Essensual @Essensual59

Canada Offline Complex Fetish Factor every Sunday from 5 to 8pm PST and In the Trianons Ballroom every Thursday from 1 to 3 PST Fridays at TGIF Disco from 4 to 6pm


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Santa dropped off MORE trees and some other great christmas items.. come check it out
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thast what happens when I have a head ache and I post on my crappy I some times see double
Aww ;-( I hope your feeling better now.
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try dumping your cache and relogging.
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merci beaucoup pour les gentils mots
thank you very much for the kind words
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I goggle for my textures.. There are a few good sites out there that have all 3 textures for here. the texture, a normal/bump texture, and a shine layer texture. my Adobe used to be able to make mesh for me but since having to change my mobo I haven't been able to do that. I am more of a prim builder, but there are ways to turn prim builds into mesh.
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It's a shame the HG Body has been discontinued in SL, which means the designers arent going to be making too many more clothes for it in the future
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I have worked hard bring homes to you, but IM not a scripter and I dont think I want to spend hours to make doors work.. the items are free.. but you can do some work on them
You have done a phenomenal job and it is much appreciated. Very nice place and items.
IM working on it..
but building doesnt happen
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thank you Nine.. it was nice of you to join us tonight.. I do hope to see you again at one of the other events we have here
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did a 3 hour DISCO set tonight at TGIF..and ended it with me singing for the left overs..
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it is a nice picture
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Its only stress if you dont enjoy what you do.. and even though Im a bit tired from running the grid DJing 4 sets a week and building 3 regions right now.. you have to enjoy what you do, if its DJing or building Scripting or just dancing,,
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it was build by Luna Lunaria.. and I re textured it.. Luna Loves it...
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on all my ads it says it says Click the TP board for the location you want to go to.. its not hard I even welcome every one in the welcome room as Im DJing and give them instructions on where we are and how to get here. its too bad people dont know how to read.. and think just because they are too stupid to figure it out.. they write poor reviews.. its a complex cause there is 3 clubs and one games area on the 3x3. and since you can only have 1 beacon per region I think the welcome room is the best way to work with this.. Im sure you have seen TP boards before, but I also have large pictures of the clubs.. and if for some reason you go to the wrong club I TP you up.. or you can ask me for a TP
Obsess much, do you?
no it seems you do,. having to write a negative review cause you dont understand English, when I told you we are at the fetish factor tonight you can click the TP board or the large pictures to come to the club.. Since Otto had problems I make sure I tell every one I dont know how to get to where the party is
I KNEW where the party was... OBVIOUSLY .. since I GOT there, idiot. See, I can call names TOO :) The issue is HOW to get there with an unrezzed TP board. As you've, I'M SURE, noticed (given your touchiness to ANY criticism), I'm NOT the only one who had problems with your BIZARRE and unnecessary method of TP'ing. That SHOULD say something to someone who had any interest at all in improving a visitor's experience there. But no, it's SO much easier to toss it off with a snarky comment. Right?
Hi to any who drops by and SEES this!! :) This is just to let you know that I've just discovered that I've been BANNED from visiting any of Triannon's OSW pages. Not that I've had any real INTEREST in going there, but i WAS curious if she had made any comment about OSW delisting her sims for using bots to FALSELY inflate her av count.

But, yep!! BLOCKED!!! LOL! I suppose SOME people just can't handle ANY criticism, howsoever mild!! And MILD, my review WAS.. it really only mentioned things OTHERS had ALREADY mentioned, but that she had chosen to IGNORE!!

A friend of mine tells me you can go where ever if you're not logged in. But, I'm like 'who CARES, really??' Bless her heart, poor thing!! lolol
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Im sorry for the worlds loss.. Veri was a wonderful women with so much positivity that it was infectious.. R.I.P Veri.. you will be sadly missed by many
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oh cant wait to hear Ichabod
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to others just coming into this comment thread and it doesnt seem all here, its not.. I removed the comments made by KrIsTiNa or how ever she types it.. she was complaining that I dont support the OSgrid by having an event during there event.. I pay my tiers which I feel supports the grid, and not have to pay out of my low income pension
Sometimes one has to ignore the bullies, and just have fun. If your event is worth coming to, people will come back. People need choices, people need to meet new people. People need to decide for themselves.
Seems you are doing your share. It shocked me how hostile it was. Good wishes to all
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Kristina.. Suzan is right.. I have been doing events this one on friday for 10 months and events thursdays and sundays for almost 3 years.. and the only way to keep people coming to your club is to show up for your events.. I have tracked yours and you dont stay at your events.. and IM sure the people who come to my events come because they like the entertainment.. and 90% of my traffic is Hypergridders.. who could care less about donating to the OSGrid.. so I added an option
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thank you Suzan ♥
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esta é uma região não uma grade então não tenho login, qualquer hipergrider pode vir aos meus clubes
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Leeloo I dont care who you are in RL.. that makes no difference to me. BUT I am not going to allow a 12 year old looking avatar to come on my region which I pay for, come here.. and if I find you have been circumventing the ban I will contact your admin and tell them what you are doing.
no worry i not will come i respect your rules is fine