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Buzzy Cnayl @Cnayl_Rainbow

UK Offline

Developer of VivoSim Virtual Life


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It would be really great if the dev's could explain the advantages of some of these new features. For instance I see osParticleSystem is a new thing but why use that over the standard lsl particles etc. New ossl functions seem to get added at random (on a whim!) whilst things people have asked for never appear sometimes!
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Also, slightly different perhaps, but I do have a swimming HUD in the freebies store at hg.vivosim.net:8002
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Sorry about that, the servers had just gone through an update and something got broke. That's now fixed but I've activated both those accounts for you. Just log in with whichever you prefer and I'll then remove the other.
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If you use the VivoSim version you can rez animals as 'pets' and these don't need feeding. Support website is https://vivosim.net and store is in world at hg.vivosim.net:8002
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Partners is not actually part of standard OpenSim but there is a script at https://www.outworldz.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=1123 that may work with Dreamgrid
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The NPC farmer only tops up water. You can set them to make slop and store that, then set the feeders to take from there.
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Just checked and it is a known bug with the latest Firestorm viewer. Good news is they have a fix so hopefully things will be back to working on the next release! https://jira.firestormviewer.org/browse/FIRE-32626
Yeah, Austin and I have both filed bug reports. Good thing they could fix it by partially reverting a change in the latest version.

I hope we'll soon see whether the fix works as expected.
Thanks Jupiter :)
Thanks so much for your reply. That does make sense - I was sure they worked before (on older Firestorm viewers). Interestingly it only seems to be the latest OS view - the SL viewer works fine with SL.

Now I know it's not just me - and is likely to be fixed next version I'm happy. Thanks again :)
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So as to not create any confusion, I've moved it over to https://opensimulator.social
I hope you've notified the other users of the move. I had to re-add two, yourself included.
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I will add some information to the user guide all about pets very soon!
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Do you mean the star (✦) next to your profile name? If so see https://opensimworld.com/promos/gopro
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If you have the latest animals, you can click on them for menu then select Info, and it will show you what it eats from. The other way is that it is set in the AN_CONFIG notecard.
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A 'must visit' place! Great to see that OpenSim does have good quality, non-ripped items. Fabulous!
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I found that going from X to Y is more than just simply changing the settings in the ini file! Bugs/Quirks that work in X don't always work in Y (and vice versa) so watching the console/scanning the log files when you switch is essential to see all the things that fail! I'd say it's worth doing, but depending on how many regions and scripts you have, you may need to decide just how much downtime you are going to get as you fix all the compatibility issues.
I had way too many console errors as a result of switching to Y (temporarily) last night. Some would mention the script name, others would use some string of characters I do not understand and I would have no clue on locating the problematic item.
One thing that I believe can cause issues is not clearing out the ScriptEngines folder before restarting. i.e. you should shut down the sim, make the INI file changes to switch X off and Y on, then delete everything in ScriptEngines folder, then start up.
I renamed the ScriptEngines folder and it generated a new one... this way I have a backup of my X script states. I should have mentioned this in my prior post...
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You can make yarn using the SatyrFarm Vat to dye thread. https://quintonia.net/recipes
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You make it with the "SatyrFarm Distillery" ( more info at https://quintonia.net/forum/recipes/135-distillery )
Thanks Buzzy
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You make it with the "SatyrFarm Distillery"
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For the duck (and any animal) you can click on it and select the 'Info' button to find out which feeder it eats from.
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Thanks for pointing out the link, have fixed that now. The 'SatyrFarm Kitchen' is the cooking pot. You can see which item it is on this page https://quintonia.net/information/user-guide/chapter-2-sta...
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Hello there and thanks for the post :-) I have to confess I was initially going to use opensim.social as the 'social' but then I found that the .world was on a special offer and at the time it didn't even occur to me about this website so I wasn't trying to conflict or anything. Anyway at the moment this website and the mastodon instance (why don't they call them servers!) are not related in any way other than they are both great resources for sharing and connecting in OpenSim!