Jasminecliodhna @jasminecliodhna

australia Offline


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thanks Jamie yes already been there looked at a lot of places but no one seems to have the ones i want one person told me if i find a burger king(hungry jacks) or get one built let them know because no one seems to have them in opensim
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yes jamie looked there got it but not full kit
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no i havent i am in wolf territories grid
if this is still available would love it thanks
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lovely as always luna love your places
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im sorry copper you have pulled me up on things like this a few times i am sorry for being so dumb but it is confusing on where to put everything in here doesnt seem to matter where i put them im wrong with you so i guess from now on i wont ask anything thank you for shutting me up
Dont mix things up here because of your poor remembrances. It was you back then who posted something in multiple categories, and web owner said that. It wasnt me who said this. So: stay with the truth and not just remember my name you heard somewhere in your brain! If you write here about what you think you saw..then stay with the truth!
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Thank You Lone yes you are not about greed, or dictatorship you are slowly gaining my trust back. The fact you keep everyone informed about what is happening and you work hard with people to get things right shows not only trust but good customer service thank you for your hard work and dedication so far a darn good grid owner and manager
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yes i did we have them but unfortunately no Australian trees lol
I have some eucalyptus and a wattle I can pass to you as well as a koala in a tree that is animated.
ty are you in Wolf Territories or can find me in world im not sure on how to get them into world otherwised
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i owe a big apology to opensim world members you all tried to warn me about alex and avitron and i did say he seemed to have changed and i would give him the benefit of doubt but i have learnt. he shut off hypergrid yes then he took away the free land even if you stayed the 12 months he stipulated then because he couldnt understand things he tried to blame everyone else but himself. then changed the TOS and didnt let anyone know so here i find myself on a new grid having to rebuild it all again 13 months down the drain of building our city. makes me very wary to trust anyone again. so i am very sorry for doubting people
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wow thank you so much Roisin, and yes you left an impression on me your tastes are unique but i loved doing this house for you your input was so helpful. When i furnish a house or do a complete body makeover for people I always try to help them no matter what if i can do something i look for the answer or help in fixing the problem. In what ever i do I am not happy unless the client is happy, when they are happy and satisfied only then will i say i am finished and i have achieved something. Again thank you for such a wonderful review
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sorry its too late now we have moved to the another grid
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like i said i have a mind of my own i test things and form my own opinion yes you may warn but to openly bash people instead of saying look beware of this person or grid and leave it at that. what i am saying is then stop then going on to openly tell they world whether they want to know or not all even though some of it you do not know the whole story. but then i suppose that is just the nature of some people which is why so many wars and arguements and hatred starts what a poor world we live in shalom to you
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i have read the good and the bad i have gone to a lot of the other grids and would like to say one thing stop the comments stop the bashing until your grid is perfect how many of the other grids have things stolen from SL. This Opensim address seems to have gone to drama and bullying and bashing people please can we go back to the helpful opensim and the joy to come to read the interesting comments
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i have had two people send my proposals and prices one is turning out to be not good the other i seem to have lost the details from so i am open to more proposals we are with aviworlds atm on a private server with no say in what we do or can do we have 96 regions at this stage due to issues and no support from aviworlds we would like to move and looking for someone that is willing to rent us a private server at the price we have now with our own grid and rules am really hoping the one i lost will contact us again
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okay not sure im in aviworlds and we are on a private server but the grid owner has all the controls i think atm just worried with all the crashes aviworlds is having atm that it might go down one to many times and we lose everything and with 96 sim/regions we have put a lot of work into the city so would like to back up my inventory and our whole regions
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yes did look but found someone better priced and offered more of what we wanted thanks anyway
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oh no i didnt thanks for that. just looked and not really much there was hoping for a few different genres thanks anyway
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sorry was typing it late at night. what i am after is either a car and lock that opens doors, or a keycard and swipe machine. We have two hotels at present that we are outfitting, here at City of Serenity. We are trying to make things look authentic as in each room has a lock of some sort that needs a guest to open. Imaging a hotel you going to stay at and the door to your room thats what i want and opening system. I have been looking for a key i can hang on a hotel key board but to no avail and if i use a keycard system i need to be able to put room number and logo on it. Thank you
Putting a texture on a card is not hard to do...but the rest... Especially that "hanging a key on a board" doesnt sound easy. A key then hast to be copy able..and what if the one keeps the key, and another one shall only have permission to enter... mm..
it's okay copper thanks to everyone for your help but my clever virtual world hubby who has built lots of things and scripted them in SL and some things in Aviworlds now is doing one for us. I was just trying to cut down on his work load lol with so much to do at Serenity and SerenityII
Awesome! Resourceful scripters can do magic things :-) Btw..I saw such card keys first about 20 years ago at hotels in Las Vegas...so..not such a new thing ^^. But they never put any logo or number onto it, because..If one loses it, then a thief could easily find the room and steal ;-)
he thought of that so he is working on a script that allows a menu for the owner to change the identity number for that room lol im not sure what he means but if someone didnt hand the key back it would end up being useless to them with the way he is scripting and making it.