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Upcoming Events in region: Lawrence Bay

rosy ogrady sings live at lawrence bay

in 2 days | 2024-06-02 14:00 SLT | Lawrence Bay | Added by jennifer.law3
Singing live at a peaceful seaside location in lawrence bay

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Acidic Loop live singer -- Lawrence Bay 1557/1955/102

in 9 days | 2024-06-09 15:00 SLT | Lawrence Bay | Added by jennifer.law3
Acidic is a great live singer performer that you already know, come and be with Acidic on Sundays to listen and dance with friends He will do next set at new place: The Blue Gala beside Legends Club.
Important announcement: Acidic Loop will be away due to its activities in RL until June 9th when it will return at the same time as usual at the Legends Club. Thank you for your understanding.

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