Jupiter Rowland @JupiterRowland

Germany (Real Reality™), Dorenas World (virtual reality), OSgrid (secondary virtual reality) Online

Far-travelled on the Hypergrid and convinced of Roth2 v2.


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I'd say the vehicle Sarah Kline offers in her shop at Wright Plaza qualifies as one.

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At least she was good enough to avoid bumping into me. Unlike certain other scoundrels.

I'm not entirely to blame for Forest barfing onto my pith helmet.
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Any plans to rescue this sim by moving it over to ZetaWorlds? I mean, I know it's been an unfinished WIP for years, and the owner might not even have logged in in years, but still.
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Here are a few addresses for furniture made in and for OpenSim.

Bibiana Bombinante's Encantada is not only a great source for plants, but you can also find some furniture including kitchen cupboards with animated doors:

If you're into art déco, check out Aaack Aardvark's ArcadiaShop:

A little known place for some basic unscripted furniture is the Small Mall at Ronda:

Looking for dining-room furniture? Snik Snoodle has made some. Grab it at Merci:

Of course, for furniture, Linda Kellie's last OAR, Clutterfly, is always worth a visit. I recommend Arielle Delamerlibre's Clutterfly Extension in Dereos because Ari has her own furniture shop in it:
If it doesn't work for you, try Clutterfly Redux in Kitely:

Few people know that Linda herself has converted some of her furniture from archaic MLP to PMAC. I myself have converted most of it plus the bathtub set to SFposer, and I'm working on more conversions straight from MLP. You can get my conversions at the DropBox:
They're also available at the Kaufrausch Mega-Store in Santiago, along with original furniture by Klarabella Karamell:

Lastly, I really need to make the Saisons Freebies box by Cherry Manga available somewhere.
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Jamie, if you're a member, you may want to advertise which ever Birch Grove sim you've currently got online. I guess they all have the Pride Shop now.
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It isn't really easy for experienced MMO gamers to get into SL either. No quests, no level-grinding, no stats whatsoever except your L$ account, no railroading, no telling you what to do at all, and the handling of the inventory and the way avatars are built confuses and alienates the hell out of them.

I've once watched a video of a Swedish gamer who tries out SL for the first time. He spends some ten minutes aimlessly derping around the same he has landed on. He absolutely had no clue what to do and how to do it. He obviously hadn't read anything about SL because why read up when you can rely on learning-by-doing tutorials? Only that SL doesn't railroad you into a tutorial because it doesn't have one in the first place. So after these ten minutes, he quit because SL sucks.

9 out of 10 new SL users only log in once and then never again.
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Interestingly, the same Hamlet used to badmouth OpenSim whenever he could years ago. Okay, he did write positively about it even earler.

And until he learned about Wolf Territories, he thought that OpenSim as a whole was coming to its end because he hadn't heard anything about it over the last few years. Makes me wonder about his sources of information.
He interviewed me :-)
Possibly because he wasn't seeing any updates to the Opensim code as that information is not easily found anymore.
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The problem isn't simply that OpenSim has too few people. It's rather that too few OpenSim users even care for immersion and character play/light roleplay. (Shameless self-advertisement: I've created a group for this. https://opensimworld.com/groups/1069 ) Some reject it outright, some even insult those who do care as idiots who are "doing OpenSim wrong". For many, OpenSim is nothing but a 3-D chat in a fancy environment.

You can see it everywhere.

You can see it in the avatars. Male avatars clad in heavy black leather on tropical beaches, just because they always have to look badass. Female avatars in micro-minidresses and 6-inch platform sandals with 12-inch spike heels both on sandy beaches and on Christmas sims covered in snow and ice, just because they always have to max their sexiness out. Okay, partly also because many popular freebie sims simply don't offer them anything that'd work better. Also, avatars that completely change their hairstyle or even skin tone on a daily basis.

Also, if you walk away from a party so that people won't see you teleport away, you're a weirdo. You're expected to do as everyone else does and teleport away right from the dancefloor.

You can see it on the sims. Paths that are purely decorational and completely useless because they can't be walked, but the sim owner doesn't know because they've never walked them themselves, and they don't care because they don't think anyone else would walk these paths.

Having to teleport over distances that'd be short enough for a walk of a few seconds, but the sim is decorated in such a way that it's impossible to walk. Or at least having to walk through lots of flowers that grow in your only possible way between the landing-point and an important location on the sim because the sim owner has literally never walked around their own sim even once and always flies everywhere, and visitors are expected to use a teleporter for a distance of, like, 50 metres.

Walking actually being required, but with a slope in the way that'd even be too steep for stairs in real life. And you don't have any stairs in-world, you have to crawl up that hill.

Beaches on which you can dance, play Greedy and fuck, but swimming is impossible because the sim owner doesn't even take it into consideration. Also, changing clothes in an immersive way is impossible because the sim is General-rated, but there's no place where an avatar can hide to change clothes.

Personal homes in which all added furniture is only for sex and/or BDSM, but there's not even a working bathroom unless it's pre-installed in that house.

Almost all restaurants, cafés etc. everywhere lacking scripted furniture. Sometimes any furniture. They're just fillers on a big urban-style freebie sim. Bonus points for having to walk on green grass to get from the sidewalk to the restaurant entrance.

Park benches freshly ripped from SL, but unscripted. Although several park benches with working sit scripts, even legal ones, are readily available in OpenSim. But unless it's sex furniture, who needs sit scripts anyway, right?

Islands completely surrounded by rocks with not even one measly wooden landing pier. How are people and supplies supposed to get there and back again? With a helicopter landing in the sand between palm trees?

Most OpenSim users don't even know that something like immersion exists. And they clearly don't care a bit.

Send them to one of those Cuteulala Artis amusement park sims. They won't ride the coasters and the waterslides and all that. Instead, they'll complain that they can't copy anything. This is also why the rides are often broken on these sims: Nobody ever tries them, so the sim owners don't know.

And RP sim owners are wondering why nobody comes to roleplay?
You nailed it accurately Jupiter! Very well said!
100% TRUE!
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Also, they can have things they can't have in SL.

An entire region without having to pay a fortune. A whole lot of regions actually whereas you're already a tycoon in SL with two regions.

Shit-tons of the latest top-notch premium luxury stuff in their inventories for absolutely free.

They don't even care for roleplaying. They're too busy hoarding freebies and building their sims that hardly anyone will come visit.
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Passion is the new Spartacus.
I thought my stupid NJ Senator Corey Booker was. He claimed it lol
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In fact, for productive, daily-driver grids, I'd suggest sticking with stable releases. And even then I'd only upgrade to a new stable release if I knew for certain enough that it hasn't blown up in anyone's face.

Fortunately, OpenSim itself isn't currently in a state in which there's only a painfully outdated stable release, and some everyday features are only available in bleeding-edge alpha versions.
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Never Depot has lots of untextured roof parts. And other parts for buildings as well.

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We'll never be able to agree upon one mandatory standard for everything.

I mean, there are sims and, I think, even entire grids which are Adult-rated, but whose uptight owners defined the Adult rating as "G-rated, but no child avatars allowed". I wouldn't be too surprised if they tried to push this definition into becoming the one mandatory standard for all of OpenSim.
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On certain German grids, this is the absolute default to the point that regulars at these events wonder why the hell nobody is voicing elsewhere.
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"you look like a child avatar or a tween"

What are your criteria for this?

Under 6 feet/183cm?
Boobs smaller than standard Athena?
Certain hairstyles?
Heels too low?
Wearing too bright colours?
Wearing bright pink without looking like Jessica Biatchi?
Covering up too much/in the wrong way?
Generally not looking sexy/badass enough?

Examples, and yes, I have to bring this back: https://opensimworld.com/post/108261
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The sim, maybe even the entire grid, still runs OpenSim, an old stable version that's superseded by four newer stable versions already. was the very first version with BoM support, but only with very basic BoM support.

OpenSim does not know universal layers yet, though. It must have been around which introduced full BoM support when universal layers were introduced.

This message comes when your avatar wears a universal layer. You can tell them by the symbol, three red rectangles. Ruth2 v4 uses them for optional nail polish, and I think EvoX heads use them for something else, I don't know what, I've got zero experience with EvoX.

If you take the universal layer off, you should be able to enter the sim, regardless of body or head.
I cannot update to version 0.9. Because no-one can be bothered to sort out the NPC system I use in 0.8. It just doesn't work in 0.9. My region rely's on the NPC system. Otherwiise I might as well shut the region down and after 10 years building and updating this region that is a waste.
you really should update to keep things up to snuff, however if you can't due to npc system, search spax orion, he may be able to help. i know he has an npc system that may work for u
Thanks Mistress. Like I said If I cannot use the NPC system my region is useless. I dont want to resort to static avatars that cannot do anything or animesh that all look alike that just jiggle about.
There are many different animesh people, that all don't look a-like. You can add different animations, to do different things.
They cannot communicate and talk to each other.
spax orion should be able to help you
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AFAIK, there's a notecard for that inside the OSW beacon that's empty by default. I don't remember its name right now, though.
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Okay, hier sind mehr deutschsprachige wöchentliche Events:

Dienstag, 20.00 Uhr bis ca. 22.00 Uhr: Rubeus' musikalische Rumpelkiste
DJ: Rubeus Helgerud
Keine festgelegten Genres, manchmal festgelegtes Thema
Verschiedene Locations, Gridtalk, Dorenas World
hop://dorenas-world.de:8002/Gridtalk/237/175/22 (Frühjahr, Herbst)
hop://dorenas-world.de:8002/Gridtalk/41/153/22 (Sommer)
hop://dorenas-world.de:8002/Gridtalk/60/62/31 oder hop://dorenas-world.de:8002/Gridtalk/36/14/22 (Winter)
(evtl. auf der Karte gucken; eine von drei Locations je nach Jahreszeit; das Event ist nicht am Hauptlandeplatz und zumindest im Winter in einem Gebäude mit zwei Stockwerken)

Erster Mittwoch im Monat, 20.00 Uhr bis 23.00 Uhr: Doppelparty im Bluewave Club
DJs: Dereos, Akira Sonoda
Nicht zwingend festgelegte Genres, manchmal festgelegtes Thema
Pyramid, OSgrid

Zweiter bis vorletzter Mittwoch im Monat, 20.00 Uhr bis 23.00 Uhr: Doppelparty
DJs: Dereos, Akira Sonoda
Nicht zwingend festgelegte Genres, manchmal festgelegtes Thema
Bluewave, Dereos

Letzter Mittwoch im Monat, 20.00 Uhr bis 23.00 Uhr: Clubparty in wechselnder Location
DJ: Malon Wyngard
Selten festgelegtes Genre, manchmal festgelegte Ära, durchweg älteres Zeug
Manhattan Loft Party Location (momentan meistens) oder Beatclub oder Moka Efti, Dereos (wird dienstags von Rubeus und am vorherigen Mittwoch von Akira angekündigt)
hop://dereos.org:80/Malons sunny Island/234/48/1664

Donnerstag, 20.00 Uhr (mit Vorprogramm noch früher) bis 22.00 Uhr: Budenzauber
DJ: Bogus Curry
Häufig grob festgelegtes Genre und dann gern blueslastig
Keule, Gridtalk, Dorenas World
hop://dorenas-world.de:8002/Gridtalk/214/198/22 (evtl. auf der Karte gucken; das Event ist nicht am Hauptlandeplatz und in einem Gebäude ohne Fenster)

Freitag, 19.00 Uhr bis Mitternacht: Rock-House
DJ: Anachron Young
Selten festgelegtes Genre, meistens festgelegtes Thema (+ traditionelles "Take Five" gegen 20.00 Uhr)
Rock-House, Nihilon, Dorenas World
hop://dorenas-world.de:8002/Nihilon/247/152/23 (dann im einzigen Gebäude in der Gegend; zur Not auf der Karte gucken)
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Suchst du Club-Gebäude, also Objekte, oder Club-Partys, also Events?

Falls letzteres, dann hätte ich noch ein paar Tips für deutschsprachige Events Dienstag bis Freitag, die hier nicht als Events angekündigt werden.
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Won't somebody think of the...



You don't want her to sit in anything that doesn't have leaf springs all around!