Jamie Wright @annawright


Content and info removed due to the lack of moderation on the site.

This site is monetized. People buy coins to post on the mainpage using RL money. People can choose to do paid ads to showcase their regions and content. People also pay for premium memberships to have extra features. But the moderation is next to nil. Yes, a recent troll was FINALLY removed after DAYS of toxic barrage. But it took way too long. And while the account was removed, the box was not cleared of their comments.

Yes we can block people. But since griefers and trolls make countless alts it's a constant issue. If you're making money off a site, it needs to be moderated. The site owner and manager needs to try to ensure that users have a good or bare minimum usable experience.

And while I recognize that one person may not be able to manage it all, there's been no effort to recruit other moderators. And I do think any potential new moderators should be paid for their time and effort. After all, the site makes money off the many users who pay into it.

It's feeling pretty frustrating and futile right now. This can be a great tool to connect with other OpenSim folks. And it's a great way to see what people are building and find new regions. For the folks who like parties, they can see events. But yeah it's been more irritation than joy lately.

KrisTina: kicks it back up 10 days ago