Hey everyone, in just a few days I will be on vacation. May 17-26th, I am going where there are sunny skies and palm trees.

During that time i wont be in world much if at all, but if there are any problems with the grid send me a message. You can message me here or via email on my website. I will respond when i am able.

To all hg users and members, if you hop to virtual beach region and teleport board is all white, just click up top where it says touch to update and you should be good to go.

im still here for a few more days but after that, ill see you when i get back.

Kylie Brimmer: Enjoy your vacation and travel safe too! 29 days ago

Happy Easter from My Virtual Beach

Passion Jumanji: Thank You! ;) 3 months ago

Happy New Year from all of us at Virtual Beach

Hugabug: Happy New Year Misstress 5 months ago
This is the news everyone tried to guess what it was. Virtual beach region which is our current welcome region is getting a major upgrade!

I would like to thank Darci Viper and Lilly Sparks from OS grid for doing the complete rehaul and putting up with me. They have put a lot of effort in the region, I have done a few things but the credit really goes to them.

Also i want to thank Cuetulala artis aka bloom peters for working on a special project in there i cant yet reveal.

When it is finished, there will be a reveal party, stay tuned for details.

Lillysparks: I am SO happy and excited I just cannot wait! That will be a party spot for sure. xoxox. You designed a lot of it too, take credit where it is deserved. Hugs. 1 month ago
I have seen a post or two lately on a topic that I feel i need to write about. There is a lot of Misinformation going around online and in world. I have been contemplating writing this for a few months until i saw a post that drew the line.

I mean no disrespect by my post, its only to educate others. please be respectful when commenting. Also my post is not to enforce a certain lifestyle or kink onto anyone. Its solely for education purposes only.

The majority online and in world seems to think that either a child avatar or a child avatar having sex with an adult is Ageplay. This is not Ageplay!

Ageplay is where an adult portrays a younger age and wears clothes that makes them partially look the part but yet still have the appearance of an adult. Also Ageplay can be between 2 consenting adults, one looking like a full adult and the other wearing childish clothes but still has appearance of an adult.

If you see a child avatar and an adult having sex, that is not in no way anything to do with Ageplay nor is it sexual Ageplay! that is pedo crap which is not tolerated in my grid! Please stop associating it with Ageplay.

if you see a child avatar looking like a real life child, that is also not Ageplay! please dont listen to the wrong information child avatar have passed to everyone online in world.

I have been in the community and an ABDL mom for 11 years and it really frustrates me that people believe a child avatar is Ageplay. please stop listening to them. they are not an Ageplayer by no means.

Please do your research before assuming and thinking what you were told is correct information. I know there are soem child avatars going around saying so what I do Ageplay. that is not Ageplay.

below is a link to a wiki article for those that want to learn more and get a little educated abotu what Ageplay actually is.


Alexandria: As someone mention before I would like to know what does a ''Child Avatar'' look like because clearly a lot of Grids in OS do not know ''Fully'' on what actual children look like in some cases as some... 5 months ago

Hey everyone! I just added a fun new nostalgic region, Magical Kingdom aka Walt Disney world! Come check out the happiest place on earth!

Soul-Grid : Thy you for the nice place 5 months ago


These items are fully customizable to fits ur needs


Hey everyone, due to an internet outage beyond our control, VB will experience technical issues.

what that means is the grid will intermittently go in and out and will go offline. that ranges from a few minutes or more at a time.

hopefully in a few hours or by tomorrow everything will be fixed, the issues are currently being worked on.

OpenSimUser: Wish you the best of luck with it. 5 months ago

Hi everyone, still working on the new welcome region but in the mean time, here is a little teaser.

Marianna: Best wishes on your new Welcome, another surfing destination creates an inclusive environment where anyone can experience the joy of surfing, regardless of their geographical location or physical abil... 9 days ago
NEW RIDES! check out the all new Sci Fi Park exclusive to Virtual Beach Grid, tp board at the entrance of park as well as all ur current fav rides upgraded with a new engine script.

updates are still being made and will post as they come.

Milly Money: That looks AWESOME!! :) 7 months ago

the small store is now open, get your hair done, nails and even something for the guys. there is also kimonos you can get to wear within the region.

Hello everyone,
I have a few updates regarding the future of Virtual Beach grid, the grid is slowly being brought back online, you may still find a few regions offline still. but hopefully a few days it will be fully back on-line.
I am now part owner Virtual Beach and sorta taking it over, so any questions you can also message me.

I am really excited for this adventure and the future of Virtual beach so bare with me as I will be learning some new things.

hopefully with in the next few weeks we will also do some much needed maintenance and updates and when that happens we will give a heads up.

Hi everyone, I have a new adventure, University Of BDSM college and i am very excited to get to finally show it to everyone. There will be a few things added in the next month or so as well as a hospital for medical play. I hope everyone enjoys this and has fun.

Great news! I finally fixed the Ferriss Wheel, the led lights still are not right but the Ferriss Wheel is back up an running. Idk how but some of the tracks deleted themselves.

Lillysparks: I bet it is very pretty 1 month ago

All backups are officially done

I am currently doing a database backup of Virtual Beach. It will most Likely take 10 hours but the grid will remain up. report any issues you see during that time to me. :)

Hugabug: Happy Thanks giving to you as well ( cute picture) 7 months ago

NEW ITEM! Check out the bumper boat i put together for everyone to enjoy and have fun. grab it on the 3rd floor.

The final updates to the theme park are complete. Check out the stellar bumper cars in the Sci Fi Park, why not try the cool Bumper Boats in the main park and while your there you can check out some of the new decor.
Grid is still offline, there is an issue we ran back into in the latest beta version of dream grid. I do not know when it will be back online. My tech guy Rocky and with the help of Fred is trying to fix it. they are doing an awesome job and at this point we just have to wait. :)

Milly Money: Looks like a few people are having bad results with the latest Beta. I won't be upgrading till all is well ... 7 months ago

Hello everyone, Amber has been so generous to share this oar with the public, i have put it out for all to come and shop. if anyone wants to contribute to the store please contact me.

Virtual beach is back online and all issues have been fixed. Thank you and sorry for the delays.

Virtual beach grid is back online

Now presenting the Rublight that you can rub on anything. hold it in your hand and dance the night away. Available for free on the advertising sign next to the stage.

Anyone who enters the University as a child avi will now be banned. Never thought I would have to do this but had a child avi come in twice and also told me how pretty I was as if they were trying to get with me. if it wasn't for that last part I would just nicely ask them to change to adult or leave.

SnoopKing: It is curious to read how people insist on defending what does not need to be defended, and how others are determined to offend the private and personal practices of each person. Personally, I think t... 1 years ago

Movies are now playing at the Drive-in first up is GI Jane

New holiday pillows just in time for December 3rd floor

Thirza Ember: Judging by the photo, you ain't kidding when you say 'beach' 11 months ago
So some of you probably noticed the grid was offline after I made the post it was online. apparently unaware to us it had gone offline after awhile but now its all back on-line and should be fine.

For all residents and visitors, if there is any issues with the grid please dont hesitate to contact me or anyone on our staff board. you can also contact me here if the grid is unreachable.

For those that want to join in on the VB Crawl on March 15th you can head to Virtual Beach to pic up your free TP Hud. All destinations are in order of the crawl.

Happy Valentines day from Virtual Beach

Lone Wolf: Hugzzz! 1 years ago
if you see a virtual beach region offline on osw, it doesn't always mean its offline. something is going on where its deleting the beacon keys. this will be worked on in the next coming weeks. I do not know what is causing this but it is doing it more then once.
well i am now facing the wrath of Priscilla.Kleenex login.twistedgrid.xyz:8002 , that's the latest avatar. I dont know what her plans are but she was at my Woodstock and university today.

it looks like she is just copying items, not sure what she was doing in university, I was afk and cant see server end as that's in another grid.

update: also what is with these profiles that comment on some ones post and then u click thee name and says user not found?

fyi i dont mind people taking free stuff, but this post was to say she isn't doing her usual behavior for a griefer.

Charlene McNally: Another thing is for grid owners add Pricilla.Kleenex or Pricilla Kleenex to your avatar list then disable the name so she can’t register… 1 years ago