Suzi_Avonside @Suzi_Avonside

Caerdydd, Cymru Offline

Wedi bod gwmpas am sbel... Ers 2010 yn achos OSG

Liked posts

Kind regards from faraway Germany.^^

Xenon Darrow: Lovely! 😍 4 days ago
With seasonal textures included and smooth animation on leaves! All available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA (ground area), BOX 02. Enjoy :)

(*) Old versions still inside the box.

Xenon Darrow: There he goes...making more beauty for OpenSim. 6 days ago

These tears are delicious....

Nico Kalani: Glen's actions are simply not how emotionally sound adults behave. I don't imagine it will change. 7 days ago

I dance only for you, Glenn, the friendliest, likeable man in Opensimworld.^^

Xenon Darrow: 🪇💃🪇👯🪇🧚🪇 7 days ago

Come on, simple patriot, I'm waiting for you.

Hi guys!
I said I'd be gone for a couple weeks and then LIFE happened!
I'm back, uploading more legal original creations soon....

Me reading Glenn's charmingly funny posts.^^

LeonitasLionheart: Gonna also add that Glenn made a positive compliment on lone wolf's post, and I gave said compliment a like. I like positivity and rationality. I do not like politics or religion in my place of relaxa... 8 days ago

VickiJoanne: There's a problem with the very concept of "hate speech" and that is WHO exactly gets to define it? In The Box we've seen the recurrent appearance of one or more people who are clearly either trollin... 9 days ago
The Love Is Love Alliance
We promote LGBT community-building activities in OS, such as identifying and promoting places that celebrate pride, individuality, and diversity. Membership is open to all people and places supportive of our purpose and those working to promote it.

Join us:

Jupiter Rowland: Jamie, if you're a member, you may want to advertise which ever Birch Grove sim you've currently got online. I guess they all have the Pride Shop now. 10 days ago
I'd like to announce that I'm going on vacation from OS for a time. But I've been on a vacation from OS already, for maybe two months now, and I'd have to interrupt my vacation to say that I'm not going on vacation because I'm already on vacation. So, no announcements. Mainly because, at this point, I'm confused about the whole vacation thing. However, while I'm pretty sure I'm on vacation from OS, I still log in to OSW on occasion to check on the What Are You Looking For group. The helpers there have been, and continue to be, incredible! Anyways, if you want to send me a message, I'm likely to see it, and I might just answer.

thedeeferry: Fly like an eagle... enjoy... come back zoon. 16 days ago Lab

The Mech Lab Egg Hunt is on! Gear up and scramble to find 4 hidden eggs scattered around the Lab. Each egg cracks open to reveal a different awesome Mech Model!

Get ready to search high and low, pilots!

Your Clues:
Egg 1: G-Suit Gambit

Amongst the gear that pilots don, a hidden Mech awaits, ready to spawn.

Egg 2: Fountain Fortune

By the water's flowing gleam, a Mech Model waits in a parkland dream.

Egg 3: Secret Lab Stash

Deep within the hidden Levels lair, a Mech Model's secrets wait to share.

Egg 4: Hangar Hideaway

Soar through the hangar high and wide, a Mech Model's waiting, where giants reside.

Happy Weekend!

LeonitasLionheart: very cool and ty! they look amazing. are you working towards making them fully operational some day...scripted, animated, fireable weapons with damage, etc? so cool, either way. long as they aren't u... 1 month ago
Let's talk about child avatar criteria for a moment.

This is Juno, my little in-world sister. Little as in one year younger. What she's wearing is something she isn't too unlikely to wear these days. It's still quite chilly outside after all.

Those of you who know her won't doubt that she's a grown-up woman. But there's a whole lot about her that may qualify her as an underage avatar. I'm not even joking.

Yes, on the one hand, protection against paedos and their unlawful ageplay is a necessity; see also Safine's most recent post:

On the other hand, paedos are trying to circumvent countermeasures. Add to this the most recent drama about Lindens being directly involved in sexual ageplay in Second Life.

As a result, sim owners ramp up their countermeasures. This goes well beyond more and more sims redefining the Adult rating as "G-rated, but no child avatars allowed". It's likely that the signs that an avatar is underage will be "upgraded", too.

And the wide-spread anti-underage paranoia has made them absolutely ridiculous quite a while ago already. There's so much that could qualify Juno here as a kid.

Let me sum it up.

First of all, her height. The most blatant sign and the only one that triggers auto-bans. She's "only" 1.74m which is 5'8½". Many childgates still run on default settings which ban everyone under 1.80m. And I guess their number will increase as more and more sim owners decide that 1.60m or 1.70m doesn't cut it anymore. I'm pretty sure Juno has fallen victim to childgates twice already.

The other criteria are purely visual.

Her shape is somewhat close to realistic. Her head is about ⅛ of her body height which is actually still a bit small for a real-life woman. By OpenSim standards, however, her head is rather large in comparison with her body height. This reeks of a kid shape.

Next, look at her skin tone. In early April in real life, this is a fairly typical skin tone. In OpenSim, however, grown-ups are basically required to have a deep tan. Even most goths have darker skins than Juno. The only avatars with such light skins are child avatars. Well, and Juno, but if you don't know her, you're easy to take her for a kid because her skin is so light.

Now, look at her face. Look at her lips. No pumped-up boat lips. This is what real-life lips look like, but in OpenSim, the only avatars with such thin lips are either male avatars or child avatars. Since she doesn't have a perma-stubble or a full beard, she can't be the former.

Anything else you notice about her face? Right, no make-up whatsoever. Practically all other adult female avatars out there at least wear lipstick. She doesn't even wear that. Well, sometimes she does, but not here, not now. Makes her look like a kid in comparison.

Speaking of make-up, look at her hands. No nail polish. AFAIK, not a single one of the popular female mesh bodies lets you go without nail polish. Especially Athena doesn't. So basically, if a female avatar doesn't wear nail polish, it's either a classic, mesh-less layer-and-prim avatar from, like, 2007 or a child avatar. And Juno doesn't look like she doesn't have a mesh body.

And her hair? Yes, that's a bob. In real life, it was a rather popular hairstyle in the 1960s. In OpenSim, hair significantly shorter than shoulder length is probably the second-most child-like girl hairstyle right after twin pigtails. As an adult woman, she should be expected to have a long lush mane. I've never seen a single female avatar with Paige hair. Black could be a saving throw because little girls are usually blond, but not necessarily.

Let's continue with her clothes.

She's covering a whole lot of skin, more than almost all other female avatars. Granted, most little girl avatars show a whole lot more skin, too. Just look at those super-short skirts that seem to be a requirement for underage girl avatars. But grown-up female avatars are basically expected to do the same. Thus, covering up makes her look less adult.

So does the rather loose fit of her clothes. Adult female avatars may be allowed to wear long denim jeans, but only of the skin-tight kind. But while Juno's jeans are labelled slim fit, they look rather like something a little boy could wear.

Her pullover gives the impression that she doesn't have a waist. You know what other avatars don't have much of a waist? Good thing she doesn't have a petite body because there's no petite variant of her body, otherwise she'd look almost flat in this pullover. Also, that shade of teal might be questionable at least. It'd be worse if that pullover was pink, but she doesn't have it in pink.

Finally, her footwear. She's wearing flat shoes. Adult female avatars are expected to always walk around on 6" heels. In fact, she's even wearing sneakers. Flat sneakers. Even tip-toe sneakers are questionable, but unless worn by a manly man, they're little girl material.

And if that wasn't enough, she's wearing them with white socks. The only hosiery adult female avatars may wear in OpenSim is nylon stockings, Zettai Ryouiki-style, showing skin on the thighs above. Socks are pretty much exclusively worn by children, so what does that make Juno?

I bet that if Juno wore this to events in places whose owners don't know her, chances are she'd be banned on the spot for being a kid. Good thing her usual party styles are of the kind that causes her to be accused of dressing like a grandma instead.

TrishiaOConnell: if no one like children avatars, why are there so many shops for childrens clothes? 2 months ago
Recently I have had a number of people requesting that I allow child avatars at friends-grid and I want to discuss this openly and honestly.

It is not my place to try and push my morals and values upon others....however, as a grid owner, it is my place to learn the laws of every country involved. In this situation, I need to understand the Child pornography laws of not only where our servers are located, but I also had to research and learn the laws of every country we have residents and guests from. We currently have residents from 30 countries and guests from another 35. People who say "laws dont apply " are incorrect on this subject. You may have servers in one country.....but all the laws of your resident's countries come into play also.

A good thing to remember is that because you have gotten away with something for 10 years does not make it legal. You may never get caught....and then again.....somebody with a grudge may turn you in.

I want to point out a recent post by Jerralyn Franzic . Jerralyn showed the cutest childs outfit ever! ....and she also made the wisest statement ...."I don't understand the hatred towards child avis in Open Sim. Sure, they shouldn't engage in adult activities and maybe not hang in Adult sims but otherwise, what's the problem?" Personally I would love to see kids riding ponies at my farm....and having fun being mermaids. If everyone in child avi were to abide by Jerralyn's statement, there would not be an issue.

However, lets talk about reality. Not all child avis are simply riding ponies and playing in the water. The simple truth is that many (not all) of these child avis are having sex. Some grids use this to boost their traffic. In some countries, including US, the graphic illustration of a child online having sex is 100% illegal. You see, it does not matter if the person behind the computer is 12 or 52......the visual computer generated depiction of a child (child avatar) involved in sex is very illegal in a number of countries. 18 U.S.C. § 2252 Many people will say their countries are different....and this is stupid. I did not make laws........but I need to abide by them. Before people jump on this and criticize me ....I would suggest you read the laws of your country....your servers country...and the laws of all your residents or guests. There are many misinformed people on this subject. I am not saying the laws are right or wrong......but learn the laws.....then comment. You need to learn laws for your servers country...and all your guests countries. This post is not about is about laws....of all the countries involved.

I have spent over 200 hours reading international laws. Some countries allow things that others do not. However, you have to consider all the laws because of guests.

In I hate kids and kids avis......nooooooo. I would love to be able to allow them to come to friends grid. However, this is a less than perfect world in which we live, and I have to look at the potential liability of allowing those child avis. Because of that, Child avis are not allowed on exceptions! I am sad....because there are some wonderful people in kids avis that I do not get to have visit.

Friends-grid is an Adult community and we are looking for adults, with adult avi's who want to make this their main opensim home.

Sodasullivan: I think this is the proper way to address this issue Safine. You are setting the rules YOU are comfortable with on YOUR region. I am fine having my region open to everyone as long as they agree to fol... 2 months ago
Worlds First In World Midi Player (Sorta)
I created the first practical in world midi player. By midi player meaning being able to convert midi files into notecards for in world scripts to play back on animated musical instruments. To say the difficulty in programming and ensuring that it remains in sync was a world war 3 battle. You can check it playing a song here!

Jupiter Rowland: It's even better if you see it in-world. Oh, and it can handle a full HG Safari as its audience without breaking down. 3 months ago
EUROPA, the SIM where rumors swirl as Bill Gates mysteriously insists on selling Windows OS with a syringe, sparking wild conspiracies about hidden microchips and secret vaccine updates in every byte!

***JUNIPER COMMON MESH SHRUB PACK NEW RELEASE*** Seasonal textures included // V1 e V2 (2 versions) // Smooth animation on leaves! Available for FREE and FULL PERM at BOX 01, GARDEN AREA. Enjoy :)

I have a sudden illness and am dismantling Christmas things in RL and also on SL/"the big grid", be back with new releases after the OS grid maintenance

Now starting at $139. Quad core, runs debian or ubuntu, backlit keyboard, trackball built in, wifi, cellular data. A portable fantasy console. Uses 2 replaceable rechargeable 16560 batteries.

Warning ....the underwater world at friends-grid has over 5,000 fish and sea animals. Those with allergies should approach with caution.

Some of our most awesome residents are noobies!

PinDeluca: Awww I love him !!!!! Where can i get one ? 8 months ago
Early Winter Present, 2x2 Var region .oar with snow terrain, and ice lake, falling particle snow, and terraformed terrain with snowy pine trees, all ready for you to build your perfect winter sim.

This is a file for you to use, not a sim to visit.

KatKakoola: Looks wonderful thank you so much! Going for my winter coat :) 8 months ago

KrisTina: Evil never ran away from hippies holding a peace sign, would be nice if they did. 9 months ago

Visitors Center - Nor-Cal Region

If I have a region listed "no fly" it is for a reason, mostly because if you fly in those regions you will miss the beauty of the hard work that was done to make it worth visiting in the first place. I know everybody likes to get around fast and if a region owner makes their land that you can fly over it that's all well and good, but if they have it set to no fly, why not respect that. I watched someone arrive, wait a moment, then they were flying which meant they had to use the command to allow them to override my settings and that, no matter how you cut it, is disrespectful and rude. So from now on, if I am on and I catch you flying in my no fly regions you will be banned, not because you flew but because you disrespected my settings and overrode them. I really don't mean to be a b**ch about things but this kind of blatant disrespect really gives me the red a**. Further when I spoke to this person they just hovered above me for a while then left without answering, again, very rude and disrespectful. Truth is, if you ask me nicely I would probably let you fly, and I also have teleporters out for fast travel through the region. Just don't use the command to override the settings I have. Thank you. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Fred Beckhusen, aka Ferd Frederi: Prim a collider over their head to stop it. TP them back. Problem solved 10 months ago
Arabello's Veil is a fictitious place set in the current time with a touch of the ancient past mixed in. It is reminiscent of North-Western Europe; Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. You may see a 21st century building at one point, and a 4th Century tower right next to it. Arabello's Veil has a quaint town square for some light shopping and many places to explore.

Suzi_Avonside: Amazing landscape that I enjoyed wandering around. I wasn't so impressed with the architecture as it seemed to me more reminiscent of Central Europe and North America rather than the Celtic Fringe. Th... 11 months ago
UPDATE: The CopyKat Collective hosts the Tribute Club on their Collective Central Region: Central

Grand Opening of the Oni Kiri Tribute Region
Sat., July 1st, 12pm OS time
At Adachi in Blackswan

The home Adachi region has been recreated on the Blackswan Grid as a memorial to Adachi and a tribute to Oni. Adachi will continue to be a place to gather, dance, and share -- and make -- new memories.

Look for a comment here sometime soon about the region opening early for a sneak preview.

Please note: This Oni Tribute and Adachi Memorial is not a shopping region. The complete Adachi regions with shopping will be sponsored by CopyKat Collective members when we find an affordable server. The Collective members' shops and regions are now hosted on other grids. Visit these by way of the CopyKat Collective TP board at those locations and at Adachi.

Nico "CoolKat" Kailani: Hey! Does anyone have an Adachi tee? It would be fun to have them at the grand opening! 11 months ago

Some people love to sail

Some people live to sail

at friends-grid, we do both!

photo by Serina Gee

Safinemahoe2: Welcome Home Dini! 12 months ago
Boss Sly loved to have Betty the Secretary kick his pickle.

Meanwhile, in OS... Xinashi is back. Find us at

Sol Et Luna Dance Zone.
Treehouse Park. (where lumberjack AVs are still prohibited)
Rocket Club.
Isle De Fleur.
Lighthouse Bar.

Yoga Center.

Alphabet Club.
BDSM Warehouse.
Sparta Gyms.
Dead-End Drive-In.


All formerly on CopyKat Grid. Now on Friends Grid.

Serina Gee: So great to see Xinashi back and so much fun to explore the rest of Xinashi after a shopping trip. Worth bringing a friend if you visit some of the other parts of Xinashi * winks and grins * ....if y... 12 months ago
Feeling the gentle sway of the horse beneath you as it navigates the winding path between towering trees and lush foliage. The sound of the rain tapping against the leaves overhead is soothing, and you feel invigorated by the fresh, tropical air.

As you ride deeper into the forest, you spot vibrant flowers in every color of the rainbow. Some are cascading down from tree trunks, while others are perched high above your head on vines. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blossoms and the buzz of hummingbirds flitting from one flower to the next.

Monkey calls echo through the trees, and you catch glimpses of chimpanzees swinging from branch to branch. You marvel at the natural beauty all around you, feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience such wonder.

As the rain begins to taper off, you come upon a clearing where a group of macaws are preening in a tree. Their magnificent colors are a feast for your eyes, and you sit quietly on your horse, just taking it all in.

As the sun begins to peak through the trees, you dismount your horse and take a moment to thank it for the amazing experience. You leave the rainforest feeling refreshed, and in awe of the stunningly beautiful place we call home.

Carmen Jewel: You describe Paradise so beautifully. :) 12 months ago
it is a beautiful morning to tour friends-grid

1. Stop by my friend Nico's Oh Hello store on the Xinashi region. you gotta be styling while you tour!
2. head to the Friend's Marina and do some sailing
3.Take an upclose look at the 17 waterfalls pictured here
4.head over to Aquamica to see an amazing underwater could spend hours in this huge build!
5. go to Friends Stables and ride a horse to the satyr farm , and on to the rain forest jungle
6. Take out frustrations at roleplay sim Annihilation.....smashing buildings and shooting zombies
7. Surf and wind surf at Aquamica
8. Explore the Darwin Eco Project
9. try the Yoga at Xinashi

and most importantly.......make a few new friends!

if we are out, come back again, we would love to meet you!

pic & landscape by Pin DeLuca
friends-grid is OPEN!

What is friends-grid and the Friends region?

friends—grid is a sailing community (connected regions) that was built by a group of friends in 2023 and is owned by Safine Mahoe. You don’t have to sail, but if you do, you will love it!

Friends are the only thing that is important in Open Sim, nothing else really matters. As Woodrow Wilson said , “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”

The Friends region is the heart of friends-grid. On this region, you will find Friends Stables, multiple satyr farms, trails through the rainforest, a large Marina to assist with your boating needs and the most beautiful waterfalls you will find anywhere!

In addition to the Friends Region, you will also find teleports to : Xinashi región with Oh Hello store, Annihilation role play region, Aquamica region with some of the largest and most detailed underwater worlds, Clearwater II with the Darwin Eco Project and many other regions being developed.

A limited number of free rentals are available, however, we are looking for people who want to be involved in our community, not simply collect free houses on every grid.

If you want to be a part of this amazing community, please contact Safine Mahoe if online.

If I am offline, please message safinemahoe2 on
What to do if you missed out on vivox voice? Well. There is a free program for windows/linux/mac called mumble. It has 2 parts. a program that you run as a small server, and a program that you run as a client. Mumble currently supports over 30 games, including such games as call of duty with an overlay plugin. An overlay plugin is not yet developed for opensimulator, however... Here are the instructions to do that if you want a game overlay plugin for opensimulator.
BUT you don't have to do all that. You can just run the mumble server, then you and your friends can download the mumble client on their mac, linux box, or windows pc, and they can easily connect to your mumble server. Once everyone is on your mumble server they can type chat to each other, or talk voice to each other over their microphone. The game overlay part just adds additional features to the game, so that it appears your voice is coming from a specific location, rather than being ubiquitous. If you have any questions on how to set up your own private voice server, please msg me, and I will help you. :)

MrSnoodle: While this is good, It requires more than just the viewer for it to work for the end user. What advantage does Mumble have over Discord or Skype, other than the server is running on your machine? Does... 1 years ago
- Different choices on colors! Very handy for power towers, airplanes or even for your venue!
- Really low lag! Not using a laggy blinking script that one can`t see in far away distances, instead - it`s using an animated texture!
PS. Textures and script (if needed) are also available!
PS1 - Teleport to DISCO sector to grab a FREE and FULLPERM copy!

Enjoy :)

Suzi_Avonside: For the confused, like I was, it's the Disco section! 1 years ago

