MrSnoodle @MrSnoodle

uk Online

I like to make stuff

Dream Grid question
My dyslexic friend has setup a dream grid world, but he messed up his name when setting it up. He wants to correct it, but is unsure if he can change it without having to delete everything and start over.
Is it possible to change the main accounts name somehow?

The only part in the UI where his name is shown is under the Wifi section. If he changes it there will that update it just for the WiFi website or will it change it everywhere within the grid like logging in to the world and estate/region ownership too?

He is cautious to change anything in case it messes everything up.

Missing assets in my package
I noticed i have at least two missing assets in my satyr farm package so far.
I'm missing the SF Sea Water bucket that the SF Sea Water pump is supposed to rez.
I'm also missing the SF Cow form the SF Animal Rezzer.

I have picked up 4 packages from various places (including OpenSimWorld on OSGrid) trying to find a complete working system, but every one from the various places around the HG all have the same issue.

I have tried/found
SatyrFarm Package v.2018.11.32
SatyrFarm Package v.2018.11.30

Doses anyone have a working asset of these items?

VinSkaa: It happened to me with Sea wate pump, but I found one that is working. I'll send you copy inworld. 10 months ago
Invisiprim question
Years a go invisprims were a thing and they could be used to hide the water and stop it showing through the bottom of a boat for example.

I made a boat and for it to sit at the correct height in the water it means the inside is flooded. I tried the old invisiprim trick but it no longer works, or I'm doing it wrong.

Is there a new method that we can use these days?