GeoPortal @GeoPortal

United States Offline

J Perez (Geo) GeoPortal He was born in Santa Isabel, a town in the south of Puerto Rico. From a humble cradle, with dreams of improvement. With the ability to break down the limits of the imposed borders, of free thought, he aspires to a better quality of life for the human being with respect for nature and all living beings. He has the firm conviction that he has been chosen to bring a message

Joined 1 years ago

About Myself

I would say I am a creator of educational toys,
building administrator and author of alien and futuristic books at the same time I create pages in Metaverse Opensim and more with alien or space themes.

My Interests

Soy un contactado de naves espaciales amis 13 anos en 1973, Quiero llevar el mensaje que me dieron mi proposito liberar sus mentes y contarles la verdad y realidad de todos los mundos parallelos y que " Nunca Hemos Estado solos"

Favorite Quote

" Nunca Hemos Estado Solos"

Music I Like


Films I Like

Viajeros en el Tiempo

Books I Like

PortalCodeRHN-G The Trilogy, By JPerez.

My Heroes

My grandfather Luis Colon

OpenSimulator Version


Viewer Version



Desktop AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 3.60 GHz

My Regions

0 0 0 Users
Complejo de Islas regiones Con tematicas alinijenas ,naves espaciales ecenarios qqqqqqqqqqqque te llevan a muchas iluciones como los oscuro roll play alinijenas ,Disco,Historia real de mis libro PortalcodeRHN-G plasmada en la tematica unica en el mundo rl y fision para visitar hay regalos y mas .
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Constelacion de Orion 2
2 2 hop:80:Constelacion de Orion 2 0 Users
The complex of Islands regions With alien themes, spaceships scenarios that take you to many illusions such as the dark role play aliens, Disco, True story of my books PortalcodeRHN-G embodied in the unique theme in the world and fission to visit there are gifts and plus.
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