Aurora Starchild @AuroraAsteria

Starchild Estate Offline

Co-Owner of Starchild Estate and Shoppe hop://

Joined 8 months ago

About Myself


My Interests

Love building and landscaping!

I'm Looking For

People with knowledge on scripting and building to nag with questions! :P

Favorite Quote

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
—Maya Angelou

My Regions

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comments 156 post likes 587
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My Reviews


Amazing, original, scripted stuff. They rental system is breath-taking. And Valerie is extremely supportive to guide people through challengues!


This is THE place to go if you have to landscape. As Frank says in another review it's extremely well organised, easy to find massive packs of stuff. And the sim looks amazing as well.


Went to visit today, and what a treat! Gave me R.Lion vibes (and that's a good thing!) so much stuff that I had to just bookmark and decide to "raid" it later. All newly brought stuff too! Amazing work! Thanks for that!

Parrots Bay

Great place: good parties and amazing support!

Nautilus Middle Earth

Gorgeous sim! And thanks a *million* for sharing the landscaping too - had been looking everywhere for a couple of very specific bushes and....there they were!

Moonrose Shopping

I love how the mall is arranged around the plaza - very easy to navigate and find things. Nice selection!

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