Mike Chase @mike.chase


Co-Owner (with Calliope Andel) of Utopia Skye Grid and primary maintainer. I have a long history working with grid technology as a user and developer. I was one of the primary contributors to InWorldz grid tech. during it's heyday. Still trying to move the ball forward in OpenSim despite a somewhat dysfunctional technical community. I'm Mike Chase on any grid you;d fine me including SL.


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OpenSim lacks the support for the upload capability to do this. You might be able to do it with an existing picture in inventory but the upload CAP isnt implemented in Core.
it used to be u right clicked the saved outfit and clicked take pic and it did it with the in world camera, now that doesn't work.
Its possible that previously the viewer did the work for you to upload and apply from inventory. LL moved that to a new capability which OpenSim does not support and so now it fails. The viewer most likely replaced the old mechanism with the capability and replaced the old functionality with it.
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Well, since OpenSIm Core Master is now YEngine only (XEngine was removed with the port to dotnet 6) I'd say YEngine is a very clear choice.
Thanks for the reply :) what do you think of those who still have and have the possibility of XEngine waiting for the release of I ask this because some people complain about problems with YEngine related to the engine, for example when closing some regions they give an error related to the relevant framework. Is it possible that YEngine is not yet stable enough compared to XEngine even if it is better and more advanced? For me it's a difficult choice...
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Tries to find something worth debating in there? Looks more like 2 distinct statements to me
The aim is not to have yet another debate on these reoccurring endless debates, but to comment about what is said over and over and over again on the topic. I could only recall these two.
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Thank you Mike, I do love links to the SL MP stores so I can buy the products I find here over in SL if I have a mind to. Many of the mesh bodies and clothes I have in SL were bought as a result of being able to try them here first.
Well said, thank you.
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What version of the viewer are you using. This was an issue that was supposed to be fixed in the new 6.6.14 version. If that is what you are using looks like a fix got missed on Linux and it should be reported as a bug
Firestorm 6.6.14 (69596) Aug 1 2023 12:26:51 (64bit / SSE2) (Firestorm-Releasex64) with OpenSimulator support
Release Notes

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10500 CPU @ 3.10GHz (4248.6 MHz)
Memory: 22229 MB (Used: 652 MB)
Concurrency: 12
OS Version: Linux 6.1.0-11-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.38-4 (2023-08-08) x86_64
Graphics Card Vendor: Intel
Graphics Card: Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 (CML GT2)
Graphics Card Memory: 0 MB

OpenGL Version: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 22.3.6

RestrainedLove API: (disabled)
libcurl Version: libcurl/7.81.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1l zlib/1.2.11.zlib-ng nghttp2/1.25.0
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v8.2
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.02.15
CEF: 92.0.27+g274abcf+chromium-92.0.4515.159
Chromium: 92.0.4515.159
LibVLC Version: Using gstreamer 1.0
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Settings mode: Firestorm
Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Grey)
Window size: 1723x1007 px
Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi)
Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt
UI Scaling: 1
Draw distance: 1024 m
Bandwidth: 500 kbit/s
LOD factor: 2
Render quality: Medium-Low (2/7)
Advanced Lighting Model: Yes
Texture memory: 384 MB (1)
Disk cache: Max size 2048.0 MB (72.3% used)
Built with GCC version 100300
September 07 2023 10:46:25 SLT
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This is a really gross oversimplification of the software industry and especially open source software. Sure some things are done for free by people who are passionate about them. Sometimes those people take donations and I'm sure buying someone a beer when they have put so much work into a project you like and appreciate is not only noble. It ought to be considerate and common sense.

There are a number of people who like to say that OpenSim was created so everything could be free. Well in fact a very large part of OpenSim was made by commercial interests or people who had their work funded by commercial interests. There are some projects that are complex enough that they really require some investment to get off the ground. And yes, you're correct its possible to monetize opensource software through services as Redhat and some of the Linux companies do. But the developers that do the actual work in those companies. They get a paycheck. And we should all be glad they do. Since creating software, especially complex systems is hard.

It was perhaps naive to think that the OpenSim community would step up to crowdfund a voice replacement. For the most part OpenSim users have demonstrated time and again that they dont want to pay for much of anything. But there was nothing immoral or evil in asking. And if the project had been funded and delivered this community would have the benefit of a replacement for voice should it go away (also because a commercial interest decides that continuing to provide a service with no way to monetize it isn't in their interest).
Start by paying Ubit, Fred, and all the Opensimulator contributors, then. Here, it seems like all you're doing is asking for money. Regarding the concept of "crudeness" in the software environment, the fact is that Linux distributions, Libreoffice, and many other tools are FREE. They are free, and if you want extra services, you pay for them. It seems that EchoVoice and IMA are just another scam like other things. After all, they worked on a viewer that was eventually abandoned at version, derived from Alchemy Viewer, no less! So, before writing nonsense, do your research. Pay the authors of Firestorm before making unfounded claims about programmers. Pay Ubit, pay Fred, pay all the developers who donate their time to keep you in Opensimulator. Pay for this site regularly, just pay! Then, when you show me that you've paid all these people at least $2 each every month and all the producers of free software you use, websites, and more, then maybe I'll believe the words of people who promote non-scientific or "physical" payment projects. I won't tolerate comments asking people for money anymore; it's disgraceful. If people knew about EchoVoice and didn't donate until the fundraising campaign was closed, it means they're not interested. $60,000 for a project? Are we kidding? A programmer doesn't get $60,000 for a project, and there aren't many details on the IMA website.
I think you must really just like to hear yourself talk. Mostly your just speaking nonsense. Firstly, I'm not asking for money. Possible you didnt mean that but you did say it in a response to my message. And it's you who are making unfounded claims about an industry you're clearly ignorant of. Take a look on a job board. An entry level developer just out of college could very well make $60k a year and that doesn't include the cost of benefits and so on. Someone with the kind of experience to work on OpenSim or a spatialized voice project would likely be compensated quite a bit more. If what you mean to say is you don't think that a commercial development approach should be used to enhance OpenSim, well then, I'd say you get what you pay for. But shooting your mouth off and pretending there is some ethical issue with a person asking for money to fund a project of this nature is wrong headed. And again just a case of you wanting to bitch about something to hear yourself talk.

As I said, the IMA folks were perhaps naive when they chose to take a commercial development funding approach to getting this project done. But unless you have a stack of developers who all love to work for free. Thats not likely to happen. OpenSim users as I said don't feel they should have to pay for anything. Or at least enough do that the environment is toxic when it comes to things like this. Getting any kind of serious funding for OpenSim is essentially impossible. Its not taken seriously. So on my fork I work on it as my time permits and perhaps one day the software quality and stability will be there, and it will be possible to get it funded.

So basically give it a rest. IMA can at worst be accused of being Naive. At least they aren't subjecting everyone here to ridiculous uninformed rants because they like to hear themselves talk. I'd say in my book thats the bigger crime.
I don't even read your entire comment, you are a person who is part of a for-profit activity, so IMA, consequently, being created for the purpose of profiting from its "users" or "customers" (whichever you prefer), must operate to make a profit. This is logical, and you can make up anything you want, but the rest of the comments from those who have experience with IMA demonstrate that YOU HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING REALLY USEFUL, not even a project that is genuinely highlighted on your poor and poorly updated website.

So, if I have to decide who to fund for a complex project like the Voice dedicated exclusively to Opensimulator among for-profit companies, I choose a company that has a well-stocked portfolio of work and offers guarantees, is serious and experienced in the field.

How can you expect to ask for money for a "charitable" purpose when your Home Page clearly states that you are a for-profit company? Do you know how companies work? They invest and sell products; you should do the same, bring something concrete and sell your product.

Everything you write (which I didn't even read in full, the first few lines where you claim to be IMA and represent it were enough for me) is certainly the usual words used in certain product sales strategies to convince people to pay.

That's not what Opensimulator needs. I'll let the comments of people who have had direct experience with you and IMA speak for themselves. I repeat, from your poor website, where you declare yourself for-profit, there is no valid project, and nothing on that site is useful for the Opensimulator community. So I may say silly things, as you claim, but I base my opinions on facts, and the facts are these: you are asking for money for something that DOES NOT EXIST and has already been rejected by Opensimulator users because you didn't reach the required quota (fortunately).

By the way, what happened to the $750 previously raised?
I would like to clarify a bit on the ScenGate viewer project, no money RL$$ was ever asked to be donated for the completion of this ill fated IMA OS based viewer. Shelenn Ayres ran it as an experiment with a college class she was currently teaching. Her students did the majority of the coding. To be honest with you the end result was not the success hoped for.
I wonder where the 725$ of that fundraising went. Did they pay it back , or did they have a garden BBQ. To me , as already said, just another try to cheat people. Yes...very cloudy answers at HG business, what they planned.
You can ask the perpetrators themselves in person virtually every Wednesday night EST at 8:00pm, they regularly advertise the weekly IMA meeting of the minds here, on OpenSimWorld.
It's worth a visit, and to clarify the situation a bit further, Maria of HG Business was totally against publishing or promoting the IMA's EchoVoice project. It took much badgering by Shelenn Ayres, and her cohort Seth the two figureheads of the IMA that I am familiar with, to finally convince her to do so.
8pm EST is my 2am in EU pfff.. We had IMA in metropolis grid back then...Just blabla without any increasing anything to Opensim. This is just a waste of time. Maria has a long story of journalism. I better trust her than this IMA thing! And if that fundraising would have beeen a serious thing: Why didnt they explain that in HG business what they did with the money? They never did and kept that approx 725$ for themselves. So bottom of line: another cheating to get money from good believing people! Forget IMA shit
I don't know what happened to that money. I can only speculate as to whether it was returned or not, no proof or interest in proving one way or another. I am just happy that I was not the person to initiate this entire "InfinateMetaverseAlliace" scam conversation here. I did feel a need to state the facts as I see them.
Aye. This is what I ment. Its BS to take momney (again) from good meaning people and never tell where that donations went. This just increases the non-fund willing. And this is then understandable. But then the great projects wont ever get money..bad idiots are out there always
thank you :_)
Thank you for clarifying Scenegate. Maria, except for trusting individuals like Boam... for the rest, she's a smart enough woman to sense if something is fishy. That's probably why she didn't want to talk about EchoVoice; it didn't convince her then, and perhaps it still doesn't. The fact remains that it's an openly profit-driven company, so why should I give them my money? There are thousands out there that can meet the requirements and have a rich portfolio of successful, non-failed projects, unlike theirs.
@OpenLife / all of our lives are constantly changing, evolving, and the elders in OpenSIm are ageing, we all live and learn. I am happy to have been a part of this discussion, and want to sincerely thank you for helping to expose the "InfiniteMetaverseAlliace" or "IMA" for what they are.
It's me who thanks you for participating in the discussion :) If you think about it, there's nothing on that website (IMA) that is truly useful for Opensimulator.
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The location probably shouldn't matter. The fact that it was full of ripped SL content should. Maybe if people put effort into creating new unique content for OpenSIm that might be a thing worth supporting. As it is this collective just becomes a new mechanism for distributing stolen content, Russian or not.
Mike. Thank you for your effort with The Creators Guild. OS does need more original content. If anyone is a creator and not already part of The Creators Guild, I encourage you to contact Mike and find out how to get involved.
80% + is SL based. It's a never ending discussion. It is like it is.
OpenSim is anarchy, if people want to build their own they do so... if not they copy stuff.
As a grid owner you surely would never get me to host a region and accept the liability for all the stolen content there. The issue here is the ask is for someone to accept that and bring Adachi back. I wouldn't ever choose to be a party to that and honestly Adachi should just quietly go away.
You are wise to be cautious. But you might want to speak to Oni to see what legal consequences he has faced in all of these years.

Adachi was just one part of the CopyKat grid, albeit the major driver of traffic there. I'm not sure people would agree to having the #2 region in OS traffic quietly go away. I read all the kudos to Oni and all of the enthusiasm about the emergence of the CopyKat Collective. I think we are not dead yet.

But again, thanks for your effort to foster the creation of original content in OS
OS is 99.9% stolen content, and everything in Adachi regions was found from what was in OS already and taken to Adachi, none was uploaded from CK. If you don't like it, there's the door.
I think the true figure is 99.8%. Just kidding. But yes, Oni welcomed people bringing content to Adachi. And, to be honest, much of the stuff at Adachi was old, by Oni's admission. What made the difference was, old or new, the content as always free and full-perm, and people liked that. A lot.
You will have a special place in heaven :)
Have a nice weekend Mike
Satan was Yahweh's favorite angel in heaven, until he got evicted. Got to watch your step, even up there.
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Miss Delgato, so sorry we are missing each other's messages. I did reply a few times but it looks like the messages aren't delivered unless I am on your grid directly (or you on mine). Probably a configuration issue of some sort. Regardless I am happy to try and help with any issues you are having with the OsCollar distribution. It's not a for fee supported product but I do endeavor to provide support for it as part of hosting the distribution. When I have a moment I'll come to your grid and send a message and hopefully we can re-establish communication.
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It is so refreshing to see excellent original created content, Thank you for making it available and even better, for free.