Land By The Luminous Sea

Land By The Luminous Sea
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25 days ago
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A region surrounded by luminous waters. A park-like setting with houses, shopping at Famous Friends / Club Gold Bar. Also a LM giver to my other areas and stores in other locations. Gracie Square a Victorian Era park with furnished houses, things to see and the Empress of India store with items for you. Miss Morton's School of Arts and Social Graces (Victorian Era), New Dawn Spiritual Center 4 areas of 3 floors each dedicated to various belief systems...worth a look I think ; D and not ugly or dull!!!! if I do say so myself lol), Robert Johnson's Blues Club/The Birth Place of Robert Johnson/Sister Jeans Fortunes and Hoodoo Occult Supplies *with items for you to take away, Fantasmagoria by Flame - Art for Life 2 stores dedicated to 2D with themed sections of art to take away, 5 sub locations of mine in the huge and amazing collaborative effort of creators in Neo Rome an NW extravaganza of architectural brilliance and artistic value. You will find nothing that compares in any virtual world, thanks to the builders of NW. I will continue to create things and add them to my stores, things like E Indian harmoniums, hand drums, hookahs, incense burners, packages of grave dirt, bottles of Florida water, Copies of actual artifacts, of Ancient Sumeria, bottles of perfume, bars of soap, jewelry and so on, that I have already created. Please do come by check out Land by the Luminous Sea and then travel to the other locations. Hope you see you around. xoxox j. Flame

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Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
Debra Ann Congi Beautiful sim.
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