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Enjoy riding a horse through the rainforest, pausing to enjoy the beauty of the waterfalls and listening to the tranquil sound of the cascading water. The lush greenery around you is teeming with life, and you can hear the chirping of birds and buzzing of insects as you make your way through the rainforest.

The horse beneath you is well-trained and sure-footed, carefully making its way over the rocky terrain and across streams. As you ride, you take in the sights and sounds of the rainforest, feeling a sense of peace and relaxation wash over you.

As you approach a majestic waterfall, you dismount from your horse and take a moment to admire the stunning view. The cool mist from the falls hits your face, and you feel rejuvenated and invigorated.

You spend some time at the waterfall, enjoying the tranquility of the rainforest and the power of nature before mounting your horse once again and continuing on your journey.

As you ride through the rainforest, you realize that this experience is one of a kind and something that you will never forget

, taking in each moment and feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience such beauty.


opening June 15

Some people call it heaven,
other people call it home


opening June 15

Serina Gee: Some are lucky enough to call it both!! 12 months ago
So ganz verstehe ich diese Welt nicht mehr? Es wird sich einerseits darüber aufgergegt wenn etwas kopiert wird , dann aber wiederum von den selben Leuten kopiert und auch wiederum in dehnen ihren Shops ausgestellt. Man soll doch froh sein wenn es andere gibt die ihre Sachen frei zur Verfügung stellen die hier sonst niemand bekommt. Hochachtung vor diesen leuten die alle möglich machen um uns ihre Artikel Kostenlos zur Verfügung stellen ! Warum immer nur Neid und Hass? ich kopier mir auch Sachen und jeder der zu mir kommt kann auch diese kopieren. Das ist doch fair oder? Ich selber bin am Aufbau von Häuser, die ich selber hier baue ,und troztdem werden sie für alle kopier sein. Es wird sich über SL aufgeregt , nur wenn wir alle so weitermachen sind wir doch nicht besser oder? Sperrt eure Sim nicht zu..macht keine Gruppen auf privat..sowas ist einfach nur unfair.Wir sind alle open in Sim..für einander da..das wichtigste was es gibt.Gebt dem Kommerz keine Chance .-) gebt doch jedem eine chance das zu sein was er möchte ohne Gruppe ohne Mitgliedschaft , sondern nur das was er einfach toll findet, und freut euch doch darüber das es Menschen gibt die eure Artikel haben wollen.-)) Ist das denn nicht das schönste.-))) LG.-))☻

ADULT_LIFE: Thorben unfair wird es dann, und das ist mittlerweile Gang und Gebe hier, dass viele dieser User die Dinge auf diversen Sims einsammeln und über eine Datenbank Manipulation diese Dinge auf Ihren Namen... 1 years ago
Important message.
We are in process to make the Reborn store and male hair shop with new hairs at the SIM.
No worry we will open as soon as we are done with both stores.
Angie Owner
Santorini shop

Early morning harrow- or the early bird gets the worm.

I love cotton candy . )))


Jupiter Rowland: Hast du die alten Strumpfhosen aktualisiert? Frage für eine Verwandte. 1 years ago

News at Camballa
Bakeley -Set in 4 colors
metals in Gold-Silver-Bronze
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
greet yours
Karin Beckers

UPDATE March 3rd : New version 2.1 with newly created high-LoD meshprim

16 Charsx5 per line= 80 Chars Mesh XYzzyText Message Boards: grab yourself a copy at
(For Arkham grid members: you need a special VIP Group Account to get access, please contact our grid administrator)

KrisTina: Very useful, well done! 1 years ago

Nach einer ganzen Woche Krankheit im Bett .. bin ich nun wieder für Euch am machen :) .. Valentinstag ist bald .. darum hab ich am Landepunkt ein wenig aufgestellt für Euch

La Cittadella Di Rachel: Schön 1 years ago

Vikings Lofoten

New @ Moonrose Mall
Viola Dress

Adore: beautiful done Great Theme 1 years ago
Experimenting with hearding of animals with different heights on EAS region

They all stay nicely on the ground (or prim) auto-adjusting their height to the leader's.

Kelso.Uxlay: Really cool - keep working on this! 1 years ago

Many portals to other regions and grids.
From shopping to adventure.

I wrote this post with invisible ink.

(Well most of it).


Kerzenschein und Christlaterne leuchten hell die Weihnacht ein.
Glocken läuten nah und ferne,
Friede soll auf Erden sein.
Wir wünschen dir gesegnete Weihnachtsfeiertage
und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!
Genie & Bella
Candlelight and Christmas lantern brightly illuminate Christmas.
Bells ring near and far,
Peace shall be on earth.
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a good start into the new year!
Genie & Bella

Sending our Love and Peace to You All

The Christmas Market @ Winterfest, Alternate Metaverse Grid

Visit one of OpenSim's best ever Christmas Markets for all your Decorating and Gift Giving Needs! 22 Market stalls filled with goodness from edibles to Dinkie wear to Christmas animeshes, decorations, Trees & so much more! Open now - All content is free! While there explore the region, go ice fishing, skating, skiing or peek in on Santa at his workshop!
Part of Winterfest- Alternate Metaverse Grid. What do YOUR Christmas fantasies look like? Market

Kelso.Uxlay: Well done! 1 years ago

NEWs at my Mainstore :))

NEWs at my Mainstore :))

Joyeux deuxième dimanche de l'Avent
Schönen Zweiten Advent Sonntag
Merry 2dn Sunday of Advent
This traditional Advent Candles is available at our Xmas Market
There is a flame in its content so you can lightup candles every Sunday

Dabici132: If you came to get this centerpiece, I am sorry... for reason that I can't explain, it was impossible to take a copy. It is now set to buy for $0 and was checked with my alternate from another grid. ... 1 years ago
We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very blessed and happy and safe Christmas and a blessed, happy, safe and prosperous New Year. May your families know peace and your children know joy and safety and may it be a year when we show chaste love to one another. Merry Christmas from our houses to yours.

for the 2nd advent new on camballa

KarinBecker: Thanks Jackie i love it to 1 years ago

For male
for the 2nd advent new on camballa

Symphony: Fuzzy! \0/ 1 years ago
Come and participate to our Advent Hunt 2022 from Dec. 1st to Xmas.
Once you are out of the Xmas Globe, walk toward the Greehouse nearby
The calendar in a shape of tree is very obvious
Click the Xmas Bauble on the ground to get info on the Hunt
Have Fun !

Kelso.Uxlay: Merci pour le commentaire et le like sur la région 2 years ago
Upgraded the horse rezzer script from the popular NPC horse rezzer to an "All-in-One" Animesh Horse Rezzer, with a load of features in the animesh horse.
Tip: to avoid the horse from dying, remove the "animesh horse rez" script, and have it roam around an area of your region or parcel, follow other horses, and other options.

One of the major benefits of the animesh horse is that it can cross regions (if allowed by the sim owner).
When you own the animesh horse, you can wear it an teleport around.

ThundergodThor: Positively awesome, I love it! The horses are so realistic looking. Awesome job Roland! 2 years ago

Very warm feets now we hope they dont start to smell