer Version



Ryzen 9 HP

My Regions

Magical Fairies Pass
3 0 Fairies Pass 0 Users
Just a cozy little place to call home. Take a stroll down the lane & enjoy some country life. Take a walk along the beach & take a boat ride or just do some fishing. Explore via teleports and just have yourself a plain old good time. The farm animals do enjoy your company! ;) So pet away! ;)
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Magical Fairies Pass 4
3 0 Fairies Pass 4 0 Users
WONDERLAND HEAVEN FARMS This is the place where I have my home farm and I am also making a Sanctuary for extinct & homeless animals that can no longer survive in the wild. So, I have taken them in to live in my Sanctuary where they are free to roam and thrive & produce more of their own kind. Ev...
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Magical Fairies Pass 2
6 6 Fairies Pass 2 0 Users
I'm Savannah Joy over on Wolf Territories ;) Look on my profile and you may TP to all the other regions I have there as well! ;) LM's are in the pics! ;) THANK YOU & HAVE FUN EXPLORING! ;) HUGGIEZ! ;) When you land in my region put it at midnight & look at the gazebo. . . you will see ma...
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Fairy Land
22 6 Land 0 Users
TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 18th, 2022! I'm so sorry I haven't brought my grid back up. It's too hard to run on my puter, so I would need something like a Contabo server, which I don't know how to run on my own. So, until that happens where I can put it on another server that someone else can maintain than...
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Fairy Land
0 0 Land 0 Users
Fairys all over
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This is the new Opensim Fishing area that I just placed here.
You may come on down and try it out for yourself!
Non-monetary SUPER gifts coming your way! ;)

You will notice the Wolf Territories Blimp floating up above.
For your convenience, we have boats out in the water for you to fish in.
There are chairs on the board walk in the center.
If you would like some solitude, thee are stumps and rocks along the edges for you to fish with yourself or a partner or friend.
You can see Bobby our AI that will answer all your questions about Wolf Territories! He tells poems, stories, etc! ;)
Bobby is so much fun! He's chock full of information ;)
There is also a destination board. Just click on that and it will bring you to any destination on Wolf Territories.
Come on over and ENJOY friendship & fun! ;)

Take this link here directly to the fishing area:
hop:// Fairies Pass 4/235/225/23

These are three of my avatars just dancing' the night away on my Magical Fairies Pass 2 Fantasy region! ;)
So much fun adding to these OAR builds ;)

comments 111 post likes 71 SatyrFarm points 56,260
No upcoming events

My Reviews

R&M Creations

I can always count on finding something that I need here. I can also count on finding something unique here as well. ;) All I have to do is keep on hunting and I will find something I want, need or even a surprise that I was not even expecting! ;) I love this place! I come here often! I not only come here for the free stuff, But I also visit with Milly when she's available just to have a nice chat...


I use Firestorm all the time. I have been to this region, and it is incredible. I love going to Rolands. I have been there many times ;)

Savage Forest

This place is a fun place to hang out . . . well . . . WAS for me now. Too bad it's stuck on AMV . . . :/ They should come on over to Wolf Territories and join in on the cool crowd with the most advanced technology in opensim! And we aren't stopping there . . . We will continue to move onward and upward on the technological ladder of success!

TRF Ministries

I've been keeping my eyes on this place. . . most places like this that hold onto Jesus as their life & light, don't last in open sim for very long . . . because of . . . let me stop right there . . . no need to draw negativity to this pleasant place of trusting Jesus for everything. I'm going to continue to Pray for this place of Spirituality for a long time. I'm going to Pray that these people t...


This is a really nice & classy region to hang out in ;) Thanks for providing such awesome muzik! ;)

Trianon Complex

Gotta add to this comment: April 2, 2024 . . . Esse really knows how to make a club hop. Not only that, she's an excellent teacher - she teaches classes in building on Sat mornings. She has lots of patience for dummy's like me! LOL! ;) She's a really good friend, too! ;) TY ESSE! STAY YOU! C U SOON! ;) HUGGIEZ! ;) TY Essen! Your Club is AWESOME & so is your muzik! I really enjoyed myself this e...

AMV Town Hall

Hmmm . . .

AMV Welcome

It's just . . . just :/

HQ Herederos

EXCELLENT place to shop for new things! So love it when I go into a shopping center and they have just about everything brand new that has been put out there over & over again. TY for providing a stress & lag free environment! I will come back again and again and I'm already sharing the landmark with all my friends! ;) Thank You once again! ;) Keep up the great work ;)


What a delightfully pleasant region you have here! ;) I am enjoying myself immensely! Thank You for offering such a lovely & lively place to visit! & THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH FOR ALL THE GOODIES THAT YOU PROVIDED FOR EVERYONE! Keep up the great work! ;)

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