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SFsail Sailing Engine

<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><img src="" alt="" style="width: 300px;"></p><p><br></p><p><strong>SFSAIL sailing engine</strong></p>
<p>-----------------------------------</p><p>Learn more at;/p&gt;
<p style="text-align: left;">SFsail is a new sailing engine written from scratch for OpenSim. It
works similarly to BWind and has mostly similar commands. Sit on a boat and say
'help' for a list of commands.</p><p><strong><span style="color: rgb(106, 168, 79);">You can find the SFsail boats in the OpenSimWorld Region:</span></strong></p>
<p><br></p><p><br></p><p><a href=""><img src="" style="width: 589px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; height: 463px;"></a></p><p><br></p>
<p><strong>HOW TO USE THE BOATS:</strong></p>
<p>- Boats are tuned to BulletSim by default. If you use ubODE,
edit the .SFsail script and change the setting IS_UBODE=1</p>
<p>- The first avatar who sits on a boat is the commander. If
the commander stands up the boat moors. Another person can then sit to
operate<span>  </span>the boat</p>
<p>- You can operate the boat with left/right arrows
(steering), forward/back arrows (trim of the sails) and PgUp/PgDown to rotate
the Spinnaker</p>
<p>- Say 'raise' to raise mainsail + jib</p>
<p>- Say 'lower' to lower all sails</p>
<p>- Say 'moor' to stop and anchor the boat</p>
<p>- Say 'jib' to hoist/lower the jib</p>
<p>- Say 'genoa' to hoist/lower genoa (if available)</p>
<p>- Say 'spin' to hoist/lower spinnaker (if available)</p>
<p>- Say 'trim' to engage Autotrim which automatically trims
the sails to their optimal angles</p>
<p>- Say 'hold' to keep the boat pointing at the same angle</p>
<p>- Say 'flip' when the boat is moored to flip the boat
(useful when stuck on a dock)</p>
<p>- Say 'motor' to turn on the motor. Then use the up/down
arrows to change throttle. Say 'moor' to stop<span> 
</span>the boat</p>
<p>- Say one of n,s,e,w,nw,ne,sw,se to set the Wind direction</p>
<p>- Say 8,11,15,18,21,25<span> 
</span>to set the Wind speed</p>
<p>- Say 'hud' to turn on/off the hover text of the boat</p>
<p>- Say 'adv' to turn on/off advanced hud text</p>
<p>- Say 'milesreset' to reset the miles counter (shown in the
<p>- Say 'setter' to enable/disable listening to the region
wind setter (or SFsail Manager)</p>
<p>- Say 'dest x y' to engage the autopilot to steer towards the region coordinates x,y</p>
<p>- Say 'dest x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 ...'  to engage autopilot to follow the route from region points x1 y1 ...  Say 'stop' to stop autopilot</p><p>- Say 'follow <avatar name or object name>' to engage autopilot to follow another avatar or another boat. Say 'stop' to stop following</p><p>- Say 'route <route-name>' to begin a rout (requires Sail Manager / See below)</p>
<p>- Say 'stop' to stop the autopilot / stop following</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>ROUTES MANAGER / WIND SETTER</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p>The 'SFsail Manager' object is a wind setter (creates wind for the 'setter' command), and a
place to rez and store your boat routes. If you don't already have a wind
setter, touch it and select 'Setter ON'.</p>
<p>Boat routes are stored in the notecard '.Sailroutes' inside the manager object, which
contains lines with routes. In each line, the x y coordinates of a route are defined (similar to the 'dest' command).</p>
<p>Each line is as follows:</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);"><Route Name>=x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3  x4 y4 
<p>For example a  route named 'Tour' line could be:</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">Tour=150 160 270 380 200 100 160 160</span></p>
<p>You can then engage the autopilot to join this route from any boat by saying:</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">route Tour</span></p>
<p>The boat will join the route at the nearest
point of the route and continue until the end. You can stop the autopilot at any time by saying 'stop'</p>
<p>You can use the object "SFsail Route helper" to help you make a route quickly. Rez it over water, and then, for each point, move it and then touch it. The route will be printed in the chat for you.</p>
<p> (Note: routes are approximate, the boat will try to reach within 10 meters of each route point. You will have to correct the boat if it goes against the wind)</p><p><br></p><p><strong>REZ A BOAT WITH NPC THAT FOLLOWS YOU</strong></p><p><span>You can use a second boat and an NPC to follow your boat. Rez a second boat that will follow you. Edit .SFconfig and change "Firstname Lastname" to your own avatar name, for example:</span><br><br><span>Button=FollowMe=LINKMSG{-4;889;follow Satyr Aeon}</span><br><br><span>Then sit and unsit to reload the configuration. Then Right click to touch the boat (without sitting) and select Options ->NPCs->ADD->Sailor. The NPC "Sailor" should sit on the boat now. </span><span>Touch the boat again and select Options -> FollowMe , then select Options -> Autotrim and then select Options->Raise. The boat with the NPC will now follow you. You can sit on your own boat and sail together.</span></p> <p><br></p> <p> </p>
<p>You can change the configuration variables at the top of the
.SFsail script to tune your boat. </p>

<p>IS_UBODE=0<span>  </span>// Change
this to 1 if you are using UBode</p>
<p>ACCESS = "A";<span> 
</span>// Change who can drive the boat. the setting can be:
"A"=All<span>  </span>"G"=Group
"O"=Owner only</p>
<p>MAX_ANGLE = 70;<span>    
</span>Maximum allowed boom angle</p>
<p>HUD_ON=1<span>     </span>// Change
this to 0 if you don't want the Hover text by default</p>
<p>ADV_HUD=1<span>     </span>//
Change this to 0 if you don't want want advanced info in the Hover text</p>
<p>THROTTLE_MAX=5 // Change this to the maximum throttle of the
<p>SPEEDUP=0.9;<span>        </span>//
Change this to larger or lower values to make the boat overall faster / slower</p>
<p>ENABLE_DYCAM = 1;<span>  </span>//
Change this to 0 to<span>  </span>disable the dynamic
<p>KEELING = 0.2;<span>    
</span>//<span>  </span>Change this to larger or lower
values to make the boat keel more or less</p>
<p>LEEWAY = 0.2;<span>     
</span>//<span>  </span>Change this to larger or lower
values to make the boat to have more leeway (sideways drift)</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>SFposer BUTTONS</strong></p>
<p>The SFsail boats use SFposer<span> 
</span>to handle the animations. SFposer Buttons are added to the Options menu to send commands
to the boat.<span>  </span>The boat accepts commands through link_messages with num=889</p>
<p>To add an SFposer button, add a Button line to the
.SFconfig notecard. For example to add a button to hoist the genoa, add the following line to .SFconfig:</p>
<p>Similarly, you can create a route for a boat by sending an appropriate 'dest' command:</p>
<p><em>Button=Start Route=LINKMSG{-4;889;dest 150 160 270 380 200 100
160 160}</em></p><p>The SFsail boats contain a button for the boat to follow you. You need to edit .SFconfig to replace "Firstname Lastname" in the Button's configuration line with your own avatar's name:</p><p><em>Button=FollowMe=LINKMSG{-4;889;follow Satyr Aeon}</em></p><p>The SFsailboats come preloaded with one NPC named 'Sailor'. To rez the NPC to follow you with his boat, click Options->NPCs->Add NPC->Sailor, then Options->AutoTrim, then Options->FollowMe, and finally Options->Raise.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The boats do not support crossing regions, unless you have
OSSL permissions in both regions.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>SFsail is licensed under the GNU General Public Licence v3 (GPLv3)</p><p>SFsail is inspired by the BWind engine, but it does not contain any parts of it.<br></p>
<p>Copyright (c) Satyr Aeon</p>

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Lynnestra Parker & On The Rocks present "School's Out For Summer"!
Sunday June 2nd 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific
DJ Maldrul will be playing a collection of Rock songs about school and summer along with his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!


LaramieWinslow: showed up for a minute, was too shy to stay :S 8 hours ago

Ich freu mich cshon auf das Rollenspiel mit meinem Kaiser Wilhelm in Cartabria :-)

Copper: Warum schreibt ihr nicht direkt von der sim aus einen post. Dann wäre die sim HG-adresse gleich dabei für einen Teleport in Karte kopieren. Nur ein Gedanke :-) 11 hours ago

does anyone know if there is Ak Evo heads any new

Come on down to the First Afternoon Set at Fetish Factor still have 1.5ish hours to go.

SN Jolene Bikini
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Sodasullivan: I have been trying very hard to find a simple bikini, something with no extra straps or chains hanging off it. Thank you for offering this! 13 hours ago
I see someone has been busy last night @FerdFrederix, thank you! Zensational is beyond anything I dreamed, it is such a peaceful and lovely region, please feel free to stop by anytime. Thank you to all the explorers who stop by and IM to say hello @JamieWright , @RolandFrancis, @JoeBuilder, thank you!!

Yin Yang Town: the few Minutes i was there before i was called i was saw a wonderful created region.thats always a visit worth to go there.i will come back with more time for sure 13 hours ago

SN Luis Swimpants
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon
Sunday Brunch Blues with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle every Sunday Morn at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: Bayou Belle at Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-06-02 09:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Sunday 02 June 10am Slt / 20 Uhr Cet
Latcho Dives auf der PangeaGrid im Gypsy Camp

19 Uhr - 20 Uhr Putri Solo 10am slt
20 Uhr - 21 Uhr Aint 11am slt
21 Uhr - 22 Uhr Evan Williams 12pm slt

Dresscode: Gypsy Clothes / Formal
Taxi: hop://

When: Saturday June 1
Time: 8:00am Grid Time
MAP:'s Sex Hideaway

Ankhsenaton: No IM possible as he blocked ma after insulting me but I don't care. Once more this is to warn any potential recruits he might make into his harem of what awaits them! And believe me it always ends th... 22 hours ago

where can i find a golf cart? anyone ever seen one on opensim? geesh lol please let me know!!!???

SheaButter: I have one golf cart, and is driveable. Is at AVW at region Daytona. Will put at landing spot. 22 hours ago

------ NEW ------

The Mega Store House was born today next to the Mega Store, you will find many houses and buildings all free

Yin Yang Town Store is open NOW !!
- discover something new every day!
- all for free
- decorative items
- Houses
- Characters
and much more


Looking for scripts for clocks, clock hands and clock sounds.

Racci: I'm a polar bear :D This script is like magic, but FIRST make 6 prims and link them together, then put the script in the root prim. MAGIC! You will need to find a texture for the clock face, not too ... yesterday
Live from Rockin' The Blues! It's a Double Shot Saturday Night with DJ Kith! 6PM-9PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-06-01 18:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Blues man DJ Kith takes over our Saturday Night Blues Party!! DJ Riker is having internet issues so DJ Kith is gonna ROCK OUR HOUSE for 3 hours with the most exciting blues anywhere!! Kith's sets are guaranteed to be fresh and full of surprises, so if you like your blues with an edge... Grab a friend and hop the first gator down to Rockin' the Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid! This party will be full of fun, friendship and awesome blues tunes! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Such a Gentleman.

ARACNO AIRWAYS office at SPACEPORT (*) in EUROPA. Humans NOT ALLOWED... If you enter, well... take a look for yourself and never complain about the sentence "The curiosity killed the cat" lolol

(*) At welcome area or at MAGABAGA Mall, there is a big tp board to that destination.

Jimmy Olsen: My apologies. Aracno Airways was not offering properly its "service". had to redo script little bit, guess people they came today havent seen all of it. its working now. yesterday
I promised a longer time ago to create more characters out of Froggy Ponds costumes. The first 3 new ones are ready! Voila may I introduce you to Gary Goatee, Larry Lobster and Lucky Ducky? If you are interested you can grab them on Lionbeach,next to the landing point.. Happy weekend all!!!
Half time with Dj DWayne At Club Paradise
✽WHO: DJ DWayne✽
✽WHEN: 3-5 pm AMV✽
✽Clothing Optional Beach Club ✽
✽✽✽✽(。☯‿☯。)✽✽✽✽ Paradise
Dj DWayne At Club Paradise
✽WHO: DJ DWayne✽
✽WHEN: 3-5 pm AMV✽
✽Clothing Optional Beach Club ✽
✽✽✽✽(。☯‿☯。)✽✽✽✽ Paradise
Let your users contact you for two-way conversation through telegram for instant help access.

Creating a script to allow in-world users of OpenSimulator to chat with a channel on Telegram requires the use of HTTP requests. This involves creating a bot on Telegram that can receive and send messages, and an LSL script in Second Life to interact with this bot.

Step 1: Create a Telegram Bot
Open Telegram and search for BotFather.
Start a chat with BotFather and use the /start command.
Use the /newbot command to create a new bot, and follow the prompts to name it and get the token.
Step 2: Create a Webhook to Communicate with Telegram
You'll need a server to handle messages between OpenSimulator and Telegram. Here's a simple example using Python and Flask.


from flask import Flask, request
import requests

app = Flask(__name__)


@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def webhook():
data = request.json
message = data['message']['text']
return "ok", 200

def send_message_to_telegram(message):
url = f"{TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessa..."
payload = {
'chat_id': TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID,
'text': message
}, json=payload)

def send_message_to_sl(message):
# This function should handle sending the message to Second Life.

if __name__ == '__main__':
Set up the webhook URL for your bot using:

Step 3: Create the LSL Script in OpenSimulator
The following LSL script will send a message to the webhook on your server. The server will then send this message to the Telegram channel.


string webhook_url = "http:///webhook";

llOwnerSay("Telegram chat bot script active.");

touch_start(integer total_number)
llOwnerSay("Please type your message to send to Telegram:");

listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
// Prepare the message
string json = llEscapeURL("{\"message\": {\"text\": \"" + message + "\"}}");

// Send the message to the webhook
llHTTPRequest(webhook_url, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/json"], json);

llOwnerSay("Message sent to Telegram: " + message);

on_rez(integer start_param)

changed(integer change)
if (change & CHANGED_OWNER)
Step 4: Set Up a Listener in LSL for Telegram Messages
If you want to receive messages from Telegram in OpenSimulator, you need to implement the send_message_to_sl function on your server and an HTTP server in LSL to listen for incoming messages.

Example of setting up an HTTP server in LSL:


llOwnerSay("Telegram listener script active.");
llHTTPRequest(webhook_url, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/json"], json);

http_request(key request_id, string method, string body)
if (method == "POST")
// Decode the incoming message
string message = llJsonGetValue(body, ["message", "text"]);

// Send the message to local chat
llSay(0, "Telegram: " + message);
This setup involves running a server to handle the communication between OpenSimulator and Telegram. The example assumes familiarity with web server deployment. For a more robust solution, consider using a cloud service to host the server.

FreshVirtualWorld: 2 days ago

-Zoree Jupiter Live
-2:00-3:00pm a
-Osgrid Events Plaza
-Casual Fun! Friendly atmosphere! Come Join us!
-Music Variety
♥𝕋𝕒𝕩𝕚↘ Plaza

Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
DJ Alex comes on fire, guys at 3 pm grid time! with the hottest tunes for everyone to set the mood. Yes! because it's always time to party. What's the reason for it? Well... we are PARTY PEOPLE!
Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together. Drop this link into your map; Lagoon

Rocking at Osgrid! Wooooot!

★★★ P A R T Y ! ! ! ★★★
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄
█▓▒░✖DJ: ➜✯ Genie
█▓▒░✖WHEN: ➜✯ Start: 20 Uhr
█▓▒░✖WHERE: ➜✯ !i!TOSCA !i!
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

The shops are filling up with wonderful things!

For the foodies!!!!!

SN Nola Swimsuit
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach


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