Illinois Offline

Blues lover


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Yes i think DOC and them was having same issue get a hold of doc.
Thanks Dallas! I will do that! This is very alarming! every single item in the shops has been changed to my name! I did not make them! :(
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Remove the Indiana and you can get there
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I am one to speak my mind, and for this, I am sorry. Maybe OpenSim, or even Second Life, isn't for me. I believe you should be treated as you would like to be treated. And what irritates me is when one person comes to your grid and does something wrong; when you get angry, you ban the grid in which they live. I wonder on what grounds people should be punished for wrongdoing. Have you ever taught your children right from wrong and who should be punished? We are going into a new year, and it would be great to go in with good hearts and start over. I am not a Grid owner, but I really love and respect mine. Josh is an awesome young man full of life who I have seen go out of his way to help anyone and not ask for anything in return. I have come to respect this boy in the three years that I have known him because he is very smart when it comes to computers, as well as to people in general. In addition, I can recall many Grid owners I've met who share Josh's high standards. But I will not, because they know who they are. You just need to find them, as I have. Remember that if you own a grid, you are the one who makes the payments and who opens and closes the doors. Just do it wisely and demonstrate that you are smarter than the exit one; this applies to everyone.  Just remember, "Grid Owners," Is it like us in real life, where we own and control our own homes as our grid? Is our grid good or bad? The grid owner makes the choices. Remember that everyone is going through something in their lives; be kind to everyone, even if they are not the better person, and keep smiling. 
Being a grid owner is an honor, and a responsibility.
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After the days i have had i need a Beer Relaxation :P
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We was going to come But seeing we here at AVIWORLDS is not allowed Have a great set!
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Well put!! Is the damn truth lol the storys of many i can tell of who has came in DALLAS they get better every day!!! I got played from 1 and thats all it took 1 but it is sad because the good ones keep kicked also :P
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Loved it nice work :))
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why send me home i came to visit your sim you have landing in damn water but thats fine you crashed me and i will never enter your sim again! hope you never visit mine
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Everybody wants to Change the world but nobody wants to change the toilet paper Roll its up to you to make the difference . Wish it was my words! Because this is so true!! Thank you Adore for the great words.
Thank Diamond
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Homes was up-dated and all taken at this time. Keep checking if anyone is looking.
Can we have a LM plz?
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Keep up the good work looking good :)
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Thank you enjoyed the sim and the music :) Check this place out :) Max is doing a great job hehehe :)