Katana Hart @97791


I am a Bubbly person kind and willing to help where i can!! Happy to be on AMV and not have any drama like Sl, still part of it but not spending my money!!! LOl hope to make lots of friends here!!


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How is having a RP baby a disgrace in opensim who is dillusional enough to think anyone can cause harm with a mesh baby i miss my kids in sl and i have to go back there my husband keeps wanting to leave opensim no matter how free material things are other t hings are not free and this is suppose to be a virtual place where whatever you do is none of anyone's business as long as your not causing human life harm it suppose to be fantasy where you can do as you please or want except for the sickos and definitely cant blame the whole world for the things sickos do, that's like saying the whole world should not have children or be around children because R.Kelly is a sicko!!! i love to ROLE PLAY it makes my time with my family fun we want to see more vacation spots and camping places and restaurants
to go eat at in opensim there is nothing but dancing and it gets boring!!!
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@nico i am looking to say whatever i want to say with this post and again if you don't like what i am saying read and move on!! TY like i said i just think its not fair to pay for what others have done PERIOD!!! Its crazy no one should be controlled and this should be a free game for all to play and do as they please that's what i am saying!!
Is it necessary to be rude? Nico doesn't deserve to be talked to this way, She only asked you a reasonable question. Most people are not interested in babies in Open Sim. At least no one I know. I know where you can find some babies if you are interested. Probably not what you are looking for. If you want babies like you can find in Second Life, then you may need to go back there. JS.
She won't see this message. Someone needed to move on...and it wasn't me. :) IM her with the info if you like. And thanks for calling out the rudeness.
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@jupiterrowland ty for this info i truly
appreciate it!!
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@sheabutter i could not find a region daytona let me look again!!