SangBeaumont @SangBeaumont

Italia Online

Just a noob here with 13 years of SL


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WOW....Paparazzi are back....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Nice African looking land. Good music stream, original afro sounds.
Thanks for visiting :) Yes I have been exploring music from all over Africa for many years - planning to turn this sim into an exploration of African music with a focus on Southern Africa.
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why placing an entry here, with no access for anybody ? At least, say it "Land just for me and my strict friends"
Simply make yourself an account on and you are in ;)
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Apologyze for previous not exact comment. Scripts working whenever you wear the group tag. Wear it, not enough having in list.
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No access also from Craft...WTF do you place such a destination if unreachable ? Make yr own site only....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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why no access at all from ZetaGrid ?
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Ora accesso chiuso a non Astralia, pare....Peccato
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SIM looks still private and closed..... :-((
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impossible to enter this grid. Compiled several times the "accept terms" page, but always not recognized. Fake
hello i am sorry , what grid are you tring to come from ? we have loads of HG folks that visit all the time so not sure of the problem , i am on a region on DW Grid
Can't access from ZetaWorlds, but also from Craft and Osgrid the attempts were unsuccessful. That means after some attempts, usually, one... gives up. If it worth or doesn't, will remains unknown.
Hi Trynatie,

Thanks for the info.
I've checked the database and this is true the user has tried many times, but each attempt to authorize the avatar was incorrect.
With each attempt to authorize from zetaworlds, they didn't include the port number in the login url.

I see attempts also from OSGrid, and craft world, but both of them look correct so long as the avatar uuid they provided is good.

Thank you for your support of DigiWorldz!

Terry Ford
DigiWorldz, LLC
ok thank you i will ask and look into this and see if we can figure out a solution and again i am sorry , are you having issues to digi grid or just to this region ?
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wonderful land, managed by a wonderful person. Five stars