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Region name has changed. But the beacon wont make the change
This region was in another grid. Now I moved it to my own grid. Therefore I entered the new HG adress http://arcana-grid.info:8002/
But instead to appear HG Welcome Center, it still shows the old name Hope.
Do I need to delete the whole listing and make it from scratch? Actually I expected that the new HG URI would result in the right region name.
What shall I do?
My free Wedding and Honeymoon OAR
NOTE: The castle I had used, was found to be copybotted from SL. I have deleted it from my Inventory and backups. Orignal in SL here:
Keep or delete it, you know it now. I hope you decide to do the right thing :)

I have rezzed a legal castle by Max Hill (Ignus Fatus Creations) to replace the stolen one and that fits exactla on the spot here:
login.digiworldz.com:8002:Hope (in the buildings store)
May 1, 2017 the Sirens Grotto Mall has switched to using Gloebit. If you haven not registered with Gloebit, a pop up will let you go to the page to register and use that account in any and every place selling with Gloebit.
What do you find in the Mall? Men and Women Fashion, shoes, jewelry, art and much more. Please visit there might be something you would like to purchase :)