Miriam Blackbart @Maddyb

Tarnburg, Counter Earth Offline

Just a friendly Kajira

Joined 2 years ago

About Myself

Tal Masters, Mistress, and girls! I'm just a friendly Kajira here to explore! Feel free to say hi!

My Interests

3d modelling, texturing, singing, shopping, dressing up, dolls, videogames

I'm Looking For

People to talk to.

Favorite Quote

“The Only Me Is Me. Are You Sure The Only You Is You?” (Silent Hills P.T.)

Music I Like

Duvet - Boa, End of Small Sanctuary -Akira Yamaoka, Dark Wave Surfer - Aural Vampire, Bat Country - Avenged Seven Fold

Films I Like

Eraserhead, Voices of a Distant Star,

Books I Like

Portrait of a Lady

Viewer Version



Windows 10
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080
16.0 GB Ram

My Regions

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My Reviews

GOR Sardar Fair

Friendly and welcoming group. Obviously it's a gorian sim so you'll need to expect that if you'll be RPing here. They have regular chats in OOC chat area as well. If this kinda thing interests you I highly recommend it!

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