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Today, from 11am grid time, the Expo party ! some hear 3 hours of great music, and explore the 100+ booths from all over Opensim, with freebies Landmarks, information, and links to many exciting places and people!
Thanks in advance to the fabulous Zoree Jupiter, Marlon Wayne, and Zeno Stark for the music, and everyone who has participated so far, for all their hard work to make this such a fun event.

Emma Florido: It was a great time i could spend there, thanks to all who made it posible ♥ 2 months ago
If you missed the event over this weekend, here's a taste of what happened when about 40 of us celebrated the start of the Hypergrid International Expo, with @ZoreeJupiter @Arianna1986 and @forestofazure
HIE the multi language opensim convention continues today starting at 9am SLT (6pm in Central Europe) Join us if you can!
If you missed the great shows and talks yesterday, check out the HIE youtube channel where you will be able to watch Live!