Extreme Surfing Adult


Extreme Surfing
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Created :
4 months ago
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Extreme Surfing is a region where you can practice surfing, jetski, walk with your partner and explore the island... I invite you to have a good time...

Another surfer from Xtreme Surfing....

I thank Hyancith Bitchen Boards for providing me with a great surfboard and wave set...thank you...I also want to thank Chad Deischer at Nautilus for his great resources...thank you both...

Hyacinth: It is one of those projects that is never finished. I am not sure when I will work on the surfboards again. We are working on a huge railroad now, that is taking up what little free time i have. :) 3 months ago

a little so that you know more about the place...

my habitat...

enjoying a beautiful and relaxing panorama.

We continue enjoying...

one of my great distractions..

enjoying a day of sailing with friends...

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3 minutes ago

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Reviews (8)
Overall Rating:
Lillysparks This place is built with much kindness and care. The details are lovely. The owners are always gracious and welcoming. I love this place, and they have my support.
Ankhsenaton So much fun!! Much easier than in real life I didn't even make a mistake! ;-) And I didn't even take the time to change, we surf like queens, even in high heels! :-) I now have several surf spots, so cool!!!! (and of course I said hello to the NPC again... I'm blonde ... ;-)
LaraLawrens Congratulations on that region, it is beautiful and pleasant to look at. I don't practice surfing but I was tempted to do so...jj thank you for creating a region like that...

Region Comments

I congratulate you bro... excellent region to enjoy with friends like you... a hug... see you next time to give you more classes... jjj